
Stillwater Swingers in Ohio

Stillwater Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Stillwater, OH, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Stillwater looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Stillwater, OH. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Stillwater, Ohio Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Stillwater, Ohio so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Stillwater Swingers right away!

Swinging and the Mormon Church - - [quote=BEARZYKINS][quote=PALS4FUN]I Love belonging to a Church where my publicly professed beliefs match my internal values. It just feels good. :)[/quote] Wait, there's a swinger church?! ;) [/quote] Yes, the Church of Pals4Fun is now open, please cum worship at the alter! I think that you're just teasing but might be a tad serious in your comment so I wanted to reply although it's a very difficult topic and tough to articulate. No, I don't know of any church-of-the-wild-and-crazy-swingers. But I DO enjoy belonging to a Church that does not issue broad sweeping edicts REQUIRING certain behaviour by people so as to assure that ya'll are exactly like me. I like differences. I like differing beliefs or opinions. I like the fact that I couldn't be excommunicated for being gay for example. I can not be tossed aside because I swing nor can I toss you aside because you swing or are bisexual. So all I'm saying is that I enjoy belonging to a Church that outwardly espouses a view that agrees with mine -- I(we) don't have all the answers so I'm not going to condemn you for where you are in your journey of self-discovery and life. I'm going to join you, talk with you, and discuss things. Maybe I'M the one who'll end up changing and you're not "wrong" at all. (in whatever it is that you believe) Sheez, see? I told ya I'd have trouble articulating it. Sorry to wander from the OP's initial topic on Mormonism. [em]Emo_8[/em]

"Seriousity. "Hey, Bitches, Where's the Humor? Seriously? - A Hypocritical Post? - [quote=TIFFND]Boy...THAT really frosts my ass when I make a comment to the op and I get get ignored! Hmmmmmmph!! I better start a thread about that... [/quote] LOL, I KNOW, you beat me to the post by three minutes, I was quoting and pasting and missed yours along the way! Well I guess I deserve a good spanking from you too! (I'm really not into s/m or anything so I don't really know how all these spanking references are jumping out of me!! ) But more seriously, I love your light-hearted response to my poor cutting/pasting ability, and your 2nd response here is actually a great example of someone who can be more easy going about it and not take EVERY FREAKING thing here so seriously. I don't know about other folks but I'd way rather play with playful swingers than uptight ones

Can you be in love AND swing? If so, tell us how! - - Just what the hell is a life coach? Is that the new name people, without the proper education, training, and licensure, who counsel others are calling themselves today? I am a professional counselor, licensed and trained to do what I do. My Lady and I met on line at a swingers site and met over coffee at a local public pub. We ended back at her place for a great evening of sex....after an even better afternoon of intelligent conversation. That was two years ago and we have been together ever since. She has moved in with me, carries her own weight in all ways helping run "our" home. We swing, or would not be on this sight....lol, together and seperately. We are deeply in love and have decided to get married, because we do love, respect, cherish, honor and trust each other. Distrust and worry has nothing to do with playing with others, if you trust your partner, have done your own self examination and healed your own life wounds. Our sex life is absolutely GREAT!!!! Our swinging with other people is fun and an enhancement to our love making. I love to see the smile on her face, the spring in her step, and the gleem in her eye after she has been with one of her lovers...male or female. She loves to hear whether or not I had a good time and enjoyed myself with another lover. We may play seperately at times, but I know she is coming home to me...that is where her heart is! And I will always come home to her because that is where my heart and soul are! My professional discipline teaches to respect others and work with the client where they are. I am not to judge them or impose my values on them. When seeking guidance or help from a helping professional...and I mean licensed, trained professonal....do not ask their advise, nor follow their moral code. Each of us is a unique individual with different moral values, belief systems, and desires. As long as we are not harming another being or ourselves, then all is fair, fun, and healthy. Anything may be overindulged in...therefore, moderation is the key. If I drink too much I may be an alcoholic which is a problem, if I drink heavily I may just be a heavy drinker...the key is whether or not what I am doing harms others, my self or results in problems in my life or the life of people I love. You are correct in questioning whether or not swinging is for you, and if it results in any discomfort for either of you, talk openly and non-judgementally with each other. Love, as the saying goes, means never having to say your sorry. But love is open, trusting, non-threating, non-controlling, and is open to the opinions of each other. Because I deeply and honestly love my Lady and she me....her happiness and pleasure is more important than any thing to me. As one individual stated this will be my third marriage too. She completes me like no other person can. Best of hard work to get where you are comfortable looking at your mate and your self in the mirror....it well worth it what ever you decide.

Are there any real players on this site? - - We have met some really fun people on this site but we are I Utah and it seems to be more active here. I think half the profiles think they want to be swingers, make a profile then get scared and never come back. Lol.

