
Shamokin Swingers in Pennsylvania

Shamokin Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Shamokin, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Shamokin looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Shamokin, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Shamokin, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Shamokin, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Shamokin Swingers right away!

Ankle bracelet = hot wife ? - - [quote=Relax][quote=EVILDOERS]If Ms. Evil wearing THIS necklace (and pulling on it repeatedly thru the evening) doesn't evoke visions of hotwifery to the vanillas then wearing a generic ankle bracelet sure the fuck isn't going to. [img]https://i.gifer.com/7J7X.gif[/img][/quote] That is hilarious. I think that works so much better than the ankle bracelet.[/quote] Right? And they aren't even that expensive unless you get them in sterling silver or gold. We gave them out as party favors once, back in the day. I vote that these necklaces (you can find them all over the internet) become THE official/unofficial sign for hotwives and/or swingers. Most vanillas wouldn't even know what they are unless you pulled on it to make it erect. LOL

Casual sex - Seems like good news to us. - We've found that its much easier in California to just "hook up" because most of the clubs who cater to swingers have rooms, beds, pools and jacuzzi inside their premises and you bring your own drinks. Most of the times there is food and a bar to serve the drinks you bring so its all there and all you have to do is show up and dance, get naked and have sexy fun (not in that order).

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - Well the first and biggest thing i can see is communication, especially between the couples before they play. I dont know why its so hard to ask your partner whether it be a girl or guy if this is ok and if not just let them know. Your partner needs to know you are here together to expand your experiences and for them, not so you can be selfish and have it all for yourself. I dont know why someone would put themselves in a situation they know from the get-go that they are gunna get jealous about. I mean your not stupid you know if your a jealous person either talk with your partner about it or dont do it. I think the stupid male ego comes into play alot hence why you see it being us guys that start the drama. Ow is he bigger than me, ow is he better than me, ow is she gunna be thinking of him when we have sex, I mean get over yourself!!!! I saw a topic in one of the forums here bout dick size and couldnt believe how many guys are worried bout it. Personally I could care less my woman is with me cause she loves me, its a mutual agreement that we are in this lifestyle not a onesided decision. I am sorry that you had the bad experience but dont blame yourself and roll with it not all of us are like that. As someone already said body language is a HUGE tell tale sign.

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - I think we are what we wish to be so I had better explain this. Swingers are strictly defined as a couple that trade partners in sex. Couples that invite singles into their play are not swinging by a normal

Have you noticed? - Admin. doesn't give a SHIT!!! - [quote=EVILDOERS]Hmmm, yeah I think everyone has noticed but I'm not really sure that it makes all that much difference at this point. Swingsites are slowly dying and will, in the not too distant future, cease to exist...at least in the form that they're in now. The swingsite that was basically the model for Swingular (And ADMIN got kicked off of when he started Swingular.-LOL) is more or less a ghost town at this point. We're lifetime members of both and the other one used to have a HUGE, vibrant, swinger community that was pretty much nationwide and now there are just a handful of people who actively participate in the forums and other features on the webpage. Swingular won't be too far behind (What is Utah, like 5 or 10 years behind the rest of the country? LOL) and even Kasidie will eventually succumb to the pressure of other types of media and even easier ways to connect with others. Additionally, many younger "swingers" are simply bypassing swinging altogether and just hooking up with other people without giving it a label or having any kind of formal community. *shrug* In the meantime, Swingular has become more and more just a venue for people to peddle their services and/or place redundant "classified ads" seeking what they've already stated they're seeking in their profiles. LOL [/quote] Evil your wit and sarcasm never cease to amaze...and I mean that in a good way. You should start a thread on your predictions for swinging in the future. I am sure it will be amusing as well as insightful.

Discretion a Must?!? - Let us know - it worked in our favor, i used to work at a job and an advertising woman who i was very attracted to came in on occasion, she turned everyones head, found her and her man were swingers online much later... it was a good night :)

LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - Completed

Question - do you talk about other swingers? - We have never met anyone from any website so we can't talk about people we havent met. For those we have met in the local club here, we will mention that we played with them and had fun but we NEVER share details and we won't speak badly of a couple even if we didnt enjoy the meeting, because everyone has their own opinions.

Are you a Swinger or Liver? - - Swingers here, our rules are really around our likes or dislikes. Not everyone likes everything or everyone! For example, we hate liver especially with onions, brings back PTSD 😂!!!

Best Halloween activities (corn mazes, haunted houses, etc) - - [quote=Nakedcouple5150]We're the same way lol, we'd love to meet other swingers in a non club/bar atmosphere.[/quote] Would love to do somthing simliar

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