
Greenville Swingers in Pennsylvania

Greenville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Greenville, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Greenville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Greenville, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

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Help us out.. Take this Survey - For Utah Swingers - [quote=TIFFND]Appreciate what you are trying to do...it is admirable. Just finished the survey. I did leave it in the comments section, but will include our opinion here, as well. And we are NOT trying to flame anyone's efforts. Just putting our thoughts in. For us..the single most turn off of any event is limiting who may attend. Excluding the old or young ones, or the heavier ones, or..etc....you get it. We all have our preferences for play partners, but believe it or not, We are both a bit curvier, and me a bit older, but we still have younger, AND thinner friends who seem to enjoy our company both in, and out of the playroom. As we enjoy theirs. I must qualify this a bit, tho, in saying that what we have encountered in the events we have hosted. We have found that although some folks do enjoy the company of the single guys, attendance is often severely limited if you include too many single males without dates. Sorry guys..just the way it is. And..perhaps, as much as we disagree, it is the same. Just as with the single guys, too many of us, as an older/heavier couple may do the same in limiting the folks you are really trying to target. No butt hurt intended for anyone, as I said...just our two cents! There I said it so you don't have to...LOL[/quote] Hear, hear! But one disagreement, sort of. Or maybe it's just a more specific comment about the topic. While I can't argue with limiting single men, simply because of numbers if there was no limit many things would have a population of maybe as much as 75% single guys, and neither they or many of the other attendees would have a great chance of hooking up. But I don't think they should be strictly forbidden. If nothing else, because of my wife's night time working schedules, I often end up being one of those single guys, and I nearly ended up sitting home alone for both last Christmas and last New Years Eves. And it's a special aggravation when looking at the RSVPs for some "no single men" party or event that is happening on a night when my wife has to work, and I see in those RSVPs some lady who I know would be VERY happy to see me there. A better policy, I think would be to limit the number of single men on a sort of sliding scale. State in the event or party description, for instance, that single men can request to come, and will be kept on a list. Then, at some specific date before the party/event, the hosts will look at how many couples and/or single women are coming, and decide on allowing some appropriate number of single guys, who will be selected from that list based on first signed up, first invited. I also have a problem with selecting attendees based on some of the standard criteria, such as age and even weight. Like with the "no single men" thing, I do have a personal interest here. Even though I do just fine at parties/events, if the hosts were screening for age I'd probably never get in the door. Hell, I'm finally 65 now, and am all too aware of all the assumptions many people make about anyone that old. And I imagine that if they got past the age and looked at our profile pics, they'd probably be certain that my pics are like 20 years old, if not older. (Actually, I admit that one of them IS a bit over a year old now.) And if they notice that my wife's 24 years younger, they probably figure she must have been either crazy or desperate. And I've met some ladies in their early to mid 20s who are just as much fun to be with, and I don't mean just physically, as those in, say, their late 30s or older. So yeah, I have a big problem with eliminating prospective attendees based on what age group they're in. OK, you probably wouldn't want to end up with something like 85% people from 20 to 35 and 15% over 55 (or the reverse), but just plain ignoring all people in some certain age group, or level of fitness group, or whatever is, I think, just plain ridiculous. And BTW, we did do the survey. ~ Terry

Like fishtanks? - Maybe you could help us out.... - We have a few fish tanks in our home...we absolutely love them....here is our issue...we just found out we may be having to move very quickly and possibly a couple of times...we do not want to have to worry about our tanks so we are looking to sell a couple of them very quickly...I will be posting them on other sites but wanted to give our fellow swingers an opportunity first...we really really need to sell them...email me for the info and more pics if you want but here's the basics 125 Gallon- over $1200 into this set-up asking $700 OBO 55 Gallon- over $400 into this set-up asking $125 OBO

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - Wow, what great feedback and interest! We posted this to see what kind of interest and we have a ton! Thank you. We need to get through all of the messages and invites so give us a day or so. We work all week so we’re just now checking back. We’ll be in touch. Thank you so much for the fantastic response!! K&A

Christian Swingers - - What the fuck does religion have to do with swinging? I challenge you to show me one widely accepted, modern, religion that condones "swinging".

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Fidelio.

