
Roaring Spring Swingers in Pennsylvania

Roaring Spring Swingers

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Poly-Swingers - Moving beyond FWB relationship - No experience. But every relationship is a throw of the dice. If every one is happy with the arrangement, what is the problem. Don't ask the legal aspects.

KEY PARTY - - We 'get' and actually applaud the effort to find some way to avoid the often typical cliquey swing party but still have to wonder how feasible it might be in practice. The problem, as we see it, is that swinging is an atypical social construct in that it is driven almost entirely by superficial factors such as relative attractiveness (age, height, weight, body type, breast size, cock size, and any number of other physical characteristics). When we first started swinging, back around the time Cleopatra was busy inventing hookup culture and the term unicorn, we quickly discovered that swinging wasn't the sexual egalitarian utopia that many people believe it should be. Indeed, there was actually a broad, distinct caste system, if you will, that governed who hooked up with who and who was relegated to the sidelines at least in certain circles or situations. This might be best illustrated by one of our very early encounters with two couples at a swinger meet and greet back east. One of the couples was loudly expounding on their utter disgust with the concept that people in the lifestyle seem to be so "stuck-up" (their term) and were too concerned about "looks" and other superficial characteristics. They went on and on for probably close to an hour before they, I guess, ran out of steam and decided to leave. After they were gone, the other couple at the table laughed a little bit and gave us some fairly sage advice. They told us that we would likely meet three general kinds of swingers in the lifestyle. They said that the first couple was the "Hey, you're swingers and we're swingers so let's fuck!" kind of people and that on the opposite end of the spectrum were the extremely picky, "beautiful people" who spent more time "watching the door" at a swing function always looking for the BBD (bigger, better, deal) and who more often than not left without actually hooking-up/playing. They said that the relatively smaller group in between those two extremes were those who had a little more realistic attitude and who were, while still giving a good amount of weight to initial physical attraction, actually looking a little more FOR reasons to play rather than for reasons NOT to play. They told us to decide for ourselves what kind of swingers we wanted to be and go from there but to never fuck someone that we really didn't want to fuck. *shrug* As to your idea of making it more of a "speed swinging" type of party, I'm almost certain that there are at least a few people here on Swingular who have talked about, if not hosted, just such a party. It might be interesting if they or any of their guests chimed in as to how it turned out.

pROFILE pICTURES - Male Parts - From: FLATLANDER Subject: No subject Date: February 21, 2008 (9:28 PM) No Photo go to my space or some other site if you want a chat line. my god,it says swingers not your good buddy network. _________________________________________________________________________________ He didnt have the balls to post this for everybody to see, so I thought I would help him out.

Newbie Advice? - - Unless that's specifically the scene you are looking for and only want to play in you might want to seriously reconsider your screen name. A HUGE misconception among single males looking to play in the lifestyle is that most, or even many, married males are cucks looking for a bull to fuck their wives. While there certainly are some that are into that scene they are a very small minority of swingers. You might want to check out some cuck-specific websites or maybe even some Hotwife sites rather than swinger sites if that's your thing.

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - The dream! Good luck 😘

First time? - - Well said by doers...I think its normal for different approaches to this as well. We've been members on here for quite sometime now, but we really havent done anything in this while...I guess we wouldn't call ourselves "swingers" either but we do enjoy going to the occasional party/event from time to time and catching up with old friends...both of you need that communication as one maybe "ready" whereas the other may not be...that being said...the one that feels "ready" should never be pushy...just take it slow...have fun..and in time, things will happen ;)

New Yorker Shutting down - - [quote=Back4Good][quote=summerlovin] Whatever. Enjoy your cesspool thread of bitching and moaning about Ross and the New Yorker. [/quote] World famous swingers here gracing us with their lovely words. Flying monkeys. We had several anonymous and fake accounts come after us both on FB and here when we brought up issues at the New Yorker. And heard they are still deleting and removing people for bringing anything up on the group about the article. [img]https://dfzses8qx79cf.cloudfront.net/C4cVIp1PtUVFA7LYirrZMi7MbOY=/780x0/smart/photos%2Fb%2FBACK4GOOD-211370515464e92f97b964c.jpg[/img] [/quote]What a surprise. Fraud exposed who is too scared to reveal who they really are. Everything he says must be true because you know his history (kind of like Ross’s). Everyone now can know the truth and judge for themselves. Bring on more titties!

Disabled Swingers - - I am the male half of a couple. I am also disabled and in a wheelchair. Add to that I am new to the lifestyle. Shelley my other half is a gorgeous BBW (on the smaller side of BBW). She was very active in the lifestyle prior to us getting married. We have had a couple threesomes in the beginning of our relationship. Now after 12 years of marriage I am finally secure enough in our relationship for us to become active again. Yet we are finding it very difficult to actually find folks to play with and or parties that are accessible to my chair. We have had folks online come right out and tell us that if it was not for me being in a wheelchair they would have no problem meeting us. Heck we even had one couple come right out and ask me if Shelley would be willing to play solo cause they did not want to have anything to do with someone in a wheelchair (not from here). So I guess what my question is, is there actually active disabled folks in the lifestyle and are there non disabled couples willing to get together with those of us who might have physical challenges. Or am I just going to be constantly rolling uphill? Jeff

Merry christmas - - Merry Christmas all you sexy swingers!

Swingers Party - Doesnt mean who ever is there is open to everyone elsa - We have backed way off of these parties as when the Haloween party was winding down. One guy that was to drunk came over pulled my wifes top down and tried to suck on her nipples. I moved him away from her and his wife just giggled and said "he loves boobs" That was enough for us to take a step back. To many get so drunk and blame that for their actions.

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