
Chester Heights Swingers in Pennsylvania

Chester Heights Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Chester Heights, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Chester Heights looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Chester Heights, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Chester Heights, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Chester Heights, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Chester Heights Swingers right away!

How do you spot a Swinger..?! - tell tell signs of the lifestyle - I really think that we should go with the wristband idea because even when I got to our clubs I cannot tell who is or isn't! Nothing is worse then having a gf yell at you to quit looking at her man because they aren't swingers...my come back was, I wasn't checking him out, I was looking at you! That shut her up! But seriously, the wristbands would be wonderful!

Hosting a swingers Party - - Two things which may cause problems.. Does OK have any laws which prohibit or limit or place restriction on the number of people who can be in a room or place for the purpose of having consensual sex? And as part of the first question, Is there a restriction on how many may have sex together... like sodomy laws..? Then if you collect money for any purpose it may be considered a business and a permit may be required to meet state law? Two clubs in NC in different locations have closed because of violation of state liquor laws. The parties have been being held in one place for 5 yrs and it was on private property and they charged nothing save for a "donation" to defray costs of setups and food that they supplied for their parties. The local constabulary determined that the Booze that was present (this is a BYOB situation and no liquor sold) in the home(which they called a business) without a license is in violation of state liquor law. They couldn't bust them for sex violations since NC cannot see behind closed doors. BTW both of these places conducted parties on Saturday nights regularly.. So please check regulatory bodies about sex laws and about liquor laws.. Tell them point blank that you want to have a lifestyle party in a public building in a suit or group of rooms that will be closed to the general public and that no alcohol will be sold or served but that people are encouraged to bring what they wish to drink and like any responsible person you will not allow people to drink and drive..You know that if people get intoxicated and have an accident the people who own the bar or who threw the party can be held responsible for contributing to that accident. You can have lifestyle parties without hard booze.... and have plenty of coffee abvailable for people who need or want it.. Be careful who you invite too..know who is at your party that they are not from the local constabulary.. Oh and NO DRUGS allow in the door.. Drugs on the premises can get people arrested who have nothing to do with drugs and you arrested as the people who rented or own the property. Just a few pit-falls that could cum up an bite you in the butt.

Who’s had luck with single guys? - - [quote=LIVNITUP]You wouldn’t think that this should be very difficult to find a single male on this site for a threesome, but based on the posts I constantly see this place is plagued with males that talk a big game and then never come through. What do you guys do to filter out the good ones? This site needs to do a better job of getting rid of the single males that are all talk and no action. Maybe a three strikes and they are out. I realize sometimes things come up, but if it’s constantly that gets extremely annoying. Lots of us have lives and this kinda thing takes some planning. If you say you are going to show up and then don’t, it just wastes people’s time.[/quote] Easy answer to the original issue: A lot of guys on here aren't "swingers." They're single men who strike out in the vanilla life style eo they come here because they assume the men are cucks. The second type are the knes just fishing for pictures and those are usually the blind friend requests or copy/paste messages. And finally, the last group are the real single male swingers. They're probably the smallest group here and they're unfortunately lobbed in with the rest. A year or 2 ago someone suggested a rating/vetting system for single males as to seperate them from the pack of horny zombies. Maybe that should be re-addressed.

Sexy swingers closer to our age - 20-30 year old sexy swingers - 28 and 31 here! :)

Disabled Swingers - - We have actually encountered a somewhat local couple who we really like, and she is in a wheelchair. I'm ashamed to say that we have not become very close, other than being friendly at parties as we're unsure of what is expected and what her "disability" is. Personally, I think it would be much easier to "approach" an obviously "disabled" person/couple if there was some sort of specified background on the disability and its limitations and requirements for that person- sexually speaking.... (Perhaps a basic run-thru in your profile?) I know that several people suffer from different "ailments" that can sometimes be frustrating to potential sex partners. I myself (female half) have rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and severe colitis - none of which have responded well (if at all) to treatment. These seemingly small (compared to being in a wheelchair) ailments can have a big impact on my sex life! I cannot always be trusted to show up at a party, and when I CAN, I'm often hurting so bad that "playing" is out of the question. When I DO play, I tire more quickly than I'd like, and certain positions are out of the question. Often, meeting for dinner is uncomfortable with the digestive "issues" that follow eating... etc. etc. So when we become friendly enough with people we might be interested in playing with, I have to be up-front and let them know what they're dealing with... even tho my problems may sound trivial, they're not to me, and they can and DO end up affecting my sexual performance and my social life, or lack thereof! I don't like to say much, because to me it sounds like "whining" and the last thing I want to be is a whiner! However, we all need to realize that everyone has their own problems, obstacles, issues, etc and when we know what we're looking at, we can decide if it's going to be worth the effort to try and establish a sexual relationship. If people are aware of what you CAN do, they may be more willing to become involved. And if they're not willing to work with you and understand that you've got some limitations, but that you've still got alot going for you.. then you're probably better off without them. I hope that helps... And the very best of luck to you both! Hugz!

