
Coplay Swingers in Pennsylvania

Coplay Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Coplay, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Coplay looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Coplay, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Coplay, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Coplay, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Coplay Swingers right away!

Any Swingers out there? Golf swingers that is... - - less see... weve rented bars, amusement parks, forests... why not a golf course for a day? are you listening party orginizers?

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Yeah, a lot of insecurity showing here and generalized statements. I like reading people's opinions and their own take on these discussions. But if you do it, please don't paint everyone with your brush. Really, we're adults and can speak for ourselves. :D There are those of us who really like to watch our partners pleasured. There are women who like more than one man at a time. And of course, there are women who want to play with another man, alone. Or, perhaps the single male can teach them something or offers something another man can't. The reasons some seek single males is the same as people seeking single females. They want something different. A new twist or perhaps fulfill a fantasy. Don't let a few bad cases of Overt Manliness taint the many single guys and women on here who are respectful, not crazy and won't throw bullshit at you. They are there and they're fun! And that's what we're all here for, right? -K_T

Wannabes and net fakes - Will the real lifestyle members please stand up - We have learned the best phrase to learn quickly in this lifestlye is "NEXT" lets face it this is nothing but a #'s game you have to contact loy=ts to find the few good ones and once you find those good ones it makes all the weeding out of the fakes and flakes worth it. Like we tell people a social meeting or two is fine but we do not intend to date you a year before you decide if you want to play with us or not . We just wish people would have the balls to say at least "no thanks" or tellthe truth they are "wanna" swingers into only the fantasy of it and never really intend to do it. When we find those we simply say "NEXT!" Norm&Sharon

This lifestyle - What are we really? - MORDON: Huh?? Wow...no easy task to consolidate concepts as broad and inclusive as swinging and/or polyamory into neat little boxes. I'm still trying to follow how you grouped the two into polar opposites. I'm not sure that the way you're defining either of those would be true for the majority of those in the swinging communities, and especially not Sirensextress or myself. If I have the ability to to love more than one person...then yes, I suppose I am polyamorous, but NOT in the same way that a couple who is truly polyamorous might view it (I do love not just one but all my children/siblings and whatnot). You've painted a rather bleak and harsh picture of us non-polyamorists, by boldly stating that swingers are, "friends with benefits....True swinging is having sex just for the sake of having sex. No talking ...no getting to know each other...not caring one iota about the other person. Basically have sex and if the other person dies on the way home ...who give gives a shit!" That statement is well, to put it bluntly, naive and uninformed. We've never engaged in sex without talking, or getting to know one another. How else would we know if there's any chemistry? We care greatly for most of the people we've encountered through swinging, and would most CERTAINLY care if they died on the way home! In short...we "give a shit"! I think in it's broadest sense, the term "swinging" is large enough to cater to the appetites of a wide spectrum of people, from those that are inclined to polyamory, to those that prefer to fuck 'em and leave 'em, to those that are the swinging wannabe's, to those that are exclusive. We are by no means polyamorous, but yes, we've run into couples that are in the truest sense of the word, poly. In fact, we've met couples that have wanted us to participate in the poly lifestyle. However, they are looking for something quite different that what we are looking for. Neither my wife nor myself are looking to be "married" to another couple, or to become a "secondary" husband/wife to them. Yet, being the "non-polyamorists" that we are, and according to your definition, we should be unable able to maintain very close friendships with any other swingers. Actually...our experiences have been quite the opposite. Most of our closest friends have come out of The Lifestyle. Do we love them? Yep. Have/are we sexually intimate with them? Yep. Are we romanticaly involved, exclusive and IN love with them? No. Do we love them like family? Yep. Are we polyamorous? No. Does this just boil down semantics? Yes..probably. However I felt compelled to speak on behalf of those of us that actually do care about the people that we meet through the lifestyle. Cuz we DO give a shit and we're NOT the cold-hearted people we've been made out to be! :)

Swinger & 🦄 Bait - An experiment to attract swingers and unicorns. - [quote=MTNPLAY]I’ve been wearing the black ring for years all around the US and some foreign counties. Not a thing, no questions or looks.[/quote] I here ya, I've also been wearing a solid black ring (or as seen now a black w/ silver stripe) for a while and also never had any questions or looks. I believe the black ring is more of a mainstream thing nowadays.

Staying a couple in the lifestyle - - We've been at the LS nearly our entire 15 year marriage.. and we've always done things as a couple. Even way back when we were newly hatched swingers, we've always done it as a couple, and we've used our real names from the beginning, mostly because we're not creative enough to come up with fake names. Neither of us would make good actors, because we'd never respond to anything but our real names either 🤣 We started this together with equal gusto with the idea of having fun together while having sex with other people at the same time, and with people we want to be friends with, and not exclusively in the bedroom either. Has it always worked out that way? No but that's okay. We've always still managed to have fun. Anything that we can experience with each other and share together has made it 100% worthwhile. The day we can't have fun doing this together is the day we go back to being sexually monogamous. Simple as that. But the REAL secret to why we're still happily married is that there is one thing we do separately, which may be problematic for some. It's scary sharing this, but here goes.... We don't share blankets. We can't do it. We've tried, and it doesn't work for us. We're both very needy in regards to tossing and turning and being wrapped in our own blankets. Plus, we've got our individual blanket needs that can't be met with exclusively with the same one.

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - It's too bad. They had an opportunity to expose more people to a healthy, vibrant, valid lifestyle choice. Instead it appears they will fear monger and use the states natural prejudices to present a skewed and irrational viewpoint from a person who could very well only be attributing their marriages demise to swinging purely to deflect from any other problem that could have been present. Not to mention that she is essentially an anonymous source and unless they can provide any validation for her story it may as well be entirely fiction. Of course it is on local news in Utah so most likely the only people who will be watching it won't know how to work a computer.

Vegas: Swingers circle or couples oasis? - Which do I prefer - Has anyone gone to a swingers circle event or to couples oasis? What do you think of either? Would I recommend either? Any other places you recommend?

If only you could tell in public who is and isnt in the LS - - [quote=fourplay][quote=DARINTRICIA]There are phone apps that can show when others are nearby. I use one for hunting with the people I hunt with. So someone just needs to develop an app.[/quote] Super good idea![/quote] Several apps like that HAVE been developed. One was actually offered to members of another swing site we're on. It failed miserably because people wouldn't, for various reasons, use it. We never used it personally. Some people apparently thought the potential for being outed as swingers was too great to risk using it. Another app was written by a friend of ours and it supposedly had some safeguards in it that he had designed but Apple wouldn't allow it in their app store...I guess because it's purpose was to help people swap spouses. \_(ツ)_/¯

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - we love it as well....

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