
Elton Swingers in Pennsylvania

Elton Swingers

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female AGE turn on-off - - I guess I got to relate to "real " couples swingers , and so , you are a small amount of couples that openly do so , the majority of couples don't swing at all ! or do it in hiding or in a disceet manor ! go ahead make your own rules .....:p

Verified "Real" People - - [quote=DE2OFUS]Sorry folks, you are wrong. This is not a "who is cheating on their spouse" site. This is a swingers' website. A site designed to allow persons to have sex with other persons who are not their legal spouse. The question is, "verified REAL people". The gentleman in question, who INFORMED the young lady who started this post that he was married and cheating, was apparently VERY real. It is not up to you to call this man out as someone to stay away from. It is ENTIRELY up to you whether or not you want him to have sex with your wife, KNOWING he is married and cheating. Else, where do we draw the line? Is it up to me to send a note to the entire community if I believe your wife had a hygiene problem? Should I call her out by name in a forum and label her as someone to stay away from? I think not. The question was whether or not the guy was real...he was...and, again, probably more "real" than most of the people on this site.[/quote] [quote=TINKFROMHELL]I am really interested in the feature as it is suppose to help clear out the fake people on the site, right?? I just talked with a "Single Male" that is interested in hooking up with couples and single females. However he isn't single he is married and is looking to cheat on his wife. So why do we even have that feature when they verifies a liar.[/quote] Sorry DE2OFUS, but you are wrong. The verification process is to verify that a Couple is is a real couple or a Single Female is a Single Female and not a Single Male masquerading as a couple or single female as a way to infiltrate the site being something other than a single male. That was happening at the beginning of this site. It caused a lot of problems. It is not a question of whether this person is a real person or not. But, if we were to take the Real Seal literally, it is for 'Verification' to prove that this person is what he claims. He claimed on his profile to be 'single'. He admitted he is NOT single. Therefore the verification would have been false as he was NOT a Real 'Single' Male. He was married, whether cheating or not. [quote=ADMINISTRATOR] As a matter of fact [The VIP and REAL seal verification] was NEVER intended for single males and we actually stopped verifying them because people were thinking that we were vouching for them. The only purpose the seal serves is to know that you are truly talking to real couples or single females. Single men have it hard as it is so why would anyone want to fake being one. And when we verify somebody, we do not verify their looks, age, color, build or any physical property so that doesn't help single men either. [/quote] For the people who do care if the SM is lying or not, men like this do a great disservice to a SM like myself who is honest and truly single, not lying on his profile about his status. And remember that Swinging by it's nature must be about honest communication. It doesn't matter that this person 'admitted' a lie. What matters is that he LIED, and that the person who posted this question wanted him to be single, not a lying cheater.

Vegas: Swingers circle or couples oasis? - Which do I prefer - H2O, Couples is about 10 minutes from the Strip. It is southwest of the end of the Strip. It is a private house with a big parking lot in back (gravel, so ladies watch those heels or get dropped off by the entrance). The way in is not at the front of the house, it is actually in the driveway past the garage area (that are now play rooms). Contact them at couplesoasis.com and they can give you directions/info.

New to Spanish fork - Finally moved - [quote=ANDRAYWAY_SHANAYNAY]jeeps... maybe we should have a little get together with a bunch of swingers in moab [/quote]sounds like fun!!!

Why the male side of Couples are here...? - I will admit I am hoping to spark some heated debate on this.... - Shit I had to read thru that whole thing like almost twice. Okay fine, I skimmed it almost twice. Why am I (or we) still in swinging (it will be thirty years in the not too distant future!)? For us it's about the great friendships. Sex is great. It's fun to explore that not only with each other but with other people occasionally. But it's totally secondary for us. With swingers, more than any other group of people we've found, we can be ourselves, say pretty much what we want, and not have to filter anything. With most vanillas, especially here in Utah, we really have to tread lightly and watch what we say and do. With swingers we can laugh our asses off, totally make fun of the world and even flirt without anyone getting too bent out of shape. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what would happen if you did that with most of your vanilla friends. So yeah, friendships are why we stay. Any sex that happens is just the frosting on the Pop-Tart for us. As for when we're "70+...who will be taking care of you"...I would hope I can pretty much take care of myself, still control my bowels and bladder and occasionally still climb in the saddle and give Ms. Evil a jolly good geriatric rodgering. If I can't I would hope one of my good swinger friends will put me out of my misery by locking me in a room with an insatiable 22 year old redhead for a few hours and then scattering my ashes over the beach at Hedo II. ;-) Seriously, 70 AIN'T that old! I know a guy who still runs marathons (admittedly not very fast) in his 90's!