Dear Admin - re: clittyfucker - We have only made a few posts on the forums ( cause we're very shy lol ), but we have witnessed Clitty's actions. A couple main points that seem to get lost.... First, the simple FACT that Clitty seems to enjoy posting in forums that have nothing to do with the subject. We can see him posting in the bi male forum posts or similar subjects, but he does it in posts that have nothing to do with him or his interests. Also, the simple fact that Clitty's pics are obviously not his own. On a site that was created for purely porn reasons, I suppose that would be okay, ( even though we feel that is a gross misrepresentation of ones self ), this is a site for swingers and honesty and INTEGRITY are important and misrepresenting is not a good thing to pursue. Also, isn't using others pics to portray yourself illegal. We do agree that something should be done, including a ban. Oh, and by the way, all you cpls are so hot, and Mr. & Mrs. H, you guys are smokin sexy! Thanks to all of you :) - Us

Hot discussion - Hook up section? - [quote=OSTAR21]Swinger is a Swinger is a Swinger, Single married, committed, non-committed. What the fuck does it matter to you. The lifestyle was here long before Lookingforfun369 (creative name) were on here. You are the newbies and should show a little respect for others, whether you are into them or not. [/quote] Actually, single "swingers" are a relatively new concept. When my wife and I first started swinging (the late 80's!) there weren't ANY singles in the lifestyle. In fact, it was several years, at least, into the lifestyle before we saw an ad (that's how swingers connected back then, thru ads in cheap magazines sold in porn shops) from a single male. We vividly remember someone passing the ad around at a swing party and everyone marveling at it and wondering out loud how he could enter the wife-swapping scene (that's what many still called it back then) without a partner of some sort. Yes, the definition of swinger has changed or perhaps evolved is a better word. But there would BE no lifestyle, no swinging, if it wasn't for married, or at least committed couples, opening up their relationship to other people. Swingular would just be an AFF or a Tinder if it wasn't for couples. You might want to consider not getting quite so butthurt and taking your own advice about "show(ing) a little respect". Trust me, the single males who actually ARE successful here are those who do exactly that. If you don't believe me just ask around.

Just for shits and giggles? - Why are you in the lifestyle? - We got into a car accident and the judge told us we either had to be the butler of the guy we hit or become swingers. [em]Emo_79[/em] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/OIgrXH1eszO6s/giphy.gif[/img]

Late Night Television Ad for Swingular - Anyone interested? - [quote=ADMINISTRATOR][css]background:url('http://www.artofadambetts.com/images/postgraphics/downloads/desktopbgs/LeatherHoles-Apple.png');color:white;[/css]The ad would be so discrete, it wouldn't mention anything about swingers so the networks wouldn't have any problem accepting it.[/quote] I would assume the website address would be included as well, unless you're setting up another redirect site? I would love to meet more Canadians on here. Even one would be nice. lol

Private Pics and Someone Likes You - what is the purpose. - This is a good topic and I have a few words to go with what has been said so far. For the most part, when the private pics was invented on this site (way back in early 2000), we wanted an easy way for people to add others so they could view them. Because we don't have a 'favorites' feature, people started using the 'add to friends' as a way to 'bookmark' who they thought were possibilities, etc... Thus people getting tons of 'Someone Likes You' messages without further response. I've done it plenty of times especially to build up a list of people I 'Liked' just from what I saw or read so if we ever had a private party, we could invite. Now, after personally realizing that this did not work the way I WANTED it to work and that they were actually two different functions, we've decided to create a new feature called 'Favorites.' Its basically a personal tagging system so you can tag who you think is 'hot' and who you may want to contact in the future. This allows you to keep two separate lists. One for actual friends, another for favorites. Also, because we have the custom photo albums now, you can choose to put your more risque stuff in an even more private folder and selectively add who you wish to view them. THIS IS AVAILABLE NOW. Just go to your photo albums page and click the CREATE NEW ALBUM link. So for those of you who are wondering why you get so many 'Someone Likes You' emails, it's not the fault of the person sending it but rather a missing function on the site. For those of you who get an additional email because you didn't reciprocate, don't look at it right off the bat that these are picture collectors, because there are a ton of people who are real swingers that know they can't hook up with someone '5' states away but can still make a friend and get their jollies from just chatting online and seeing pictures of each other. Who knows, maybe one day that trip will be worth it. With that said, I'm not saying how they approach you is right, no one should be mad or beg to see your private pics just because they allowed you to. I probably wouldn't want to respond back to someone like that either. So hopefully by adding a 'favorites' feature will help reduce some of that. Oh, I think someone mentioned something about the 'send a kiss' feature missing from Swingular as well. That used to be a feature here but it became a very hot topic just like this one and more members thought it was annoying than useful as they also got tons of kiss emails with no further response. So we removed it.

swinging... - - It was my idea at first to swing with some good friends of ours.... Very bad idea..... The swingers site was his idea.... Very good idea!!!!!!

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