
Blandon Swingers in Pennsylvania

Blandon Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Blandon, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Blandon looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Blandon, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Blandon, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Blandon, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Blandon Swingers right away!

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - We have been with couples in there twenties as well as couples in there fifty. We have found that as long as the appearance and attitude is pleasant, age don

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - Here is a definition that I think is pretty good: Swinging or partner swapping (sometimes referred to as the swinging lifestyle or simply the lifestyle) is a non-monogamous [1] behavior, in which partners in a committed relationship agree, as a couple, for both partners to engage in sexual activities with other people, sometimes referred to as recreational or social sex.[2] Swinging can take place in a number of contexts, ranging from a spontaneous sexual activity at an informal social gathering of friends to a swingers' club and can involve internet-based introduction services.

We are going to Vegas and want to do something sexy - Please share your ideas on what we can do - Has anyone visited any of the clubs and what has been your experiences. The wife and I are headed to Vegas July 15th - July 22nd We are specifically looking at Green Door, Red Rooster and Swingers Circle. Not sure which we are going to yet.

That Moment - - We have done that many times. We will sit at the Mall and watch people and ask each other are they swingers or not lol.

weight approperate - - xplorr we will be back in NC in June to ride the B R Park Way would love to meet. We went to a Club at a Hotel while up this past June called carolina swingers in Winston Salem it was a blast.

Habits Saturday night - Any couples or single ladies want to join us? - We hardly ever see any swingers when we go there but after about 10 it get so crowed in there it hard to see anyone.

Have you ever met anyone TRULY crazy in the lifestyle? - - OK so we're not overly qualified to answer, as we're quite new and haven't gotten to know anybody very well yet at all, but I do have some observations to add. Are we all nuts? NO. some are, some aren't. Many "normal" folks may think we're abnormal, crazy even. I mean, we don't exactly run around telling everybody we like to see our spouses pleasured by others, that isn't a very "Christian" or "normal" thing in society's eyes. It doesn't make us crazy. Adventurous? YES Thrillseekers? YES Different? YES Insane? NO Case in point: It's my observation that most swingers ride motorcycles. That puts them definitely in the first 2 categories. There are a ton more Bikers that are completely Vanilla and totally sane, some may say "Different" because riding isn't everybody's thing. (We're scared to death of riding, and probably never will know the serenity and enjoyment it brings most.) As far as meds go, remember this is the Zanax capitol of the world right here in the land of Zion. Not to mention the number of swinging active LDS members, other church-goers, retirees, well-paid professionals, business owners, and hard working blue collar folk. So the cross-section of society really is still there. Obviously by profiles you will find different strokes for different folks in the sexuality department, and on a Vanilla dating site, you get the same. We have members here who are octogenarians, and others who are barely old enough to get into clubs. Crazies? sure you bet, there has to be. Just as with everything else, a certain percentage of any group will be a beer or two short of a sixer. I think that's why many here are hesitant, if not reluctant to entertain the thought of a hook-up with somebody they know from the web, but haven't met in real life. We definitely fall in that category ourselves. How many booty calls really get answered? Alot of times your mailbox gets stuffed with candor, friend request, and maybe a few cell #'s, but when the brass tacks fall, they end up lying there. It's good to know that Evildoers hasn't ever feared for their lives, with their experiences over the years. The few couples we have met with one-on-one have seemed completely normal, honest, and respectful, regardless of whether or not they (or we) felt any attraction sexually. So I guess we're doing OK, and we're both excited to meet new people as often as we can. That said, I'm going to take my meds and get some shut-eye ;) ~Torque

Help us out.. Take this Survey - For Utah Swingers - Done

Ken and Barbie Syndrome...... - is this a real affliction? - So we just read Classy's profile. We find nothing wrong with it. In fact, we agree completely. Wish we had worded ours to say it that well. We also prefer face pics. That is the most important to us.. face pics. besides.. Parts is parts. Just because someone thinks they want to fuck you, doesn't mean you have to fuck them... We may be here as swingers, but we don't have to swing with everybody.. there HAS to be attraction. We realise that we don't appeal to everybody either. :) Maggi & Luke PS. You crack me up UTHOT :)

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - It sounds like a great idea, we too are also looking for people that we can trust and let it all go. Count us in.!

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