
Riegelsville Swingers in Pennsylvania

Riegelsville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Riegelsville, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Riegelsville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Riegelsville, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Riegelsville, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Riegelsville, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Riegelsville Swingers right away!

Whtas up - Please tell me? - ..........OK so pretty much no one has contacted me in Vegas. I couldn't find enough time in Utah but here, for some reason seems to be so difficult to even find anyone worth seeing. I am not s picture whore, just has to be something , anything there. ......Please, I am so bored and hoping someone can find the time to help a girl out.....I', starting to get a complex, unless i travel 6 hrs. and now they are saying single girls aren't swingers lol............Oh Lord..Help me out. Someone who isn't; gonna hit it and quit it.............PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Discretion a Must?!? - Let us know - it worked in our favor, i used to work at a job and an advertising woman who i was very attracted to came in on occasion, she turned everyones head, found her and her man were swingers online much later... it was a good night :)

fantasy football league free trying to get only swingers in leag - free autodraft fantasy football league - lol like the swinger league idea. still have like 4 openings, so sing in to nfl.com put that 404175 in the space says like look up league then swap for password. still have problems you can send me your email address, and if spaces available I can send a direct link to you.

Lifestyle vacations - Best place for a lifestyle vacation? - We just booked at Hedonism for young swingers week. It looks crazy!

swing parties information - Meet and Greet - Looking for a swingers club or private swingers party in the Chattanooga area whenever one will be happening. Any information would be greatly appreciated. You can leave me information on here or my own e-mail address at destinytw at hotmail dot com. Thanks, Tammy

Female sex fantasies. - What do women really think about sex? - [quote=DEEPMOAN]Women rarely fantasize about the carnal and brutal side of sex men obsess about 24/7. Women dream about protection, stability, health, family life, abundance of resources, being respected and being married to a nice guy, good provider and overall, happiness. Admittedly I have not read the texts that you and evil speak of. I am not sure what percentage of women rarely fantasize or what percentage dream of the other group starting with protection. Nor am I interested in a PDF of the article or text. Personally it doesn’t matter to me one way or the other what the percentages are or the motives behind them. I will grant you that a lot of what we hear here is male generated fantasies. I do think there are many women that do have fantasies as I do. None of us trying to play the imitation game or cool movie star like swingers as you report. It seems a lot of your responses are your opinion to the text, I am doubting whomever said imagination is good, that’s how we got to the moon, or the correlation to Native American casinos. My imagination makes my mind wander wether it be sex based fantasies or spiritual fantasies. My imagination also is a component of my career that assists me greatly. Just my bent. [/quote] Perfectly OK to call them Indians. US based tribes designed and approved this current logo of the IHS. Please go to ihs.gov if you wish to investigate further. [img]https://i.imgur.com/tLuhYx2.png[/img] Fantastic narrative about your imagination and your openness. Glad is working out for you not only on your personal life but also fueling your career. Your bent is reasonable and more power to you. I was not offering you a PDF. Someone else wanted to see the scientific reasoning behind all this so I offered. Remember, masks worked, vaccines worked, lockdowns worked, covid is on decline; long live comprehensive and unbiased scientific research and the sound conclusions (truths) we obtain from it.

Polyamory - Please share your thoughts.... - My wife and I have been poly for almost 4 years now. We've learned that poly is a REALLY broad topic, and there are as many ways to "do" poly as there are grains of sand on the beach. We've met some awesome people. We've met some folks whose relationships resemble train wrecks. It's not right for everyone, but it's a viable option for certain people. My perception is that there isn't always a big difference between poly and swinging. I've met swingers that talk bad about poly but REQUIRE some sort of commonality and friendship before sex, and I've found poly people that badmouth swingers but use "poly" as an excuse to fuck anyone they want to. That's my perception. Can I have sex with someone I don't know but feel attracted to? Yes! Do I prefer intimacy with someone I feel a deeper emotional connection to? Sure! But that's just me and my wants/needs/desires. We're all different.

