
Austin Swingers in Pennsylvania

Austin Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Austin, PA, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Austin looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Austin, PA. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Austin, Pennsylvania Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Austin, Pennsylvania so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Austin Swingers right away!

Only 12 couples within 100 miles on our search - Just using the search criterion of :non smoking, slim or athletic, 35-55, couples, soft swap yes, st - [quote=BADBOY8P]Maybemor this is one of the most rude post I have read in 3 years of being on swingular !!!! I want to know what makes you think just because people smoke that they are not fit ...... So because your a soft swap couple does this mean your not a swinger ???? Its judgemental people like you that make this lifestyle full of drama !!!! Oh just sayin Badboy8p[/quote] I dont think I ever made any comparison to fit physical looking form and smoking. And no we are not swingers. Just life explorers.

Invatation to swingers. - open letter against Dr. Phil - Agree'd to each his own ! we are a Very open couple and we play with couples that need to be discreet ! but when it come's to us . We DONT give a Rat's Ass if some dont like us for who we are or what we do ? We Love the Lifestyle and the people in it ! only people who dont get laid enough seem to complain about the Lifestyle ? All we can say is "Go Get Laid" and Clean up your Own Back Yard First !

is it true about swingular??????????????????? - - We will ask that question on the Aug the 16th (Swingular) is coming to Club Elite and parting with all the Tampa Bay Area Swingers....should be a Hot Time.

Lifestyle RV Parks & Campgrounds - Does anyone know of RV parks and campgrounds for those in the lifestyle? - You are referring to Cherry Lane Nudist Resort in Michigan, it's a swingers community. It is not far from Detroit. There is another one not far from there called Northhaven, also a nudist resort that is swinger friendly and much nicer then Cherry Lane. :) Both are still open and are doing very well. Northhaven also sponsors the Miss Nude Northhaven Contest every summer.

Have you ever.... - - Have we ever? Nope. For the simple reason that we think it's a little bit unfair. Especially when we're somewhere where alcohol is being consumed and there is a chance that the person we're picking up isn't making a fully sober, informed decision. Yes, I know many will say that we're all adults and adults can make their own choices sober or not. But Ms. Evil and I consciously and soberly made the decision to explore the lifestyle, together. Why doesn't every other person deserve the chance to do that as well? Now if we were to meet someone, identify ourselves as swingers, and then that person or persons goes home and thinks about it and THEN contacts us to tell us they are interested in knowing or doing more then hell yes, game on! This lifestyle is NOT for everyone. The VAST majority of people simply cannot handle it. If someone wants to explore it alone or especially with their significant other then they deserve to do it on their own terms without undue influence by other people (and by booze or drugs). We know that's not the popular opinion by the "all is fair in love and war" crowd but it's how we feel. Just our opinion.

Why do people.... - Booty calls - [quote=JSTJIM72] Seriously.... We're supposed to be open minded, swinging people and this site is about as judgmental as anything I have ever seen. [/quote] First, about "rules" and things, and people complaining when someone "breaks" them. In any group of people there are going to be expected ways of behaving and doing things, no matter how open minded the people in the group are. For example, take a group of folks who pride themselves on being "free" and doing what they want to do, the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club. They have a set of bylaws maybe an inch thick, telling members what to do or not do. Swingers in general [b]are [/b]more open minded than most, or they wouldn't be doing this. That's why I like them so much. By being swingers, they automatically have at least one attitude that I really like. But not necessarily all swingers are all [b]that[/b] open minded, sometimes it's limited to paying no attention to who society says you should or shouldn't be having sex with. People have their prejudices and expectations regarding others, no matter what they're doing. This'll sound like [b]my[/b] rant, and I suppose to some extent it is. I've never posted a booty call, and I never will. And I've only ever responded to one of them. Why? Because I know it'll be a waste of time because of peoples' assumptions and expectations. Like you, I'm not uber any of those things, except maybe smooth if you're talking about body hair, which I doubt you are. I'm good looking, not fat, and am probably the most non-judgmental and open minded guy you'll ever run into. Unless someone does or says something just plain mean to or about someone else, then I get pissed off and my normal open mindedness gets kind of lost. But I [b]do[/b] have a really big issue finding people, let alone single girls, to play with. Why? because I'm [b]old[/b]. And pretty much everyone has all kinds of assumptions about that. It makes no difference that I don't act, or think, or have any of the attitudes someone "my age" is assumed to have. It doesn't matter that I look, based on what other people think, literally decades (well, 2 of them, that

Kik group for UT swingers. - Contact me if your interested in joining a KIK group for Swingers - Hi good morning, excellent idea. My kik is athleticmaleutah1

Hot discussion - Hook up section? - lmao, some of the worst things I've seen and heard came from married people, both men & women. I know a complete and utter hotty that hates swingers, and the way they treat women, so she refuses to interact with them. And she's interacted with a LOT of married swingers.

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Is there a sign for the rabbits. They are a horny animal!!!!!!!! Taurus & Gemini here.

What is up with Utah?! - Swingers in Utah and nowhere else? - hats off to the masses :) gots to love people who get nekid

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