
Lehman Swingers in Pennsylvania

Lehman Swingers

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Denial - What is the proper way to turn someone down. - Your worrying about it too much. Hope this doesn't offend, but really you are over thinking it. I'd just do what you want to do and not worry about what everyone feels or thinks. The only thing you SHOULD do if you don't want to get a lot of emails telling you how stuck up you are, is just be NICE. Being NICE is actually pretty hard for some people and I still don't understand why. As for answering the mountains of board mails you will get on this site, Don't stress it. We used to think we should respond to every email and I'll tell you right now, it's impossible. We made a rule really early and that was that your friend request would only be approved if we did in fact know you personally, or if the one asking had made some effort to get to know us in a Chat room, or by email. One thing though that I would advise you as newbies on this site. If you allow your "sexual preferences" to dictate who and if you will meet someone in the lifestyle, then you are going to miss out on it's rich experience. Not everyone you meet that you may develop of friendship with is going to want to fuck you. So I'd not worry about meeting new people, even if they are asking to be your friend online. The key is always controlling how you'll meet people (which is easy) and then letting things take their course. As for the "old" factor. You both are going to be really disappointed then with the "No one over 35" rule. The average age for Swingers in the United States is 35-45. Your wife is fairly young, she feels funny about guys my age being her Dad's age, well the feeling is mutual. Contrary to what some women might think, it's not all about the tight ass and perky boobs. But as for a friendship (non-sexual) why the hell not? If your patient, friendly, and get out there and meet other swingers (like the parties), I think you'll find what you are looking for in sexual partners. I also think in some cases newbies are pretty "fixed" on what they think they want sexually. But after 4 years you may notice that what you "thought was ideal" is no longer the case. Keeping an open mind is pretty important in anything in life and it's not a bad idea in regards to swinging as well. Good luck to you guys Mr ABC

Why swingers are happier. - - We would definitely have to agree! Because of swinging and everything it involves and requires of a couple we enjoy an entirely different level of relationship than ever before. Its brought us closer, trust deeper, communicate better and enjoy things that most non swingers can only dream about.

Swingers at work... - - Red64 I think you handled things very poorly. You should never out someone at work or anywhere else. Do you want YOUR privacy compromised? We had a guy send us an email bragging about how he had seen us on another site and he wonders why we won't talk to him. Respect other peoples complete privacy at all times. If you work with them I don't think its even a good idea to send them an email on the site. Let it go. The old saying "don't get your honey where you make your money" can apply here. We put her pics on Watchersweb one time a while ago. Some moron sent us an email on the swingers site he saw us at bragging about he had seen her pics there. Even this is too far for us. If you know us fine, just keep your mouth shut, ok? This is exactly why we NEVER put face pics in public now.

Sexy New Year's Photos - Post up ur sexy NYE or NY pics! - . . . then we were destined to become swingers because . . . I think 'gnome' is the sound my boys made while racing their trucks along the kitchen floor . . . you know . . . gnome . . . gnome .. . . gnoooooooommmmeee! Be safe - Get vaccinated as soon as you can - Stay sexy in the New Year

Swinging and LDS... - Are the two compatible? I know this is a huge can of worms... - [quote=SIREROS]I find puzzling the judgment of others by those that seem so adept at mental contorsions as some of these people have clearly perfected. [/quote] There are cult books out there that show how and why any human can get stuck in these logic loops, even if they weren't raised in the church they can get stuck in them. And its especially hard if it's something you were born into, your biological urges screaming at you to disobey it. And the fact is the LDS church has given so many different commandments over the years that it is very hard to follow them all. 1) no pool tables 2) no playing cards 3) no rated r movies 4) may wear only 2 total earrings, but they can be 2 pearl. 5) only get a tattoo if you are polynesian and your cultural heritage commands you to get one 6) to be in a bishopric or higher, the only facial hair permitted is a neatly trimmed mustache above the lips only. May not go below the corners of the mouth. 7) girls have to wear pantyhose to church, naked legs are not allowed (bless that 70 - love pantyose) You should really look into cult dynamics to understand how the human brain locks you into staying in a cult, especially if you were born & raised, and every family member is in it, and how it can happen to anyone of any intelligence level. And being in swinging might be a good way to help them learn to be more open in their respect for others. I know several swingers who got out of he LDS chuch by swinging.

How much is too much - The right protocol? - I would think that there are a few issues here. 1. If you haven't talked or chatted with any of these folks you've sent a fr to, or at least sent a message along with the fr, they may just delete it. That's what we do. 2. If they do approve in these cases, they could just be doing it so they can go in and view your private pics then delete the friend and then you can't view theirs. Kinda chickenshit in my opinion. 3. You age could be hinder some to take you seriously as swingers because I have noticed that although everyone likes young women, some feel that the younger couples are not mature enough to be swingers. Anyway you look at it, it might serve you well to chat with some people a bit before sending requests. And if they don't like you, fuck em'. Give us a shout and we will be your friends. :)

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - K_T, hmmm...now I can't wait to see what you and Mr. Two come up with, though remember Mrs. K_T and I probably have a few really good ideas of our own too ;)

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - The first step in fixing something is to recognize that it's a problem. -D-

Soft-core roll call - A call out to those interested in the softer side. - Canvas, It sounds like you and your wife are not quite on the same page yet, which is quite normal at the beginning of exploring the Lifestyle. You are looking for friendships with those who are in a similar situation. That's a good idea, but be prepared that even those friendships may be fleeting as the chemistry or level of comfort may still be different. At the beginning of our lifestyle journey, my wife and I were just as you are today, (I was also at a different level as my wife too). TheFunCouple offers excellent advice on going to meet & greets. I also add that you might want to check out a place like Sea Mountain Inn in Palm Springs. There you can see how comfortable it is to be nude in front of others and witness all the different levels of the lifestyle. You will have opportunities to talk to others and learn more. There is no pressure to play. Plus, you will be out of Utah and away from people who might recognize you. If you are adventurous enough, maybe plan a vacation to Temptations Resort in Mexico. This resort is not truly a lifestyle resort but is a lifestyle friendly resort since so many non swingers go there. It still is a sexually charged resort. You will meet a lot of people who are similar to you there and you have a whole week to be relaxed, get into vacation mode, and explore your steps into the lifestyle together without judgement or pressure.

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - ^^^ Enjoys DP and DVP. I even have a DP comment on my page from a cpl. If anyone needs a extra guy....??

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