
Hughesville Swingers in Pennsylvania

Hughesville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Hughesville, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Hughesville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Hughesville, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Hughesville, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Hughesville, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Hughesville Swingers right away!

Utah Soft Swappers meet and great - Button up 134 Pierpont, Salt Lake City - [quote=Smartflirts]Recon knows what’s up. They have been around a while and they are trolling you. LOL. Our profile talks a little about softswap and how some fullswap couples can be douchebags to those who don’t full swap. Some of those douchebags WISH they had been more open and cool to us when we first started. The truth is the LS is and should be just fun. No matter your level of play or even no play and just social fun...social fun, flirting, and being open and dressing sexy is our favorite thing. Swapping, at any level, is great as is any sexual experience with the RIGHT people. It’s all the other fun stuff that surrounds those experiences that really makes it fun.[/quote] Fwiw, We know RECON. We've actually met once or twice IRL and know his (her?) sense of humor. In fact, we even know the origin of their screen name. It's, like, short for 'recondition' or 'reconstruction' or 'recontour' or something like that. Anyway, I just thought I would use his/her acerbic comment as a teaching moment to help anyone new to the scene with some of the jargon or slang, if you will, that swingers use so that they'll know which tab (usually A) goes into which slot (usually B)...and when. Nobody ever told us this valuable insider info when we were noobs and we made a LOT of swinger faux pas. We were taking off our clothes at wholly inappropriate times (and places), tabs were going into the wrong slots (often even into the wrong genders!), dogs and cats were sleeping together...it was MAYHEM. It took us many years to figure it all out on our own and by the time we actually did figure it out we were old and decrepit and nobody wanted to swap (soft OR hard) with us anymore. Now all we're left with is ULTRA soft swap which usually involves using sock puppets, pantomiming sex, while we watch another couple...also using their own sock puppets. It's quite sad and pathetic. [img]https://www.askideas.com/media/25/They-Love-To-Get-Fisted-Funny-Sock-Puppets.jpg[/img]

Do you agree, that some times it\'s ok to swing with a solo marr - - Our two Cents... If your just hooking up for sex and not friendship as many in the lifestyle are does it matter what the other partners have going on in there lives? Where they work, are they married etc? Everyone swings for there own reason and if all your looking for is pleasure of a third or whatever then so long as they are clean, respectful and discreat it really shouldn\'t concern you (Same goes for females). When you meet at a swingers club do you check everyones credentials, do a background check and call references? HOWEVER... if your looking for friends, more than just a one night stand (Not the No-Strings arrangment) then surely you would talk about why everyone is involved in the lifestyle and honesty etc become doubly important. Just our outlook.. we are pretty tough on our screening for swing partners and friends been burnt too many times. Amanda & Peter

Lifestyle Resorts Help - Wanting your opinions......... - We have never been to a lifestyle resort but we would love to go. We have been all over Mexico, never been to Jamaica. It is just about the only country/island in that part of the world we have not seen. We are really more interested in the resorts right now and your opinions/recommendations of them. We have been all over the Caribbean. Love just about everywhere we have been. What have been your favorite swinger resorts and why? What have you not liked? Right now we really don't care about price or the time of year. We just want to get something on the calender to look forward to. Would strongly consider a swingers cruise as well. Thanks all...........and Happy Humpday.

Swingers Kickball Society - - We are interested.

