
Dayton Swingers in Pennsylvania

Dayton Swingers

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Dayton, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Dayton, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Dayton Swingers right away!

Party Pics... - Pictures of Swingers Parties etc... - Chilly...

Black Ring - Who has theirs and how have they caught on? - Explain the black ring thing further. My personal situation is I am not a swinger, I am not part of a couple, I just happened to get involved with a swinger couple and my guy gave me a profile on here. So I don't count as a swinger, I'm just a single girl who likes dick very very much. And people involved with swingers are a good source for easy NSA dick. But I have no problem wearing a piece of jewelry that might let other people see that I have a wild side. As it seems, no one notices, but if more people try? Like seriously if there is a special ring or other piece of jewelry that announces to the world I am a slut and proud of it, count me in.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - AKLIM, 1. I was never trying to convince you to accept a single guy. I was only saying that there are many reasons, to include insecurity, that people don't like single guys. I think that's the biggest reason, to tell you the truth. I was pointing out that it was ok to say no to anything you don't want. However, it's not ok to get in a thread not addressing you to defame and stereotype others because of your unique experience. 2) If you are into "watching" girl on girl, that maybe something the single female brings to the table (for some). In fact, it would equate to what a single male would bring to the table for those guy that want to watch their wife get fucked by a strange dude. 3) It's all a matter of preference. No one should ridicule anyone for their own preference. If you don't want single males, fine. But don't ridicule the single male for wanting the couple. 4) You seem to be addressing my points as though I were directing them at you. I am speaking in general and to those that posted personal attacks and remarks about the author of the thread as though he was some sort of a self-serving asshole for posting this thread. These same people that pigeon hole a group for what the minority do. When we are all here for self-gratification and to say any less would be dishonest. I find it difficult at time not to call people out on their hypocrisies. Do I mean you? NO. I mean any moron that wants something and is fine happy when they get it, but will stop at nothing to deny others the same satisfaction. I say fuck em. -D-

Alex - New to the lifestyle looking for my first encounter into couples and single females - Utahldscouple / openmarriage - My mistake. I read two different responses and mistakenly attributed them both to openmarriage! The other was "don’t understand how single guys can be swingers". My bad.

Can someone enlighten me? - - [quote]8) They're not really swingers. They work for the NSA (or the LDS church)[/quote]Well I don't think it is the NSA since they would just make your internet provider give them your info and pics, and I am pretty sure the LDS church reserves the same right in some obscure law passed by the state legislature :).

Swingers Vacation Spots - Help us - For us it would be simple anyplace out of colorado that has swingers parties and a good babysitter for the kids cause we wouldnt want to come home soon guess that what living in a small town and no car does to you. lol

Ohio Swingers - Anyone in Ohio want to meet and for dinner and drinks sometime? - We live in the Columbus area looking for some new friends to meet and see how things go!

Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - Looking at the event page for that party; I guess it's sold out according to the party details of the event. Who still hasn't gotten tickets yet but would still want to party? Thinking about getting a select group of people together and doing drinks or meet & greet some place else . Who would be interested?

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - tpafun.... we tend to disagree with the first paragraph of your post... (we dont do pissing matches often) so as a result we usually just offer our opinion and dont rebuttle anyone elses.. but as far as ... if u are a single male and looking for a couple u bring NOTHING TO THE TABLE... i think thatd be better if it was formed as an opinion..., we do single males on occasion...(fuck here goes our mail box filling up)... sara likes DP... with both vaj, or 1 vaj 1 anal, or having one slam hound her doggie while she does oral... and it gets kinda old with either me or her trying to operate the phallus while we are still trying to focus on what we are doing.. so a live person boes have his uses... not that we just use them... but we do... i read them the riot act priorand explain that if at any point i feel they are disrespectfull or rude or selfish they will leave..THEY ARE HERE FOR SARA'S PLEASURE.. and in return they will get the fucking of a life time... there are a few that their performance warranted them beconing invited over to hot tub and OTHER THINGS every couple weeks or so....but there are those that were perfect gentlemen whom dont get invited back.. for the main reason sara wants more than 5 min of fun... so stamina counts... just like one of our main questions b4 ever meeting.... "what makes u diferent from every other single male out there?" most say they can do oral for hours.. well no shit so can i... but i can give sara oral... she isnt looking for oral....plus she needs to see the tool... sorry guys but she says their are some cocks out there that she wouldnt put in her mouth....... well we would like to write more but we need to get showered n ready for work... dennis and sara

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Uncle Pervy is a Gemini Pervette is a Capricorn

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