
Brookville Swingers in Pennsylvania

Brookville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Brookville, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Brookville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Brookville, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Brookville, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Brookville, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Brookville Swingers right away!

Question - do you talk about other swingers? - We have never met anyone from any website so we can't talk about people we havent met. For those we have met in the local club here, we will mention that we played with them and had fun but we NEVER share details and we won't speak badly of a couple even if we didnt enjoy the meeting, because everyone has their own opinions.

Swingers Vacation Spots - Help us - We've heard that there are quite a few single men at Hedo...but the point to remember is that not all swingers go to Hedo. It's a place to be nude and many swingers are there. We've heard that even if you don't swing, it's the most relaxing vacation there could be. This is another reason we want to attend.....lots of watching others play too....hehehehe. I don't think we've ever heard anything bad about the place at all. It's a resort, therefore there are lots and lots of fun things to do....check it out online. Take care :z

Question for the ladies - - "We totally agree with Valence and Hunt. We're not sure why size is such a big deal. I'm your average 6" and don't feel like I have any reason to feel ashamed about it. The one person it should matter to loves it the way it is. " No one here said small guys should be ashamed, As usuall the insecure guys here all came out to complain even though none of the original post was directed at them in anyway. If your wife is happy with what you got great. This is my wifes play time, she wants what she wants. She doesn't settle for what ever is offered. Why should she? "We love the point about women who layer/pushup/tighten or whatever else to make themselves look better with clothes on. Wouldn't it be the same disappointment when the clothes come off as you have had with these single men that weren't the size they said they were. " We Always provide full nude pics of her to good candidates, nothing left to guess. He knows what he is getting. Most swingers and adult sites always show the woman in various stages of undress. More than I can say for the men. You usually never see them there. Mine are in our private pics so anyone we wish to play with can see them. "we Having said that, we would also find it upsetting that he had lied about his size if that was indeed what was important to you. So maybe force the single men in the future to provide a picture with their unit being measured with a ruler, then you should know exactly what you're getting. " Some will do this, the rest get all defensive when asked. 99% of the ones who send pics try to fake them so their real size will not show. We don't play with just anyone regardless of looks or size. If there is no physical attraction it won't happen. In our own experience most couples are quite selective. We are too ands thats our right. None of the original post by us was ever directed at any guy on here. No need to get all defensive and complain. Your manhood is not in question. I knew when we brought the question up what would happen but the wife wanted to ask others their experiences.

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Im a horny old goat with my penis rising...

Certified Single Male Program - What do you think? - [quote=SEAKINGHER]That is why I think single males need to be broken down into two groups. Those that are polite swingers and those that are just fuckers.[/quote] Not just single males....people in general.

closed doors? - - Ha ha to the comment about swingers parties being one big orgy. We have been to several parties and none of them have been that :( If anyone knows where they have those, please let us know:p

Hey, a bunch of us are going to the American Bush tonight!! - - Not all swingers, a bunch of single girls too, but should be a lot of fun! If you want to meet up with us there and get acquainted, let me know!! Respond if you would like the details. I think about 12 of us are going so far. M & D LVSTRIPPERBABE

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - Classy not Trashy.........Perfect post. Thank you

Black Ring, Right Hand - How to tell if someone's a swinger - [quote=TMACA]The thing is, even though people in the vanilla world may know about something like black rings on the right hand, they probably won't notice it, especially with all the people wearing multiple rings nowadays. Most people just aren't all that observant. On the other hand, swingers who know about it will probably look for them. And if someone who doesn't also have one on asks you what's with the black ring, you can just say,"I like it." And if they then say "Did you know that it can mean ....?", you can say something like "Why do you think that?", or "Where'd you hear that?", which can lead to them saying they swing, or let you get out of the conversation without admitting anything yourself.~ Terry[/quote] That may be true up to a point but think about what other cues you see when you see an attractive couple and wonder if they're swingers. Dress a little sexier than normal, act a little flirtier or maybe dance a little dirtier (if they're at a club), are constantly looking around checking out other people. That doesn't happen in the vanilla world. Most guys would at very least get an elbow to the gut if their lady caught them openly checking out an attractive girl. In swinging, the lady will often check out the attractive girl right along with her husband. I still think that the majority of swingers wouldn't wear the rings even if they became "a thing". As someone mentioned this isn't a new concept. People have been talking about ways to make it easier to identify other swingers when out and about almost since the day we started swinging decades ago. On another swing site we're on they even made a mobile app that people could put on their smart phones that would alert them if another swinger was nearby and also had the app turned on. If the app showed (by GPS) another swinger near you you could send them a text. It was a colossal failure to say the least. I know there are definitely a small percentage of swingers who would wear black rings and/or use an app but the majority would likely not due to fear of discovery. Why do you think many or most profiles have face pics only in the locked sections and mention discretion so ubiquitously? Especially here in Utah where the prevailing religion has such strict morality codes, many people would rightly be afraid of losing their jobs and social standing if discovered. JMO

What are swingers really looking for ?Are they looking for frien - Has the happen to you. - so i went to read your profile, it is clear once you read it all, and people should if they are going to contact you... in my opinion, (rich), you have a lot of words there, makes lazy people skip some... even though it is clear at the top, you might want to steamline your ad, so the things that are most important stand out... think of it as effenciency advertising. there are a few sights which also might better serve your needs at this time, (the ladiesclub dot com , and rainbowfriendfinder dot com) will most likely help to find what you are currently looking for... and you can go to singles sights as well, they let women sign up free normally, and you can ad for a girl, the last thing i can think of is you joining yahoo groups and such dealing with that matter... hope this advise helps... rich of richandchris

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