Other activities? - Do you only meet swingers for sex? - No it is not just for sex although that is a really fun part of it. Some of the things we have done with couples that we swing with inlude, going out to dinner, go to a movie together, go to a play, go to a concert, go shoot some pool toether, go bowling, invite them up to our cabin for the weekend (yes we have had couples come spend an entire weekend at the cabin and not play even though we had before and since). We like to go hiking together, fix a fun dinner in at our place in town or at the cabin and enjoy. Other things have included some plane old fashioned helping out stuff like working equipment or building something. Lots of things we like besides fun and frolic in the bedroom, but we like that too.

Swingers Club - Swingers Club - Sweet! Let us know when you'll be opening and how much the cover charge is. I'm pretty sure Clearfield will be stoked to have the first real swing club in Utah.[em]Emo_12[/em] And since you've never been to one I'm sure yours will be free from all the cliches that most tawdry swing clubs exhibit. About the only thing you need to remember is to have a little crock pot full of dicey looking meatballs on the buffet table. [em]Emo_8[/em]

Obama's Roadtrip - - [quote]Fair enough. Then why rely on them for anything that likely wasn't adequately studied?[/quote] Likely just does not do it for me...When the numbers are given AND shown how they were gathered, I tend to believe they are fairly accurate. [quote]Let's take your Pepsi/Coke example. There is likely nothing befuddling about your scenario. Just one possibility: Where are the two Florida products bottled? Maybe it's the water.[/quote] Both bottled locally, it is chalked up to being a preferance thing. In WI, lived there for a while, it was called pop or soda, unless a VERY specific thing was needed, a Mountain Dew for instance. In the south, it is a Coke no matter what it is. If someone in the south offers a Coke, it could be Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Diet Rite, Sam's Club Soda, etc. [quote]I'm glad you agree with the logic. My Bachelor's is in Social Welfare (Psych Minor). Human nature is only a bitch of a thing when you get out there a few standard deviations. The bulk of us are as predictable as rats.[/quote] Believe it or not, I have 2 BA's (econ and int. rel.) with a minor in social work. So I am very aware of social science standards and SOME believe that we're predictable. If you have a smaller sample, we are fairly predictable, especially when the sample is taken from a specific group of people (swingers for instance, better yet, swingers in a specific region), once you get to the larger populations (nationwide for instance), human behavior is not easily quantified. Try being the ONLY conservative in all the social work classes, it was fun! Then again, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. [quote]I propose that as an economist you are simply looking at things with a limited perspective. [/quote] Possibly, but I also have a rare ability to look at it from an outsider's view.... [quote]There is simply no question that if a person's basic needs (food and shelter) are met, there is less motivation to risk the consequences of violating societal rules.[/quote] I can see the logic of this, however, we are Americans, we always want MORE, we are constantly bombarded with images of MORE, we are constantly told that without MORE we are incomplete, etc. What are the consequences of violating societal rules? Food, shelter, clothing, TV, etc? Really tough there. Look at prisons in Mexico, if your family does not provide, you starve, more than likely. THAT is consequences, it is a deterrant (sp?). IMHO, one of the reasons for our increased crime rates is the lack of public punishment. If every time you turned around, you saw a group of people in black and white stripes mowing lawns, trimming trees, etc. on the side of the road in leg chains, it would cut crime considerably. If they did public executions, it would cut crime dramatically. Then again, I am a staunch supporter of heavy penalties for crimes, especially when they are repeat offenders, most of the social scientists are not. They want more rehab and such, which I also support, BUT only for first timers, not for repeat offenders. Anyway, I am thoroughly enjoying our debate... Next!

Birds of a Feather - Finding couples that share similar interests -


I guess that was the point. What does religion have to do with swinging? Are you not seeing how many of the flock or "birds of a feather" have strayed from the traditional path of christianity? A path that the christian bible forbids. It's perfectly understandable that your post would cause such a conversation to occur. Don't get me wrong. I am in no way judging you. I am just saying that I can see how some would question your loyalty or dedication to a religion that strictly forbids adultry. I could give a fuck, because that is up to the individual and their deity or dogma. I don't think it is for anyone to judge, just as you should be comfortable with no one taking your dedication to the faith seriously. The bottom line really is, do you care what others think? If not, why try and find commonality in "back sliders" amongst swingers? Do you need the comfort of others that are taking the same journey away or astray? I think those are the questions that peak when these types of threads are born. Again, I really could care less about the level of your faith. As I am in no way a religious person. I would like to thank you for giving us something worthy of discussing though. Yes, it has been brought up before, but then again, so have the oral exams via the vagina picture threads. LOL! So again thanks for the spur. It was starting to get bland again.

Black Ring - Who has theirs and how have they caught on? - [quote=BMSHELL]It's a numbers game... Less than a tenth of 100th of a percent of the population of Utah is into swinging..... You may wear it for YEARS before someone notices.. (Just like the odds of running into a swinger at the grocery store are ridiculously slim). Odds go up significantly if you wear them to places where swingers are likely to be (Habits on a Friday night, for example). [/quote] We run into other swingers ALL the time at the grocery store, the liquor store, and the gym. In fact it's kind of a running joke with some of the swingers in our neck of the woods. [em]Emo_12[/em]

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