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - [quote=T0RQUE][quote=MORKANDMINDY]I think the fact that the site hasn't offered lifetime membership specials for so long has really impacted people's ability to connect with newer couples. [/quote] Contrare, Mr. Mork. Last month, our lifetime membership was $35. just sayin... [/quote] what you got your lifetime membership for $35...shit they charged me $35.50, and what happened to the endless supply of former Victoria secret models living in the salt lake valley that they promised at my every whim? What ever happened to the good old days when a handshake was a promise...not a way to ejaculate.

For those who don’t understand the lifestyle - It’s what makes sense for you - The REALLY fucked up thing is how many people would or DO look down on swingers and swinging as something aberrant, abnormal, and disgusting, yet think people cheating and having affairs is a fairly normal part of life. It would seem that being open and upfront about your sexual desires with your spouse is somehow bad and sneaking around lying and cheating is good. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Age differences - How do you handle it - We look to make some sort of a friendship with anyone we play with so we feel the best chance that would happen is if they were close to our ages but we have found many exceptions to that theory. We are just playing the odds that a connection is most commonly found with someone of similar ages. The reason for this thread was because of conversation we were involved in at a party recently that we attended. People of all ages were there. I was sitting with a few older ladies, who I must say were very attractive, but then they started talking about all of their ailments and it almost makes me afraid that I might accidently hurt them if we played. I want to provide pleasure, not pain. Also a few were saying they went to a big party and it was mostly younger couples who were dirty dancing and flirting but not really playing and they felt the younger swingers are not as sexual as the older people are. One rationalized it by saying that maybe the fear of pregnancy is the issue. We try to be ourselves at all times and if we find common interests with a couple younger or older then us, great. Since we are somewhere in the middle we can go higher or lower then our ages. We would go higher then our ages first because of the experience and maturity factors hoping their experience will provide us some fun and share their knowledge with us. We wonder what those at either end of the spectrum think and what is their biggest concerns. Great input so far from everyone so thank you for that. Joe and Lori

Abbreviations - MWC , hwp, ddf (DD free) and LOL - Hi there. As there are several international swingers member by now, is it possible to explain a few of these abbreviations used by US couples in their profile? MWC , hwp, ddf (DD free) and LOL are some of them we see. Would be a great help. A hug from overseas! Bea and Alex

Female sex fantasies. - What do women really think about sex? - [quote=SUENDAN]This was Harley's final and absolute fantasy on Suicide Squad. [img]https://i.imgur.com/pi2d8rs.png[/img] Women rarely fantasize about the carnal and brutal side of sex men obsess about 24/7. Women dream about protection, stability, health, family life, abundance of resources, being respected and being married to a nice guy, good provider and overall, happiness. It is us men who plant those seeds of complex, open and spicy sexual relations of them. And 99% play along initially out of fear of abandonment by her man. Women are hardwired to have their men interested in her by often providing recreational sexual activity. That's why they usually go along with swinging and that's why they tolerate and sometimes welcome men's extra-curricular activities of him fucking a FWB, hallpassing him or allowing him to shred his cock into pieces to online porn. She feels safe he will not leave her while getting him off her hair for a bit while she runs the household and relaxes. Is a win-win situation for her. Women are often advised to "spice up their loivelife/marriage" to keep her man interested. Men are always advised to take care of his wife/family or face consequences. In conclusion, women do not fantasize about sex the same way men do. They rarely fantasize unless the seeds have been planted by a male. Same way heroin will cause you an immense pleasure the first time you try it but we all know we rather don't try it. Women just want to have a long, relax and beautiful life surrounded by abundance and a loving family. So, Mr. EvilDoers, the purpose of those interesting books you are reading were just to be sold and to make money for the author. The author simply found inspiration on a supposed ideal yet fictitious reality. Not everyone likes them, not everyone agrees. But the actual truth too far from it the same way we'll never see the Death Star opaquing our moon. [/quote] Sorry, I call out your bullshit theory on women. Women do want that but, not all swinging women do swinging because of feeling insecure. There are numerous types of swingers, and exhibitionist. All wanting to explore themselves in open world. To assume swinging is forced upon by the man for the women is also one sited. I think this man asked a great question about what do women think? I think this will be a fun topic to see. Instead of side tracking what he asked to hear about. You went on to assume he was not understanding his own question. His question was simple. He asked what do women want? What do they think about sexually? He did not ask what you thought of any books. Just an idea of what is in your secret garden. Let the women talk!!! Sorry if offended but, I want to know what women do think of? I for one am a women. Sex is natural for us. We reap with it. But, for men it is different. Way different. I wanna hear you women ROAR!!!!

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