
Waterloo Swingers in Ohio

Waterloo Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Waterloo, OH, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Waterloo looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Waterloo, OH. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Waterloo, Ohio Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Waterloo, Ohio so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Waterloo Swingers right away!

Friend collectors or swingers - - We’ve found lots of different personalities and histories with the Las scene here in Utah. Some couples love the titillation and thrill of window shopping, while others couples may be a little unbalanced (with one partner way more into it than the other). But we have made some great friends and had some once in a lifetime experiences, which make this journey exciting and so worth it!

Question for men - Honest - Sad to say but this place is going down fast! when this is one of the more popular forum topics on a swingers site LOL … #titanic

Is anyone interested in a "Lifestyle only" bike ride? - - We would love to go on that ride, there is a group in MD called SOB, swingers on bikes. Would enjoy combining the two things we enjoy.... we hope to find a few lifestylers on our trip to sturgis this year.

What do you like most about lifestyles? - - In theory, the lifestyle is perfect for us. We have never regretted starting this adventure and still believe that it is right for us. We have met some wonderful friends and have had many very erotic and fun experiences. Can you feel the "but" coming here. LOL. We are beginning to see the very things we came to the lifestyle to avoid popping up everywhere. Closed-mindness, judgment, and dishonesty are invading the ranks. It is our belief that the lifestyle is supposed to be about open-mindness, acceptance, freedom, and fun. Other words also come to mind like variety, new experiences, non-judgment, truth, love, and joy. BUT (there it is), not only are we judged by the "vanilla" world (and that is okay; we expected that), we are judged by our own. You are too fat, you are too old, you have tatoos, etc., etc. A couple actually told us that we were incompatible because I had tatoos. One on each arm- OMG! LOL. We realize that people have preferences, but come on, two tatoos? It is not like I am the illustrated man. My point is this: let's not judge each other when we don't even know each other, let's not create social classes within our lifestyle, and , for God's sake people. let's be honest with each other. If you are on a swingers site to get your rocks off by cyber-chatting, then disclose to others what you are doing and wanting. Don't tell people you are going to meet them when you have no intention of doing so. Don't act like you are a couple when you are a single male or a cheating husband. Most of us are doing this to meet good people and have good sex. Let us do that without having to wade through dishonesty and hypocrisy. Let's do what we came here for--HAVE FUN! We love the lifestyle and, for the most part, love the wonderful people we have met. Let's keep it going and not ruin it.

Potential Swingers Article(s) or Television Series - - I'm with a large national media outlet that produces both written and video content on a variety of subjects. We've thrown around the idea of an article, series of articles, or television production about the swinger lifestyle, particularly in the Salt Lake area. Singles (male and female) and couples that are currently in the swinger lifestyle. People from all walks of life, ethnicities, backgrounds, body types. We'd like to explore why people are attracted to the lifestyle, both from a couples and singles perspective. What keeps them in the lifestyle? Has it helped or hurt their relationships? we want to get their stories about the best and worst experiences they've had, and maybe most importantly, what the process of meeting someone is like, from initial conversation to consummating a sexual act. We want to know about different lifestyle fetishes, parties, and relationships. While entering a project, we don't like to go in with the goal of presenting anything in a particular light, but painting the lifestyle in the proper positive manner. If you are interested in sharing your stories, experiences, parties, or want to give access to your relationships, we'd love to talk to you. Please send a direct message with a bit about yourself or yourselves. We can respect your desire for anonymity, but prefer those that are willing to share their names and faces (although not a requirement).

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - HAving been on the sideline and reading the responses from Don I am compelled to say a thing or two. I for one do not expect anyone to kiss my ass for my having served. Yes I do admit that I worked for those paying taxes and did so freely and of my choice. See I was raised to believe that a person should get over themself and be a part of something that is for the betterment of others. I made the free and conscious decision to serve this country and its people in the service. I have served through at least five of the armed conflicts this country has been part of. Do I expect some genuflection or ass kissing no. Would I expect some respect for what I have done? No I guess I don't expect it. I do appreciate it when it happens but at the same time realize there are those who would make light of it or even as Don seems to do speak disparagingly of it. I guess I find it disconcerting that he supposed served in the Navy and still didn't come away with any greater appreciation of the sacrafices those in uniform make whether in combat or in a support role. If he wants to rant and be a legend in his own mind he is entitled to that. I am just saddened that he has so little respect for others that he would offend people and spout belittlements for people who choose to blieve in something other than themselves. To those who posted negative comments to Don I do appreciate how you can feel so angered as to bring you to want to use bodily harm to shut him up or make a post that will shut him up. At the same time I have to say it is like a phrase my grandfather used to say. "Don't try to teach a pig to sing. It only frustrates you and annoys the pic". IT is better to just ignore him and feel sorry for the small mindedness that doesn't seem to allow him to appreciate or respect others. I for one will feel sorry for him and move on. I do however wonder if Clitty and Don are actually the same person and that they seem to get great satisfaction in disrupting forums and getting people upset. LEt's ignore them and not feed their ego by reacting to them. ANd I to say God Bless America, the men and women who serve in uniform and the families of these brave men and women.

Why are there so many swingers from Utah? - - I think it's something in the water! lol

Young Swingers Night - - We will be there! First event. New to the lifestyle.... Cant wait to see how it goes down!

Need A Change? Northern Utah - Business Start Up - [quote=BLUEIDKAT]Well you can tell we are in Utah. Even the swingers site has multi-level marketing ads.[/quote] lol so true.

Black Ring, Right Hand - How to tell if someone's a swinger - [quote=jv666playful]Okay if we a set what is the best way to confirm that the others swing also or should we have a secret language as well[/quote] Unfortunately, there's no good answer to this.. you'll have to go out on a limb at some point... However, if you see a couple out, together, BOTH wearing black rings on the right hand, it's pretty much a given. If you're TOO coy about it, their first instinct will be to deny.. I'd just come right out and ask.. "Hey, love the black rings.. are you guys swingers?"

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