Respect...Needed? or just forgotten. - - The various points that have been made are well taken. We have been approached by people who are rude or crass. Typically it is a single male, often married pretending to be single or the de facto single male -- half of a vanilla couple pretending to be a swinging couple. I have several observations: This single male is far more likely to be a trial member. They have little or no real knowledge of swinging and it shows. They don\'t expect to be invited to join the couple or single female they approach. They simply find a cheap thrill in the crass sexaulity of the rude note they send. (I suspect they type them with one hand.) If given the oportunity (which their approach itself precludes) they would not play. Don\'t confuse them with the polite & respectful single males that are a part of swinging. We jokingly refer to them as hard-ons. They think because they once had a hard on -- they are qualified to swing. My FAVORITES are the ones that will \"let you watch\" or \"don\'t mind if you joins in\" as if somehow by their offer alone -- Belinda becomes theirs. You will see them at the clubs. Somehow they come up with the courage to go to a swingers club that allows single males. They are the males that hide in a corner too afraid to approach anyone or they are the males that come into the room with attitude written all over them -- as if saying \"I paid my fees -- who do I get to fuck\". If he is found out, the male half of the vanilla couple will stamp and stammer and claim that either he has his wife\'s permission or that she is cold and he is not getting any at home. Given their approach to sex. I have figured out, at least in part, why they are not getting any at home. I was raised by a very southern, very polite, Daughters of the Confederacy -- mother. Thus I had to endure the suffering born of numerous catillions or formal dances. Everyone knew everyone at the dances. Everyone knew that everyone was there to dance. But you went through the rituals of an introduction and small talk -- prior to dancing. While this analogy ignores the aspects of friendship that are a part of swinging. I have found that the manners I learned at my mothers knee have served me well in swinging. (Don\'t ya know that would shock the hell out of her!)

Swingers on a Cruise - - Thanks for the great info!

Just curious are we the only ones? - Just curious are we the only ones? - [quote=UNICORN73]Black rings? Really?? Soooo how well known is this fact? I would really like something that's discreet but yeah...says I'm in. But if they are vanilla...I don't want them to know at all! Am I gonna out myself to the world if I get a ring??[/quote] The idea of the black ring has been around for a long time. As early as the 60's by some accounts. However it is not generally well known. As such it's very uncommon to see anyone wearing them in public. Mrs. DandD and I have only seen one other couple wearing them and we have only had one other couple notice ours that we know of. It's also important to to note that black rings carry different meanings depending on who is wearing them. Members of the of homosexual community have been known to wear them on the right hand ring finger to indicate marriage when living where marriage was not legal for them. Members of the [url=http://www.asexuality.org/home/]AVEN[/url] community wear them on the middle finger of the right hand to identify each other. Finally swingers wear them on the right hand but not on the middle finger generally out of respect for and, I'm guessing, to avoid being confused as member of the AVEN community.

Christain Swingers? - - We have to say from our church background and understanding of scripture (and we were both unpaid ministry when we married...how things change lol!) that the answer is a big NO. Now we do not practice our faith at all and have totally fallen out due to some other reasons that we don't really want to get into. Not trying to start a flame war or change anyone else mind, if you still have faith, more power to you!:D This is just our personal understanding of the Bible, for us being a Christain Swinger is the same as a Jewish Nazi, it's just not going to work. Of course the church thing has had us so screwed up anymore that we hope we are wrong. We are on here as well, so you know who our friends are. Just two more people the church has shot in the back of the head and rolled into the ditch, Art and Dawn

Public or Private party venues - What's the definition - We agree completely! One thing we remind our self is that these are public events. They are advertised not solely to swingers or lifestyle groups. They can be found on facebook and other public sites. We love these big events and will still attend some of them, however if you are looking for private we would suggest you stick to house parties.

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