
Lansford Swingers in Pennsylvania

Lansford Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Lansford, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Lansford looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Lansford, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Lansford, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Lansford, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Lansford Swingers right away!

STD/STI Testing - - [quote=TOKI_WARTOOTH][quote=MAYBEMOR]This is the attitude we find so prevalent!!! Play on to your hearts content. [/quote] We can be tested regularly and play safe without being a paranoid little jackwagon. Maybe the attitude you have is why your postings got deleted off other sites.[/quote] No, Toki, you are the Jackwagon! The way you responded to this thread is an obvious display of your lack of intelligence about this issue. Maybemor and others are just attempting to make this lifestyle a little safer for all involved. Not sure if you read much but there was a situation recently in Kansas City where a man and his wife were HIV Positive and managed to put a number of people at risk of contracting HIV, and these are supposedly "swingers" who know better. I've been to parties for over 4 years!! Not everyone uses condoms. Maybe you do! But even a condom isn't going to protect you against Herpes!! You always use latex with oral sex Toki.. hmm... probably not.. and guess what, you are putting yourself at risk for Herpes! Even if you get tested for Herpes you still are at risk. You could have contracted it on the weekend, go in on Monday get tested, the whole gamut of tests, get negatives on everything. Then two to three weeks later you come down with itchy bumps that turn into sores, oh shit, guess what.. yep.. you just were infected and are now positive for Herpes.. Why.. because you don't get it!!! The reason we need more people to talk about this is people are getting STD's on this site and others like it. I applaud Rob and his willingness to do what some of you may think is not needed. Toki is a prime example of why you don't play with just anyone! Sure you can't stop everything all the time, and frankly anytime you have sex with multiple partners it's a risk. But let's not be stupid folks, let's be careful. You only have this life to live, why fuck it up for yourself and the one you love because you are stupid? PS.. I wrote a long post a few months ago about our own experience with the STD issue. I received a number of posts about others who carry HSV2. Interesting thing is some of these people who have HSV2, DO NOT always tell their potential partners they have the disease. Why? PURE IGNORANCE or just they don't give a shit (which is worse). I want to make sure everyone knows, this is MR ABC who is writing this post.

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Mrs. Gemini Mr. Taurus

Black Ring, Right Hand - How to tell if someone's a swinger - OMG! Just had a client walk in and notice my black tungsten wedding ring (I've had one for a couple of years now.) He told me that it I were to wear it on my right hand it would indicate I was gay. I told him I had heard that it indicated other things (didn't elaborate) and he assured me, and I guess he would know since he and his partner have been together over 20 years and finally were allowed to get married last winter, that it meant gay at...least among his friends and acquaintances. Maybe we swingers are too little too late to the party. Besides, Ms. Evil said she'd never wear anything that dark and colorless. Oh, and fwiw, when we first started swinging (back about the time Madame Curie was JUST starting to glow in the dark a little) the big thing was a necklace, or ring, or t-shirt, or even a tattoo of an apple with a bite out of it. Saw a few people wearing them at conventions/takeovers but never once have we ever seen anyone wear them in a vanilla public venue.

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - [quote=CarriermanAndGeekGirl][quote=EVILDOERS]Yep, swinging's as dead as a doornail. We're thinking of taking up pornographic cross- stitching to fill the void. [em]Emo_96[/em] [/quote] Speak for yourself. The Lifestyle is alive and well here in Central Florida.[/quote] lol, i think that was sarcasm

Being Stood Up - Sucks to be stood up - [quote=UTAH-CPLE-2006]carrier, now thats just funny. that said, swingers are as a rule flakes its gonna happen so we recomend just meeting someplace you would go anyway that way when people flake off you can just enjoy your evening without them.[/quote] great advice

Playing with \"swingers\" vs \"nonswingers\" - - When all else fails listen to your \"gut instinct\". It\'s better to be safe than sorry.

Two For Two Does Not Add Up To Three - Sorry got out of bed on wrong side - [quote=LOVESTOHUNT][quote=007HOTTIE]Can I just add to this. I am so sick of all these people that say they are swingers and have "just want to have fun" on their profile and then you get to know them and they tell you "Well, the female half doesn't like to play with other males until she gets to know them". Well, I got so sick of all the mfemale halves of the couple that we were supposed to text and get to know like 2000 times before there was a chance in hell we could all play together........... If ever? This site is "SWINGular"! For swingers! Not couples looking for another woman to add to the mix!!! I mean, I am all for getting to know ppl, but seriously! I am on here for sex!!! Not lifelong friends![/quote] we're up for that![/quote] Friends happen but like you we are here to fuck, but not use someone in the process.

Giving Up ?? - When do you give up ? - We go on a case by case basis...The biggest determining factor is if they set up and cancel last minute or if they cannot set up. Also a large part is how attracted to them we are...the more atttracted, the more patience...BUT if they stop returning emails, phone calls, etc...We write them off as either fantasy swingers or those who do not know what they want.

Sex vs. Guilt - Atheists have 'better sex lives than followers of religion who are plagued with guilt' - [quote=SEXPERIMENTORS]I hope the Admin doesn't mind this. If so, delete it. I found this interesting; a swingers site in Utah for Mormons. http://www.sdc.com/utah-swingers/church-of-jesus-christ_lds-swingers-utah.html Mr. Seperimentors[/quote] I had to look it up to see if it was real. How funny!!!

50 condoms of any brand for 20$s???? - a wonderful site to buy condoms in bulk! - [i]Not a advertisement!!!![/i] Since I am new here, I want to share this site with you all. I believe us swingers need condoms more than anyone and it can become costly after awhile. Well no need to head to Walgreen

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