
Toledo Swingers in Oregon

Toledo Swingers

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Anyone going to the BNL concert? - Wendover, Feb 13th - I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that many swingers are probably fans of Barenaked Ladies (and not because of the name of the band... it's just that we've never met a BNL fan fan we didn't like. =) Anyone else making the trip for the show?

Party Etiquette - How do people manage risks? - Mr here. So, the party that we went to before Halloween was a good party. It seemed much like another orgy that I participated in a few years ago, except this time I had Ms. Honeybunny with me :) That made me a little more aware of how people were interacting with each other, and I have a few questions about etiquette in those situations. Obviously, protection is important for a number of reasons, and pretty much everybody there was using condoms, cleaning toys after use, etc. However, one thing that I did not notice anybody using was dental dams or any kind of protection for oral sex. In a world where 70% of Americans have some form of herpes, for example, how do you deal with the risk of contracting it if you don't? Or what if you have other STDs? I would hope that if you have a temporary STD like chlamydia you would avoid lifestyles events until it cleared up, but nobody was talking about it. What if you have a more permanent STD, like the herpes mentioned above? Or AIDS? Or HPV? Two of those are really common, but also relatively harmless; do people just assume that other swingers do/don't have them or that the risk in not meaningful? I didn't really hear anybody talking about it, but I"m not sure if that's unusual or not. What's the typical protocol for situations like that? Also, now that I'm thinking about it. What would be the protocol if you DID pick something up from an event?

At what point do you out yourselves to family and friends?? - - Most of our long-term friends know we've always had an "open relationship" (and the guys are all jealous LOL), and a couple of my wife's close girlfriends know about the nature of the "clubs" we go to on weekends sometimes. (We've even managed to play with one or two of those friends ;) ) As for family, we'd never tell either side. Hers would have a real hard time I think, my siblings are younger than me but not kids anymore and probably wouldn't care. I'd say both sides would be comfortable with a "don't ask, don't tell" philosophy. Just a comment on Dr. Ziggy's post - we're the "live & let live type," and we're not at all ashamed of what we do. We wouldn't care if the whole world knew if it didn't affect our lives, but the reality would be very different, I'm sure. A new swing friend once asked how I'd feel if our kids became swingers one day. My response was that, if they were making a responsible decision when they did so, that I'd hope they find as much enjoyment in it as we have. He said that was the first time anyone had ever given him that answer, and it was the one he was looking for.

Dear single females and males - Tired of this. - On a swingers site... yea nice. Really classy there.

Young Swingers Night - - We just bought our tickets and are looking forward to meeting some new young couples. Anyone else already bought tickets and planning on attending? The RSVP list looks exciting!

Anyone been to Thursday Night SwingersCircle Las Vegas? - Anyone been to Thursday Night SwingersCircle Las Vegas? - [quote=NEWANDTHRILLED]Buttabing, you can't be on the list. The party does not list who will be there. You have to register (purchase tickets) online and then show up. You get a phone call about 2-3 hours before the party to let you know which hotel and room number. We have attended 4 times and had a great time all 4 times. As to who shows up, mostly average of any Lifestyle event. But you really should read what the party is before you go. It is NOT a meet and greet. It is for REAL swingers.[/quote] There are other sites than this one and yes, they had a list. We are glad your experiences have been good. As stated before, just our experience.

Desire - hot vaca!! - [quote=TURBOLOVER]We are looking at doing the MSC DIVINA April 2016 - Eastern Caribbean Full Ship Charter, anyone been on one of these and can you share you thoughts, it looks awesome? ?? Thank you very much [/quote] We will probably be doing BOTH of the major upcoming cruises.. the one in November (Bliss Cruise) and the one in April (Couples Cruise). I really don't understand why people go to the resorts when the cruises are SO MUCH better across the board, and they're cheaper, too... Speaking strictly in the context of swingers cruise versus swingers resort: -----[ Swingers Cruise Pros:]-------- - Lower Price (compared to resorts, it's a lot cheaper overall, especially when you factor in travel costs) - Easier and cheaper to get to. You generally arrive/depart out of Florida (Versus traveling for 15+ hours to get to Jamaica or something). - TONS of activities to do. Non-Stop entertainment on the ship and on the excursions. (Not a lot going on at the resorts.. one or two basic activities per day is all). - Many of the excursions are takeovers as well, so you can be naked if you want during adventure-time. (Many of the resorts are topless-only -- and if you want to do "excursions" you're mixed with the vanillas, and all vanilla rules apply). - You can be completely naked on most parts of the ship, if you want. - Dedicated play-rooms. Lots of them. (Many resorts only have one smaller area dedicated for play... which makes sense... generally only 200 to 250 people at a resort at any given time). - MASSIVE crowd. 3,500+ people on a single ship. You'll never possibly get to know even 5% of the people on the ship. (In other words, you have a huge pool of people to choose from to find people you like!!). - Better / more types of food to choose from. Better alcohol choices. - Adult-themed vegas-quality shows every single night... followed by swinger-oriented after-parties. - Higher-end facilities and nicer overall atmosphere. (Cruise-ships are equivalent to a 4-star or even 5-star hotel. swingers resorts are usually 2-star..... 3-star at best.. most are pretty worn down and kind of gross). -----[ Resort Pros:]-------- - Smaller, more intimate setting. You'll get to know everyone at the resort at the time you are there. - Much more laid back. If all you want to do is lounge by the pool all day, every day, it's for you. - You can leave the resort any time you want and venture into town. - Typically you have better access to phones, internet, TV, etc. - Rooms at the resorts are bigger (although they are NOT nicer). If you look at the activity list on a typical resort, you'll find there's only one thing going on at any given time. Most people just lounge by the pool all day, every day -- and then they go to club-style events at night. The cruise is totally different... At any given time, you can choose from 3 or 4 different activities (or just lounge by the pool)... and you can still do the club-style stuff at night IF YOU WANT.. (but there's usually other alternatives to pick from). Honestly, the ONLY major downside to the cruise compared to the resorts is that they don't do the swingers takeover cruises very often. (Once or twice a year is all you've got to pick from). So if you're picky about WHEN you go... the resort is probably your only bet. If you're flexible, don't give it a second thought... the swingers cruise is where it's at. =)

Orgy Party by Swingers Circle in Las Vegas - - [quote=SLCCOUPLEFUN]We attended once, left at the break...comically bad, like something that swinger horror stories are made of. Words can't describe the creep factor vibe that the organizer gives off, we still laugh about it several years later.[/quote] Same here, wouldn't recommend. I'm still having nightmares.

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - Yeas, I have found some of the advice to be helpful too and from that experience and now yours I am learning that even the single male has questions he needs to ask and some checking to do before playing. Have a happy new year all.

Who is going to Younge swingers week HEDO? - anyone going? - [quote=SHEPASKI]It's already sold out that week right?[/quote] oh yeah been for a while.

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