
Coaldale Swingers in Pennsylvania

Coaldale Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Coaldale, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Coaldale looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Coaldale, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Coaldale, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Coaldale, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Coaldale Swingers right away!

ADMIN: Survey Says - Site Updates for Priority - - Fix the site so it's mobile-responsive. Your current mobile app sucks ass. (Like.. a LOT of ass). We had a great one with SwingRing and you shut it down. (I even offered to give you the whole thing for free.. but you ignored a ton of emails to that end). All modern social communities are now mobile-first. This one is mobile-non-existent. I recognize this is a total front-end UI rewrite. I would propose that it's probably about time. I can introduce you to some people who are very good at this kind of work, if you need. (And you'll have to forgive us if you make another promise that it's coming, and we don't believe you anymore). - Get rid of the awful chat system and replace it with something a little more.. modern. You're just plugging in bad third-party products and you just cheapen the whole experience. CometChat really is bad, and the mobile app you white-labeled from them is absolutely TERRIBLE. You should get your money back on that whole venture. (123FlashChat is also TERRIBLE!!) - Fix the "groups" feature here. You need a more social / facebook style wall where content that's relevant to us is pushed to our main Swingular page. If someone posts in a group I belong to, I should get notified of that and see it on my wall. If someone replies to a thread in the forums I'm participating in, I'd like to see that. Kasidie, Quiver, and other sites are figuring all of this out while this site still lives in the dark ages. As it stands, the social capabilities of this site aren't just bad -- they're embarrassing. No wonder so many people from this site are migrating to the (less than ideal) Facebook groups and Kik chat rooms. - I want a damn text message or push notification when someone sends me a message. I want to be able to reply to the message they sent from my mobile device, without going through some cumbersome sign-in process. I want to be able to view their profile, their public photos, and their private photos without having to go through the captcha process. Put simply? I want interaction with other couples to be seamless. You really suck at this right now. (The SwingRing app had all this. You killed it in favor of something that looks like it was created by a junior-high kid). - Better event management.. I built a REALLY nice event management system in the SwingRing app that's now dead.. but parties were better attended than ever before as a result of that system. Now we're back to the stone age. The whole point of this site is to help swingers meet other swingers. Don't lose site of that! - All the bells and whistles that I get from other sites are missing. (List is too long to paste here, but I'd be happy to offer you consulting services on how to build engaging and interactive online communities). ---- My data shows swingers are moving elsewhere and your site is becoming less relevant. It's still the only real gathering place for swingers in Utah, but it won't be long before the mobile world decimates this cash-cow you've built. (I'm happy to share that usage data with you, if you're interested).

A party in Naples - anyone interested - Well we would LOVE to since Naples is our home town of 20 years!!! Unfortunately we won't be visiting then and we are moving to NC in 2 weeks! Anyone wanna welcome some Utah swingers to the great state of NC??? D and B P.S. Beard...one day, yes we will meet :-)

Mormons - - Ahh...gotcha! I have a personal "testimony" of the fact that there ARE indeed MORE than 50 real swingers in Utah! I've had a personal witness of this and my bosom burns, and I know this to be true with every fiber of my being...:) (Utah mormon-based humor there) ~J~

Las Vegas - Swingers clubs ect. - [quote=Mrnmrsb]Can people who have been to both flirts and playhouselv explain the differences, pros and cons, and such? Been to playhouselv and loved it. Debating flirts. Any help would be great![/quote]Simple. Flirts allows byob and provides mixers, playhouse alcohol is prohibited. Second, playhouse filters and screens it applicants where flirts allows most anyone. Playhouse is in a commercial building and flirts is in a residential building (very well designed layout for sexy fun, e.g. the glass wall play rooms above the DJ). Playhouse allows single males and flirts is couples and single females only. That is about it.

Too Young? - Are we just too young... - I can tell you this for a fact - based on both our experience AND our attitude - there is a whole lot LESS drama and insecurity with older swingers than there is with younger ones. Us "seasoned" folks aren't hung up on looks (ours OR theirs) the way those junior to us are. If you read a profile, and it specifies some aspect of how potential applicants have to look in order to be considered viable candidates for play, there's a 99% chance the profile belongs to a younger couple. Vanity, ego, hangups and elitism diminish with age. And as 2THAT said above, if you've never been with an older couple, you don't know what you're missing.

taking one for the team - - Very well said... this is a great topic. Anyone interested in adding it to the Swingers Wiki? ThoughtGarden may have some good words. Here is the wiki: http://wiki.swingular.com.