Lusting After the EVER ELUSIVE Male-with-Hallpass - The Great Swingular Mystery - [quote=FRIENDLYGENTLEMAN][quote=PALS4FUN] Guilty as charged! In our case though, it's a bit due to the fact that we're somewhat unusual here. I (the Mrs) sorta drive things and hubby is a minor participant. I'm sorta on a permanent hall pass and he's kinda along for the ride! [/quote] I'm going to have to disagree with you there, Pals. Somebody earlier also made a reply that said something along the lines of "this site is male-driven". In my experience, at least, this site is the opposite of male-driven. Sure, there are plenty of single guys and "single" guys, but most of the active couples on the site are primarily female-driven as far as I can tell. Now, that doesn't stop males with hall passes from being a rarity. Just because it's female driven doesn't mean that the male half is allowed to play on his own. Or that they are looking for additional guys. Even here, it seems that it is more acceptable for a female to admit to being bisexual or bi-curious than it is for the male. Take a look at the profiles of your friends; I would be willing to bet decent money that well over half of them have the male listed as straight and the female listed as something other than straight.[/quote]Hey, I'm gonna disagree right back at ya, buster! :) I think that the site and associated swingers are driven by the DEMAND for FEMALES but I think that the swinging and active searching for swing partners is mostly completed by the male half. For example, I'll bet that 90% of the folks posting here regularly are the male half. And yes, there's a huge volume of Bi-Females here, but certainly THAT is not exclusively female driven either. How many guys will raise their hands to participate if they're asked to watch two women going at it then be able to jump in the middle of 'em? A male fantasy. If the women were just interested in meeting other women there'd be female hall-passes getting used all over the place with other women, but there isn't because the husband wants to be involved and the women will generally acquiesce -- again, ultimately driven by the male desire rather than the females. But then, hell, I like weeners too much to ever be gay so whadda I know?! [em]Emo_12[/em] Maybe it all really is driven by women looking for other women and the men just get dragged along screaming and kicking! [em]Emo_60[/em]

is this legit?? - - Discretion (as basically defined by Websters Dictionary ) 1: The quality of being discreet, cautious 2:Ability to make responsible decisions 3a: INDIVIDUAL CHOICE OR JUDGEMENT, to make responsible decisions b: POWER OF FREE DECISION of choice 4: the result of separating or distinguishing Discretionary 1: Left to discretion; excersing at one's own discretion Swinger 1: One that swings as a: a lively up-to-date person who indulges in what is considered fashionable b: one who engages freely in sex **************************** Where some may want to be part of this documentary, that is your INDIVIDUAL CHOICE OF JUDGEMENT, AND POWER OF FREE DECISION some of us may not feel being part of a television documentary fits into our lives, that is our INDIVIDUAL CHOICE OF JUDGEMENT, AND POWER OF FREE DECISION We are swingers, that means we openly engage freely in sex, which is an act of discretion in itself, one most of us throughly enjoy, that does not mean that being non-discreet means we must exploit our personal lives on the television. But if that is your decision. Have a great time doing it! oh and let us all know when the eposide airs, as i am sure many of us would like to see it. lol just my 2 cents xoxo k

Would You Tap That? - - [img]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/mkUoJPh_y3M/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] 1) All day long and twice on Sunday. 2) Meh, I've seen better...Deanie Wimmer is a total NILF (newscaster I'd like to fuck). 3) I would SO tap that. And I'd make her bark like a dog (best Bill Murray [Carl Spackler] voice). 4) You are rude, Evil. Heidi is just doing her job. Swingers ARE kinda disgusting ya know. 5) No but I'd do that guy...or maybe have a threeway with them. 6) She makes me want to go on a crime spree so she can track me down and "interview" me. 7) I wanna see her nude mud wrestle Shauna Lake! 8) No, but Hope Woodside gives me...wood! 9) Kerri Cronk turns MY crank! 10) We're meeting Heidi and her hubby for drinks at Habits tonight. 11) Don't know about Heidi but I wanna make Kevin Eubank my little sissy bitch! Btw, in case you can't tell, in the above pic Mark Koelbel is under the desk givin' Heidi an anal 'oil check' with his middle finger. She's shocked and surprised because usually Rod Decker does that. [em]Emo_96[/em]

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