
Shirleysburg Swingers in Pennsylvania

Shirleysburg Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Shirleysburg, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Shirleysburg looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Shirleysburg, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Shirleysburg, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Shirleysburg, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Shirleysburg Swingers right away!

Mexico! Come with us!!! :) - Trying to put together a group of Swingers to go to Mexico with us! - I'm sure anyone on our friends list got the previous email about our trip to Mexico and wanting to put a trip together in the spring. If you didn't, well that's the gist of it! Our availability would be between May 9th-17th. Probably thinking 4-5 nights (we have a little one at home so that makes it hard for us to leave for too long) but I'm sure any of you that wanted to could stay longer/shorter could do that. We would probably plan one big group excursion (we did sailboating, snorkling, parasailing and shopping all in one excursion for one day for only $135 total for both of us combined and that wasn't even a group rate) to do one of the days and maybe the bar hopping one night? Other than that there are tons of other excursions to do, or lets face it laying around in the pool with the swim up bar sounds pretty amazing too! So if you are interested in joining us for an awesome vacation (we promise it will be one you NEVER forget!) please email me back. If you have Facebook let me know that too so I can give you the link to the resort and you can check out their fan site and also all our pictures from our trip. Otherwise here is the main website http://www.secretsresorts.com/ Start dreaming of sand, all inclusive amazing food and drinks, ocean-view swim up rooms, and 90 degree weather! -Erica and Ross

Swingers - a couples only lifestyle? - Are singles considered to be swingers? - Oh , I like that term, Humming Bird..... I will start using that one..Mrs.Tart;)

tired of the B>S> - - u know, i don't think we're validated or certified or whatever they call it here on this site. we've been on so many it's hard to keep track. anyway, we're very real and we just don't give a hoot about validations anymore. i guess u could say we've progressed thru maslow's hierarchy of needs for swingers to the self-actualized phase. that's a clever way of saying we no longer give a rat's ass what other people think. ;) we've been swingers since 2003, and we really only went to a lot of parties and sought out new experiences with regularity for the first 2 years. now it's just another "thang" we dabble in from time to time when the mood hits us...mostly on vacation, weekend getaways, and stuff like that. and we really have no ego stake in how many unsolicited emails we do or don't get from people asking us to hook up or inviting us to parties. if we get the itch, we'll look around, find something that piques our curiosity, and send them a message. it's all really no big deal. and we have found that folks who get wrapped around the axle about this stuff are not the kind of folks we want to hang out with anyway.

where are the real people who want to swing - run into to many phonies - There are lots of "real" swingers that aren't "Ken & Barbies" out there. Of course, everybody's idea of "real" and "Ken & Barbie" differ becauase everybody has different tastes in appearance and what swinging is. You will run across those on sites that are just testing the waters, putting up a profile and seeing if they are really ready to, or want to, do this. The key is perserverance. I would also recommend finding out where the clubs or parties are going on in your area and attending those. Meeting people in person can do allot more then just a few small pictures and a a hundred words or so. Mr.

New Relationships - - [quote=EVILDOERS]Yep. Swinging is couples centric. If there weren't couples what would swinging even be? Hooking up. But there are plenty of couples who also like to add the occasional single to the mix. Hell, some even play that way exclusively. As far as single swingers meeting each other to form relationships (if I'm reading you correctly) that's a much tougher row to hoe. We've seen a few singles become couples over the years but they're in the minority unfortunately. The lifestyle is a tough place to date and find love for many reasons. Many couples WILL give you more than a casual look if you indeed have a regular play partner that you can bring to add to the mix. Otherwise you'll just kind of have to resign yourself to the plight of a single guy in the lifestyle. Sorry, life isn't always fair.[/quote] This ^^ it isn't always about "hooking" up. Sometimes it's about having open-minded friends that you can just hang with, sometimes it's about treating your significant other for their birthday... but we all know, she runs the show, if she's not into it, nothing is happening!

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - SPERMINT-are you saying children finding out their parents are in the lifestyle is the "no.1 a reason for children to commit suicide"? Where in the world did you find this information? Just because a couple is in the lifestyle and has children, why is it assumed that "for swinging the children may have now found evidence that the father is not the real father"? Who says the couple was swinging when they were building their family? There are probably a lot of questions for children who discover their parents are swingers but I'm not so sure that this is the first concern. "all i can tell you all here this is one of my professions i have worked with gov. agency for years". Hhhmmmmmm....government agency.... What capacity? Where are you getting this information or where are the studies? ???????????????wow, where to even go with this?

Swingers of Color - - Odd that you say that, because a good many of our experiences have been with African-Americans. Hubby is also half Asian. Guess it depends on what region you live in.

what the f#%@ was he thinking? - swingers still deserve respect - We get that kind of response from single men all the time. We like doing MFM 3somes but that turns my wife off so we just delete them and wait until we write the men. We even have on our profile no single men but they write anyway. You're right though HOTTYZX2, that guy should be shown some respect in a back alley somewhere.

Single Males - Question - As aggravating as it sometimes is, we don't do the block single males option because one of the first swingers we ever had contact with was, and still is, a single guy. On another site we were on we blocked single guys and never heard from our friend, even though we sent him messages from time to time. We finally got an email at our regular mail telling us he couldn't respond to our messages because we had blocked not just the cold messages from unknown guys, but even replies to our own messages. So, if you ever decide to contact that single guy that catches your eye, make sure you unblock or you will never get a reply.

How Do you Find Out - Question about Friends - I disagree with CandJ. I have a buddy that I thought would be cool with it and since he has found out we are swingers he nearly never talks to me anymore. We are car guys and it takes something big to part those ways...

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