
Hopeland Swingers in Pennsylvania

Hopeland Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Hopeland, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Hopeland looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Hopeland, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Hopeland, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Hopeland, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Hopeland Swingers right away!

What are swingers really looking for ?Are they looking for frien - Has the happen to you. - so i went to read your profile, it is clear once you read it all, and people should if they are going to contact you... in my opinion, (rich), you have a lot of words there, makes lazy people skip some... even though it is clear at the top, you might want to steamline your ad, so the things that are most important stand out... think of it as effenciency advertising. there are a few sights which also might better serve your needs at this time, (the ladiesclub dot com , and rainbowfriendfinder dot com) will most likely help to find what you are currently looking for... and you can go to singles sights as well, they let women sign up free normally, and you can ad for a girl, the last thing i can think of is you joining yahoo groups and such dealing with that matter... hope this advise helps... rich of richandchris

Too old ???? - - [quote=SUNRISE]The person(s) who outed you obviously has a profile themselves, otherwise they would not be able to see your profile. And if they can see any of your photos other than the first cover photo, then they have a paid membership. So by outing you, they have also outed themselves. Except they don't care that people know about them being Swingers and believe it or not we used to be friends. My husband has a high profile job and it was quite a blow to the face when we found out.

Here's something Ive been curious about - - It seems like the lifestyle is no less judgmental than the vanilla crowd. Honestly we aren't here so we can wear the cool lifestyle team jacket nor get our super-secret swinger decoder ring (drink more Ovaltine and use a condom). It's kind of funny that the same group of people who get all bent out of shape at the vanilla community for labeling and judging us turn around and do it from within. If I missed some federal definition of the term swinger than perhaps I'm wrong, otherwise why waste a moment of time passing judgment on who gets deemed worthy of the sacred title? I would have to say the definition of a swinger is someone who says "hey, I'm a swinger!" Be honest, how many swinger couples do you know that never play? They may go to meet and greets, maybe even house parties, but seldom if ever play. Are they swingers? Is there some monthly quota we need to meet to maintain our swinger status? I'm being over the top to make a point. I think of the lifestyle crowd as an enlightened group that realizes sex is amazing and variety is amazing and sex with variety is TOTALLY AWESOME! We forgo the silly social rules and regulations because we understand how much they confine society into little boxes of good and bad, right and wrong; and most of that is subjective moral hogwash. It's kind of discouraging to see members of a community that should be supporting one another pass judgment as to who is and who isn't. Being a swinger is a state of mind baby. Nobody can make you a swinger, nobody can take it away. So in closing to the single swingers out there I say...go swing you fricking swinging swingers you!!! Now, if you want to define something useful...what the hell is bi-comfortable (kidding, totally kidding I know there are all sorts of threads dedicated to that topic)?

You know you are in the Lifestyle when.... - - When you're walking through the mall with your spouse and you both try guessing which couples are swingers

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - ya mail my t shirt and boxers back god damn it, they are my only pair without stains!! lol seriously sorry to hear about your bad time S & C

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - I feckin exhausted on this one... LOL! Night e'one. -D-

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - aquarius and sagittarius here

UFO's - Your Opinions Please... - Being one of those that firmly believe that with all that open space up there it would be a terrible waste to be truely all alone. I have seen in my life things that I can not explain, I am hoping that when contact is made that i am one of the first to make their greeting. Or...........................we may already be here watching your kinky swingers parties and your highly erotic couple and are just waiting to make our move???????

Hot Tattoo! - Puff the Magic Dragon - Hey TR, Jealous much, don't have the guts to do something so permanent? Why are you such a hater? Why do men accuse other men of being Gay when they are jealous of them? are you a homophob? If you understood Gay people at all you would not sling your sexual accusations around. Why cant gay people be swingers?, you don't mind Bi-females do you? They are gay you know?

Christain Swingers? - - If your interpretation of the scriptures is very literal, then the answer is of course that swinging and christianity can not co exsist. I am not a believer in the INSTITUTION of Christianity as a whole, I do not beleive that ANYBODY who has taken the time to educate themselves about the origins of Christianity (particularly the Roman Catholic Church) and organized religeon (sp?) could be a true believer, however that in no way means that I do not believe in GOD. In both of our opinions, swinging is morally fine as long as both partners agree on the context, the rules, and always respect one another. If you do not keep these very sacred simple truths in any relationship, let alone a swinging relationship, it is doomed to fail. Thats our .02 cents. Luvbugs! (mR.) ;)

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