
West Milton Swingers in Ohio

West Milton Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in West Milton, OH, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over West Milton looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of West Milton, OH. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

West Milton, Ohio Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from West Milton, Ohio so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with West Milton Swingers right away!

What were you for Halloween? - - Halloween seems to be high holy days for swingers at least around here. Did you dress up and go to a lifestyle party? We didn't know if we would for sure be in town so we had to come up with some quick last minute costumes. Ms. Evil was Ines Sainz...super tight, lowcut top, tight jeans, overstuffed bra, ubiquitous sunglasses on top of her head, press credentials and her microphone complete with TV Azteca logo. I was a NY Jets player, Jets jersey, eye black, towel wrapped around my waist with one of Ms. Evil's strap-ons poking out under the towel. The only Jets jersey I could find was Mark Sanchez so after more than a few drinks when clueless people kept asking who/what I was supposed to be I smeared some chocolate on my upper lip and told them I was a "dirty Sanchez". ;-) Evil

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - Ok, This is going to insult an awful lot of people. You

FREE STAY! Swingers Party in the Caribbean at our beach house on - We would like to host a few couples at our beach house in Culebra, Puerto Rico. - Hey there! Bear with us about the dates... Sue is deployed with the military and will be coming back on early Sept but we are not 100% sure about the date yet but right now it looks like we will be there on the 6th of Sept. Thanks! Sue and Dan

Why are there so many swingers from Utah? - - It is a very site by site thing. Iowa looks like they have a lot of swingers to if you go by Swingvillage. and of course that is where the site it at... St Louis area, same thing based on that site. Hey Florida, you guys look like a rockin bunch, we might have to grab our group and head down....

Creating an Amazing Swingers Profile - How to market yourself better - So after reading the comments we went in and deleted some picture. Made some changes to the profile. We would change the profile picture but can't do it on the iPad. We were thinking the picture told a little about us. But your opinions are welcome. Simples.

John Butler Trio - at Red Butte Gardens August 7th 2014 - Hey there fello swingers; is any else going to the jbt concert on this night, we wanna hang with some fellow peeps and we have a room for an after party.

Are we really as judgmental as vanilla people? - - Swingers are very judgemental, maybe more so than the general population. It's not just over weight people that are judged by people in the lifestyle. Single men are discriminated against daily...just because they are male. We seem to be good at grouping like people together be it sex, weight, race. People in the lifestyle sure don't hold back when it comes to discrimination.

Policing Ourselves - Can it be done? - Recently a suggestion was made that we as a group need to educate and police ourselves as a group in this our chosen lifestyle (thats swinging for all us simple folk) . In order to do this effectively wouldnt there have to be some set of rules that everyone would be expected to adhere to? What would those rules be? how would they be created and ratified? would swingers from their respective states send represntatives to a central location to vote on these rules(oops now we get into politics) ? If you were teaching a new person (regarless of marital status or gender) the rules about swinging what would you teach them first? I really would love to hear as much as possible from you guys. richard

Invatation to swingers. - open letter against Dr. Phil - Agree'd to each his own ! we are a Very open couple and we play with couples that need to be discreet ! but when it come's to us . We DONT give a Rat's Ass if some dont like us for who we are or what we do ? We Love the Lifestyle and the people in it ! only people who dont get laid enough seem to complain about the Lifestyle ? All we can say is "Go Get Laid" and Clean up your Own Back Yard First !

The vent! - Judgements, I'm so tired of them. -

YMAN48, The Don

Our condolences. As for your problem with swinging is concerned, I think it is that you are single. Most people have a hard time getting couples to come if there are single males allowed. This is been our experience. We are from the Pacific Northwest too and The clubs like the Ace of Hearts in Portland have nights dedicated to single guys and the couples interested. While I think "swinging" is open for anyone's involvement, the majority has always and will most likey always be couples. Most couples don't entertain single males. Those that do, should have the right to do so. However, the majority of us don't. While you maybe one of the exceptionally polite and respectful single males that are few and far between (in our experience), most people do not want to ruin their night being bombarded by single males and most will decline to come. Have you ever thought of bringing a date to the party? You should know that most people like things even. Try bring a date. If you are trying to remount the horse in the swinging scene you are making a mistake. Try normal dating. Trying to change the way people think because your life suddenly changed and took a turn for the worse probably won't do any good. Whether people admit it or not, swinging is a couples thing. If you want to better your chances of success with swingers, you have to play the game. Bring a date. That's best way to put it. Again our sympathy for your loss, good luck. We wish you the best. Perhaps you should put swinging on hold and seek a basic relationship first.... I dunno man.

-Don- "Ich habe einen kleinen Vogel in meinem Kopf."

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