Why are there so many swingers from Utah? - - sorry...i had to post just to get simplyhung's pic off there before he poked someone's eye out! lol

Single Men Meeting Couples - Are Single Men Treated Un Fairly In The Lifestyle - In an earlier response someone wrote: ______________________________________________________________________________ *** Short & Sweet: In our opinion, we don't view single men in the swinging lifestyle as swingers - more like single men wanting to have easy sex (most of them anyway) with someone else's wife. They bring nothing to the "table" that another man "within a couple" could bring. *** ______________________________________________________________________________ What anyone brings to the table in the lifestlye is highly subjective; it would greatly depend on what you were looking for in the first place wouldnt it? While we have met quite a few single men who were lying assholes, we have also met as many who were complete gentleman who earned our respect and trust. As for having "easy" sex with someone else's wife...well, it shouldnt be all that easy should it? That is, unless we as couples are as indiscriminate as the single men are about with whom we have sexual relations. What is the proverbial "table" anyway? What you bring to the "table" is YOU, or yourselves if you are a couple. What you have to offer can only be valued by those who would recognize and appreciate your contribution. It isn't a swap meet. (My wife for your wife.) That is a classic misconception about who we are and what we do as lifestylers. During the "key " parties of the 70's this was the general attitude, but those days are gone. We are a much more sophisticated breed now, who have exprienced a sexual evolution unlike anything our parents could have imagined, thanks to the addition of the internet and sites like this one. There are GAY swinging couples comprised of 2 MEN. We have no desire to date them, but we do not disagree with their right to participate....Are they swingers? Absolutely! Why not? They seek what we do for all of the same reasons. Who are we to determine their place, or value in the lifestyle? A lot of couples take a very narrow view on this subject, which to me is very sad. I am here to tell you that the word "swinger" is absolutely NOT synonymous with the phrase "wife swapper". That archaic, stupid phrase only hurts us as lifestylers, and is not truly representative of who we are, and what we do. "Threesome" does not ONLY imply 2 women and a man. We come in all flavors, with varying desires and fantasies to fullfill. Many times (and we have seen this too many times to count in the last 13 years swinging) it is the MAN of the COUPLE who is too insecure to allow HIS wife to be with another man, 3some or couple! So they only date single women... or attempt to atleast. LoL. I am not saying that this is true for everyone. But I have seen it too many times to count. The hypocrisy is staggering. Everyone makes choices, and we are all free to make them. We do not judge those who choose to only date couples. YES, there are single male assholes in the world. The fact that they are single does NOT make them a health risk. Swinging COUPLES have far more sex than ANY of the single men I know! Most of the COUPLES we know have done things in the clubs that these poor guys can only jerk off too in their dreams, with far far more regularity. A well dressed, well mannered, MATURE, professional male who is not cheating on his spouse, looking to attempt cause trouble in someone's marriage, and wants to have a great time with an honest couple is out there. We have met scores of them! Police officers, doctors, lawyers, business professionals....you cant sell me that they are all midnight "corner store" Johns looking for a cheap sexual fix with any pussy that comes along. Geesh, guys have standards too. I have FAR MORE sex than ANY single man I know! And so do the rest of you couples! Unless ofcourse they are college kids, and then....come on! What wild and crazy college aged 22 year old man ISNT looking for pussy in bars and strip clubs? Is THAT who you would swing with anyway? If there were as many single women swinging as single men, there would be quite a few single WOMEN assholes out there too. We live right next to The University of Maryland, so I employ some of the biggest hookers I have seen anywhere, anytime. I say, pick through the weeds, be selective about with whom you have sex (shouldn't we anyway?), and let the chips fall where they may. Thats what the lifestyle is all about. Just my $1.25... Luvbugs! (mR.) ;)

Question - do you talk about other swingers? - We do talk of different experiences, however, never do we "name drop". It is very important to not kiss and tell, we have even gone as far as to not let our testimonials be availble for people to see, its great to know what another couple thinks about ya but, too much info is givin sometimes....I really don't want everyone knowin how many people or what we have been up to, most of the time..just my 2 cents... mrs. Tart:)

Friend collectors or swingers - - We don't fuck people we don't consider friends. But you don't HAVE to fuck us to be our friend. Our friend list, right now, has maybe a dozen couples on it...only one of which we are currently (and infrequently, I might add) playing with. Personally, we're not looking for more people to play with until this whole COVID thing is a LOT more under control. Like SweettAndH, we prune the garden quite frequently and usually delete "friends" if there is no movement to get to know one another better in some way within several weeks at most. *shrug*

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