
Old Zionsville Swingers in Pennsylvania

Old Zionsville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Old Zionsville, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Old Zionsville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Old Zionsville, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Old Zionsville, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Old Zionsville, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Old Zionsville Swingers right away!

LAVA - - The 20 & 21 is the big swingers party!

Swingers Club - Swingers Club - There's a Chinese Buffet/Swing Club? Why wasn't I told about this? I'd like a number 7. You get egg rolls with that, right? A number 12, oh and some crab wontons. (And some hot unicorns.) [em]Emo_84[/em] And I have a coupon from The Clipper...

Swingers in a vanilla bar... - - @JSTJIM72 -- I thought of that, but didn't have reply if they had said 'no' :) (And if they said "yes" -oops, then what do I say! LOL!) @T4REAL69 - Huh? What typos? ;) @Darknladyjedi - Sounds good. So, 'Hi, how are you two doing tonight" :)

Featured Couple - - We agree that the featured Members seem to be a VERY SMALL SELECT FEW who cycle in and out. But we do also believe it\'s nice to see who is sincere in this lifestyle. Because we believ if your willing to have your face posted upon a SWINGER SITE that pretty much says you still believe in the TRADITIONAL BELIEFS of the swingers, it\'s all about fun and if someone contacts you UNLESS they are totally freaks your gonna meet them and try and establish a link between you and then F^&K each others brains out. OK SORRY we don\'t even believe that........................

Opening your marriage - How did the conversation come up? - For us it was easier that way. We started out just wanting to be swingers, but with family it was easier for us to play separate. Plus male half travels a lot to. And, we always liked hearing the stories from one another about other people we had been with before we were married.

Preferences? - - So are we the only ones lookin to get some stinky hot strange? Or is everyone else just too ashamed to admit it? Swingers is such a shady term. It doesn't define everyone to a "T". To be a swinger does it mean we hard swap? soft swap? same room sex shit? Or what? Hell... maybe it just means I enjoy having someone else's wife watch me while I take a shit. (FUCK YOU FOR JUDGING ME!!!! LOL) The point is... that my wife and I are simply looking to explore our fantasies. These fantasies are very vivid and very clear. We never EVER turn anyone down as far as making friends and getting to know people. We love EVERYONE in the sense (as long as they are respectful). However when it comes to gettin down and throwin the bone? Well... to be honest... my wife and I have to both be attracted to the couple in question to begin with. That's not to say that couples who we weren't attracted to physically in the begining haven't broken through the shallow depths of our psyche, however for the most part we only will play with those we are attracted to. Some call it shallow, some call it having high standards. But one thing is for sure, we are in this for us, and no one else. I'm not looking for another wife and inversely she is not seeking another husband (at least... I don't think... WAIT A MINUTE!!!!)... So if we are not seeking the emotional connections, when it comes to sex that leaves what we are physically attracted to. Call it what you will, but I'm not lookin to fuck just anyone. My tubby ass (and YES I'M TUBBY) wants to bang beautiful women with my wife... FUCKIN SUE ME!!!! Don, don't sell yourself short... you are a sexy mother fucker and we both think so... her more than me hahahhahhaa. And BunnyPlus1... you just LOVE my hairy ass... and maybe my wife a little too.. but It's mostly me, just admit it already!!! -J

The New Neighbors Are Swingers - - This one's an oldie but a goodie and even better. I like to post it every few years for the noobs. [em]Emo_49[/em] [video]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmQRnfHEm-0[/video]

Las Vegas - Swingers clubs ect. - [quote=Utahldscouple][quote=WOWMAMA69]If you're adventurous there's always The Green Door or the Red Rooster.[/quote]If you mean by adventurous you’ll have PTSD trying to get the images out of your head 😂, then yes by all means go! If you like to watch extremely sexy couples and women have sex and potentially participate, go to flirtslv or playhouselv. [/quote] What happens at those places? Never been

Why do people.... - Booty calls - [quote=JSTJIM72] Seriously.... We're supposed to be open minded, swinging people and this site is about as judgmental as anything I have ever seen. [/quote] First, about "rules" and things, and people complaining when someone "breaks" them. In any group of people there are going to be expected ways of behaving and doing things, no matter how open minded the people in the group are. For example, take a group of folks who pride themselves on being "free" and doing what they want to do, the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. They have a set of bylaws maybe an inch thick, telling members what to do or not do. Swingers in general [b]are [/b]more open minded than most, or they wouldn't be doing this. That's why I like them so much. By being swingers, they automatically have at least one attitude that I really like. But not necessarily all swingers are all [b]that[/b] open minded, sometimes it's limited to paying no attention to who society says you should or shouldn't be having sex with. People have their prejudices and expectations regarding others, no matter what they're doing. This'll sound like [b]my[/b] rant, and I suppose to some extent it is. I've never posted a booty call, and I never will. And I've only ever responded to one of them. Why? Because I know it'll be a waste of time because of peoples' assumptions and expectations. Like you, I'm not uber any of those things, except maybe smooth if you're talking about body hair, which I doubt you are. I'm good looking, not fat, and am probably the most non-judgmental and open minded guy you'll ever run into. Unless someone does or says something just plain mean to or about someone else, then I get pissed off and my normal open mindedness gets kind of lost. But I [b]do[/b] have a really big issue finding people, let alone single girls, to play with. Why? because I'm [b]old[/b]. And pretty much everyone has all kinds of assumptions about that. It makes no difference that I don't act, or think, or have any of the attitudes someone "my age" is assumed to have. It doesn't matter that I look, based on what other people think, literally decades (well, 2 of them, that

couples more [oft ] ask for couples or single females. why is th - - We havent had a lot of experience with single males or single females....or 3somes all together, really......however, the one time that we did show interest in a single male for my pleasure (Mrs. Stitch typen) we had a really bad experience in finding one that was honest with why he was in this lifestyle all together. When we found a male we were interested in and we met up for some fun...the fun happened and after we found out the truth of his reality...and that was that his WIFE didnt put out at all, and he was really a married man with 3 small children looken for sex without strings. NOw the "sex without strings" thing is not what bothered me, however, the wife and 3 small children thing bothered me a great deal for very long time after that night. We (hubby and I) were both really upset by it, and wasnt looken for an experience that contributed to someone getting really hurt, and lied to. Sad thing is, we still see him lingering on the websites for swingers and being quite active in the lifestyle. I realize that just the bad actions of one single male doesnt mean that all single males are the same.....we also realize that there are probably some single women that are also cheating as well. After that bad experience we both decided that if we wanted a 3some experience it would have to be with ppl that we knew and trusted and really knew their life story. We decided that we wanted to just meet some fun couples and stick with married, stable couples that are looking for the same fun as we are. We dont ever want to contribute to breaking up a marriage and hurting someone else, we just want to have fun!!!

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