
Stony Ridge Swingers in Ohio

Stony Ridge Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Stony Ridge, OH, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Stony Ridge looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Stony Ridge, OH. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Stony Ridge, Ohio Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Stony Ridge, Ohio so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Stony Ridge Swingers right away!

One month till Xmas! - - What do you want Santa (or Satan, for the dyslexic) to bring you for Xmas? 1) A foolproof way to turn vanillas to the dark side. 2) Lots of DVDA (double vaginal, double anal). 3) Some brand spanking new titties...double E please! 4) A new Mercedes...with heated seats and live streaming porn. 5) Some of that shit you inject into your dick so you can stay hard for hours and hours. 6) An all expense paid trip to Desire and a case of Magnum condoms. 7) A Hitachi vibrator with TURBO! 8) A giant stocking full of nasty swingers!

Geocaching - - We are keen geocachers. We were wondering if there any other swingers into this hobby. Anyone up for a Meet & Greet & Cache?

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - AMEN Tequilarose, you are a goddess! I agree with you completely except one thing, he belongs in Iran or Syria.

Single Males ~VS~ Single Females - Whats the difference? - Since it has been brought up several times here, let me add my cents worth... I have attended swingers(as a single male) meet where only a few selective single males were invite... we were ask to pay 70 buck to enter where a couple was 30 and single female 10... Oh did I mention that we had to wear glowing armbands? and could only approach a female with a glowing armband, unless other wise invited to join??? What got me was the part where 4 single females came in, and not one had an armband... so tell me... what the hell did I pay 70 bucks for?? To me its a rip off.. I think that if females come without a male than they should be fair game for everyone, just as the men should... No is No... and if there is only a selected single males then where would there be a problem??? The bottom line is... these meets don't want single males to be involved for some reason... hell, I've gotten laid a lot cheaper than what I paid to get into the meet... and that included dinner driving and the whole nine yards...lol But whats the difference???

Another Swingers Show on TV - - [i]"The more main stream swinging becomes the more support swinging will have in the community at large. Once swingers have a beloved, adorable, polite and sexy out of the closet, celebrity, hosting a variety show on a major network it will probably become very cool to let all our friends and co-workers know we are swingers and it will become very politically correct for non swingers to defend and support us."[/i] There will be an openly gay man signing laws in the oval office along with his polygamist vice pres. and transgendered Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff...all smoking a joint LONG before there is anything close to that kind of acceptance towards swingers. [em]Emo_67[/em]

Paper or Plastic? - - Republican swingers...go figure that one out, sort of like jumbo shrimp...

"Couples" catergory rather than "Single Female"? - Which Swingular category is appropriate? - How you post is up to you. Lots of women post both ways. I guess it depends on your point of view. Most swinging couples don't think of us singles as swingers and maybe we are not technically. I cannot think why a married man would ever think of posting as a single but I admit that I have not looked either. If they do it should be posted clearly in their profile also. But if you are in this lifestyle and single you may want to meet single women and hope that a really personal relationship may develop with one. This lifestyle is not just about hook ups. In general I would think that as a single swinger I would want to bond with a woman that wishes to live this lifestyle. At least that would work for me. So to that end, finding a single post that is really a married post is always a disappointment. But as long as you are clear in your profile, I say no harm, no foul. On some boards, depending on your level, cannot read the profile. But if a single man can

Single dudes - - [quote=JEFFSMITH1972]It's the way it works. Generally you swingers want the hottest of the hot, to enrich the fantasy. Taller than 6' with a huge cock is usually what you shoot for. "In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over...3.9 percent of adult men are 6'2" or taller" So you are shooting for less than 15% of males. Throw in the other desirable traits you want, and they are going to be massively in demand wherever they go. If they have any sort of social skills they can easily get a night of sex outside of the swinger life, so they are less likely to jump on the wife, and much more likely to cancel at the last second when something they view as more desirable pops up.[/quote] I don’t think you get it, just looking for honesty and integrity, find an excuse and that makes you feel better not the rest of us, but what ever

We have heard about it many times........... - Couples that are swingers - TG.. Very well said darlin.... We talk so much and have gotten so much closser .... Open and honest with eachother always...

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - Here is a definition that I think is pretty good: Swinging or partner swapping (sometimes referred to as the swinging lifestyle or simply the lifestyle) is a non-monogamous [1] behavior, in which partners in a committed relationship agree, as a couple, for both partners to engage in sexual activities with other people, sometimes referred to as recreational or social sex.[2] Swinging can take place in a number of contexts, ranging from a spontaneous sexual activity at an informal social gathering of friends to a swingers' club and can involve internet-based introduction services.

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