Swingle males. What's in it for you? - - [quote=TATTOOED_HOTTIE][quote=EVILDOERS][quote=TATTOOED_HOTTIE]It's a totally different dynamic than hooking up with a single girl so to speak. That would be like asking why does a couple prefer to swing versus just have sex with each other. [/quote] Really? Well, cuz Ms. Evil and I have had sex like a bazillion times and it's fun to mix things up a little bit every once in a while. We probably fuck at LEAST 5 or 6 times a week. Let's see, carry the one, divide by the constant, account for wind velocity...hmmmm...yeah that's a LOT. Fwiw, I don't know very many couples who PREFER to swing versus...I've known a few. They're no longer couples. [em]Emo_67[/em] [/quote] [quote]Let me rephrase that since you're clearly not the brightest bulb on the tree. You swing correct? Why? You must be some sort of weirdo. Sex with the misses isn't good enough? Why isn't that sufficient?? You obviously don't prefer to have sex with just your other half or you wouldn't even be on here genius. Oh let's see carry the one blah blah blah lol. God. Ok. Got it now? Made simple enough for you boy wonder?? Personally I'm tired of seeing you act like an ass then apologize for it and pretend you're not one. Have the misses sit on that big mouth of yours please and save us all from your whining! [/quote] Y'know what, Tattoed Hottie? (Boy, that name says a lot about your opinion of yourself - damn near everyone is tattooed nowadays, but you're the one that's a hottie.) You're either dead stupid or just plain nasty. You apparently can't even recognize sarcasm and/or satire. And having been on the site over a year and a half, you don't even have the excuse of not knowing that Evil's something of the court jester around here. Personally, I suspect you're just using it as an excuse to be nasty. What's the matter? Got self esteem issues? Need to feel superior to someone? And as to your comments to Ten and Joe, yeah, Ten has a habit of being blunt and saying just what she thinks, but so what? She isn't entitled to her opinions? One of the main reasons I'm in this lifestyle, and was decades ago as a single, when it was damned near impossible for a single to even be involved at all, is that I love the open mindedness and attitude of doing what they feel is right, instead of what someone else says is right, that true swingers have. One of which you're apparently not. You, I'd guess are a single guy who hunts here because he wants to be sure that any woman he hits on has at least said, by being here, that she acknowledges and enjoys her sexuality for itself. After all, any girl in the vanilla world you try to pick up might be hung up on that old "sex only with my serious partner" thing, whether that involves actual marriage or not, and that probably scares the Hell out of you. Of course, that's just a guess, but, whatever your problem, it's apparent that you just plain enjoy denigrating other people. If you don't like what someone wrote, unless it's directed at you personally (and this most certainly IS), you have no business, and no right, criticizing the writer. You can criticize what he or she says, but not the person who said it. Unless you see someone else jumping into someone else's personal shit, than criticize that person all you want, like I'm doing you right now. And feel free to criticize me all you want. In the first place, from now on as soon as I see your name on a post, any post, I'm skipping it because jerks like you aggravate the Hell out of me, so I'll never see it. And secondly, feel free to call me stupid whenever you like. Not only will i never see it but, something I don't usually see any reason to ever mention to anyone, but in your case it seems necessary, I'm a member of MENSA. Or was, until I fonally decided it was kind of silly and not worth the dues. Which, since you're probably too ignorant to know, means that I have an IQ that's been certified as high enough to be higher than 98% of the entire human race. So know I that there's, at best, a 2% chance that I'm not smarter than a nasty idiot like you. And by the way, you sent us an email, to my wife. Now, I never presume to tell her who to or not to play with, but she's read your crap here, and has the same opinion of you that I do. So don't hold your breath waiting for a response. Or maybe you should. Asphyxiation is probably as good a way as any to get rid of an asshole like you. My apologies for any typos. I don't have time to proofread it, I'll do it later, right now I need to go wash the taste of your bullshit out of my mouth ~ Terry

Question - do you talk about other swingers? - We have never met anyone from any website so we can't talk about people we havent met. For those we have met in the local club here, we will mention that we played with them and had fun but we NEVER share details and we won't speak badly of a couple even if we didnt enjoy the meeting, because everyone has their own opinions.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - **Why must you constantly mock people? Why are you feeling so worthless in life. Suicide is a viable option for you. And you are right, I do not know you. I could not associate with a person who feels no self worth other than by being a bully. I do indeed feel so sorry for you. Can I loan you a rope or something? ** Jesus Christ, that's a horrid thing to say to anyone- even someone you may dislike! *makes mental note of pictures so I know who to avoid at future get togethers*

Help us out.. Take this Survey - For Utah Swingers - We love you guys.. Thanks so much.. Keep the responses coming. This information helps a TON!

Where do you go have Adult only sexual fun in Vegas... - Sexual fun - We really think it depends on what you are looking for...If you are a SOCIAL BUTTERFLY, and not afraid to approach people you will do well at the RED ROOSTER, it is always a full house on FRIDAY and SATURDAY nights. COUPLES OASIS was more laid back, but too cliquish for us (WE ARE CONSIDERED AS KEN AND BARBIE'S MOM & POP). Now if you just want to get down and dirty, and have some BUTT-NAKED fun, we highly recommend SWINGERS CIRCLE on THURSDAY nights, all I'm going to say is, clothes are not an option, within the first 30 minutes everyone is naked. It is a little more expensive, but it is well worth it. Hope this helps. Deedee & Larry

Mormons - - We have met a lot of ex mormons on this site that are a blast to party with. Based on what we know of the LDS church it is very restrictive on most matters involving pleasures outside of the teachings of the church. With all that being said we don't feel like religion plays much of a part in swinging. We usually don't discuss it and we are skeptical when others do. Discussing religion on a swingers site just doesn't seem right to us especially when others in your religion may hold it against you. We don't care what religion you are, what your politics are or what ethnic group your from. We just look for those we are attracted to and whom we can make a connection with both mentally and physically. If we all decide to get naked together then that makes things even better.

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