
Berwick Swingers in Pennsylvania

Berwick Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Berwick, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Berwick looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Berwick, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Berwick, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Berwick, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Berwick Swingers right away!

Swingers Dares - Text for cards in the game - Alright...let's push the limits. Dare: Name 2 things (sexually) you've never done before and name 2 people from the group to do them (You can join in or be one of the two). To help move that one along, you might want to have everyone playing list 3 or 4 things they've never done (but wanted to) on a piece of paper before the game starts.

Las Vegas Swingers club - - We’ve heard whispers too. Sea mountain is a fun nude, ls resort. You’ll have to let us know where you wind up, and how it was.

Couples Copulating - How the hell do ya match up? - [b]Well, here's one less way for us folks here in Central Florida to copulate.[/b] http://www.theledger.com/article/20111211/NEWS/111219907/1410?Title=Swingers-Club-Shut-Down-by-Sheriff-s-Detectives

Labor Day Weekend - - We're going to the big annual ferret racing event in Urda then gonna find the nearest five star hotel with an on premise three star Michelin restaurant (probably The Four Seasons in Stockton or maybe the Waldorf in Tintic). We're hoping to organize a meet 'n greet at the hotel for swingers who like to play with sock puppets (they like to be fisted ya know) and then hit the hottub wearing our Dancing With The Stars commemorative ballroom dancing gear and sipping Boones Farm while gazing at the blue moon. Oh and prolly Sniagrab. Daddy needs some new ski boots.

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site -

E'one, The Don

I included this song in another thread to lighten the mood. So I will add it here as well. WAAA1101 is only here to argue. His original question was answered on the very first page. He is not here to resolve anything. I think we should just let this one go. I heard his point and I do not agree. I, like everyone else, will continue posting what I want on this site. WAAA, heard our point and doesn't agree. We all know where we stand. 10 pages should tell him and us, that no one agrees with him. I am not gonna sit here and read this stooge anymore. He quit making me laugh. What I will do if this thread continues is take my own path with it. Consider the song my first act of defiance LOL.

-Don- "Ich habe einen kleinen Vogel in meinem Kopf."

Note: Best if viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7

Sensitivities - a paradox? - I'm actually just as opinionated in life. The only thing that is different here is that I am surrounded by tons of thin-skinned and/or "conservative" swingers, where as in real life, if you will, I don't associate or surround myself with them. If I wish to participate in the forum, I am forced to accept everyone's contribution no matter how contradictory to the activities of the website or what some call "the lifestyle". In real life, I just walk away from the bullshit and not associate with it. I do not surround myself with people that promote sexual freedom and wish to stifle religious freedom or lack thereof or stand for idealogy or dogma that of an oppressor. As far as your study of internet ego, I would love to see this paper. Which doctor of psycology/sociology performed it?? What were the controls and in what environment? I would like to say that there are no "short comings" in my life, I just call bullshit when I see it and there is a ton of thin skinned whiners that I've learned to avoid for the sake of the community and my sanity, as I cannot stand having the same repetitive arguments with the same moronic crowd. In fact I would love to see that study of yours, shoot it to me in an email or post it here for all of us. I have no issues telling someone to fuck off in life either. In fact, I promote standing up for what you believe, regardless of what the mainstream thinks. You can ask anyone who knows me on a personal level that my passions are politics, atheism and libertinism. Hell, ask the Davis County School District how I deal with their religious zealotry, hypocrisy, intolerance of expression and the lack of seperation of church and state in Utah (in the Country for that matter). I do not hide who I am. It is many in this "lifestyle" that hide who they are for fear of persecution... Don't get me wrong though, I do agree with the theory that some people become someone who they are not, when on the internet. I know a ton of "swingers" that put on an act that they are these huge swingers that love to play couple on couple and when you get them two on two, the truth comes out and their only girl-on-girl because either the man is insecure or the woman is a closet lesbian. Either way, I agree with you. There are a lot of fakes. ;) -D- P.S. Now I will admit to puposefully bringing up topics to get shit stirred up. I mean look at this forum as of late. We're right back to talking about the same boring bullshit. NO THANKS!

How did you get started? - - Well It Seems we all start somewhere so guess my story isn't that differant than alot of us. I was 19 and in college at the time. One day I was in a local Video Shop and saw the Swingers magazines on the shelf. I thought to myself "what the heck, I'll try my luck!" Honestly, I felt it was all hype to get $6 from me. {they are $8 and $10 now by the way} With somewhat of a "i'll belive it when it happens" attitude I answered about 5 adds that where interesting to me and didnt say "no single men". Anyhow I wrote the letters put them all in a envolope with the $5 and stamps like the magazine asked and waited for a reply. It didn't take to long to get a responce from 4 of them but unfortunatly they all sent me a "no thank you" letter. About a week after that I finally got a reponse from the last couple I had written to. They had written asking me quite a few questions about me and what I liked and all that sort of thing to which I wrote them back a reply. {directly this time though} About 5 days latter I get a call from the man from the couple I had written to asking me if I would like to meet them over dinner sometime. We set up a meeting and it went very well. They where both attractive and in their 40's and we liked alot of the same kinds of things. Being new to all of this though I had assumed that something would happen right away if anything was going to. Wrong! I left that night thinking I was just not what they wanted after all or maybe they were uncomfortable with how much younger I was. The next day though I got a call from the man again asking me to meet with them again later that night at the same resturant, to which I ofcourse said "yes!" When I got there they weren't there yet and my first thought was "great stood up" about 5 or 10 minutes later though they showed up and we ate and talked some more. After dinner they told me they had been late because it had taken a bit longer that they planed to check into the motel they rented for us that night. You can say After that night I was hooked! we met many times after that, almost weekly for awhile. He would sit down in a chair JO and watch as she and I had sex most the time but sometimes he would come over to us and JO onto her while we did it too. For the frist few times we got together he would ask me after she and I where finished if I needed anything else. Being 19 and unworldly I always though he ment something to drink etc. On about our 5th meeting she told me in my ear while we were "together" that he was really wanting to know if he could "DO" anything for me when he asked that. That kinda floored me when she told me that but I got over it and actually kind of warmed up to the idea by the time she and I were through. So, when he asked me that time I ended up getting a Bj from him. We stayed together for along time {2 years almost} until I had to transfer to a bigger college. I am happy I met them because they taught me so much about myself!

they fix mobile and killed photo albums - - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]It is just part of the new mobile rollout. You can only see each individual profile picture at a specific GPS coordinate. The idea is that swingers will bump into each other while they are all out looking for the locations that let them catch each others naked profile pictures. [/quote] Might not be naked. Might just be suffering from mange. [em]Emo_8[/em]

thoughts on Pictures - - Just our 2 cents on the subject.......Some people have to protect themselves for reason of job, family, community and what have you. Here we have no problem with a genital shot AS LONG as they have facial or g-rated full pics to back up what they show. We have g-rated that we are glad to send to others once we get to know them a bit and b/4 we would meet. We have seen on other sites, people using other peoples pictures and have seen some pictures that were removed from a certain site and openly posted on the internet. We are sure that most people do not want their pastor, mayor or next door neighbor to receive a picture of them shouting to the world that they are swingers! Again, just our 2 cents on the subject.

PICTURE SURFERS HANG A 180 LOL - - Here is one for ya......Has every one been seeing those ads , on swinger sites mind you, that say "We are looking for friends MAYBE more". Did they forget what site they were on. This isn't the place to be "wishy washy". If your here you need to be serious and not waisting serious swingers time. If your saying MAYBE you should take a little more time and be very sure that this is for you. Does anyone agree?

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