
Rossford Swingers in Ohio

Rossford Swingers

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Best Swingers Club in Houston? - Going there in Sept - Just wondering if anyone can recommend one of the many clubs in Houston. The Mystery Zone gets good google reviews.

Handling aging and lifestyles - How do you handle getting older? - Something none of us can control at present is growing older. For most of us, getting older means physical and some mental changes. These changes have a tendency to make us less desirable especially to the younger crowds, yet the minds of the maturing swingers still feel the need for participation along with the attraction for others. So, the questions are: How do you handle getting older and finding yourself less attractive to others and less involved. And, what are your age boundaries, if any. The youngest you will participate with and the oldest you will friend and why. We have our own opinions, we will express later, but we would like to see what others think.

Jewellery, logos, etc to identify other swingers - We would like info on websites catering to discreet items to let others "know" we are in the lifestyle - I can see from the responses there isn't much out there? The one link we tried came up as invalid....so we're hoping someone has one they are willing to share!!

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - Well we are barely 30 and we find that we usually end up with couples mostly our age, not for any particular reason its just how it seems to work out. We have hung out

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - I'm far from PC, but there are some things I don't find funny.

Looking for Las Vegas fun - Looking for other swingers in Las Vegas - We would love to meet up with other swingers like us. Please send us a message. If you are a single male, you better in GREAT shape, under 30, HUNG, disease free and okay being filmed. We almost never play with single males but if you look like Brad Pitt we MAY be open.

Evil's latest poll. Fellas, would you ever... - - [quote=CHEFFETTE][quote=EVILDOERS]Naw. Not tryin' to be the Soup...er Sex Nazi. Just wanted to try to understand where some of the attitudes about male bisexuality and swinging come from. I find it extremely interesting how much homophobia still exists in the world and how much exists in a community of people dedicated to sexual freedom. I find human nature fascinating and especially when that nature is something that is more or less taught rather than innate. [/quote]In the three months + I've been reading here all I can come up w/ to explain certain members' homophobia and continued, idiotic comments is this is a male-dominated swinger site and in my experience males feel more threatened by the potential they're perceived as something they don't want to be seen as; you'd think that w/ as much time as they spend w/ their own cock in their hand every single day they'd be less terrified of a cock belonging to another guy, but apparently they must declaim it at every turn or they'll go sterile/bald/teh gayz w/o even TRYING.[/quote] If I were from Maine, I'd say "Ahyup". As I told a girl a couple days back when we were talking about "Sexual Fluidity" by Lisa Diamond, when she said she'd heard that Diamond is working on a new study along the same lines, but on men instead of women, I doubted she'd find much there because, for whatever reason, society has a much more severe taboo against male-male sex than it does against female-female sex. The taboo against women with women was once nearly as strong, but since probably sometime in the '60s it has become much less so. And you're surrounded by society's attitudes, and they're pounded into your head from they day you're old enough to understand anything. And the stronger a taboo, and male-male sex is one of the strongest, the more unlikely it is that you'll get ever rid of it. Physically, sex is a matter of friction properly applied to the correct parts of the body, ultimately resulting in orgasm. So the sex of the person applying it, or to whom you're applying it, really shouldn't matter. But it does. I have absolutely zero homophobia. If I'm in bed with more than one person, and some guy's hand touches me someplace for a second I won't freak out or even care. I understand that I've been socialized into how I feel, and that if I'd grown up in, for example, ancient Greece, I wouldn't have been. I understand that the prohibition of male-male sex grew out of humanity needing to expand as quickly as possible in order to survive, and that the cultural attitudes which that created got written into religions as they developed. I know that there's absolutely no logical reason for it. I know that the "logical" arguments against homosexual sex are nonsense. Like "it isn't natural - you don't see homosexual animals." Bullshit. Yes you do, all the time. I have a hen who's always humping the other hens. She doesn't accomplish anything, but she does it. One of the animals that is genetically closest to humans, the Benobo, a type of chimpanzee, has sex all the time with members of its band (the true swingers of the animal world), male or female, doesn't matter. I know that physically, biologically, there's no reason sex with one sex shouldn't work as well as with the other. I have a really good friend who is a pre-op male to female transexual, and if she ever has the surgery, and becomes physically female below as well as above the waist, sure I'd have sex with her if she wanted to. And I have other friends who are lesbian or gay. And I even belong to and volunteer for HRC (Human Rights Council). I should be a prime candidate for bisexuality. But no, I would not suck someone's dick. Or want some guy sucking mine. Even though I understand that that feeling has been socialized into me, that it probably wasn't predetermined when I was born male, still it's there, and it is what it is. The more emphatically something is socialized into you as you grow up, the less likely it is that you'll ever break away from it, even if you do manage to get away from some of the other things you were "taught". And I think that, Evil is your answer. ~ Terry

Is anybody on this site for fucking real or just a bunch of tease - - Don't most retired swingers move to Florida? 😁

Std and sti testing...? - - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]We have a $40.00 co-pay. If physicians are doing their job, they will ask you questions. Whereas our physicians know that we are non-monogamous we always have a non judgmental honest conversation, with our physicians about our sexual activities since our last examinations. Testing does not replace condoms, and that is especially true if you are willing to play with someone who does not get tested on a regular basis. Swinging multiplies the swingers risk. Risk prevention is a choice. We feel less comfortable playing with someone who always uses protection but never gets tested than someone who may have occasionally foregone protection but gets tested regularly so long as they have been tested since the last time they had swing sex without or really even with protection. Which leads into the next paragraph. Sometimes people choose to form relationships involving maybe just two couples, or a small group of people that get tested on a regular basis and remain exclusive, partly so that they can play without condoms. Yes there are still risk, and you have to be really careful about who is in the group, and really who even knows about the group. Yes we have been part of a group like that in the past and it rocks! Oh well, people get new jobs and move away, or go back to monogamy, or want to play the field again and groups disband. We would do it again with the right group of people. We count ourselves lucky that as swingers we have remained healthy. Swinging is risky. Certain types of activities add to the risk. Anything that increases the level anonymity between sex partners, or decreases any participants level of personal choice and control adds to their risk. Testing and condoms reduce the risk but they do not eliminate it. We all make our own risk verses reward choices. Testing at least lets us know that at that point in time we appear to be safe to play without putting our lovers at risk.[/quote] Dear Delicious— thank you so much for your thoughtful reply/discussion here. There ARE a lot of factors and risks to consider while in the Lifestyle; we’re all after fun, right? Good to be thinking of ways to avoid negative consequences that would put a big damper on the fun...

cuckold couple - Just curious - Cuckolding usually refers to a humiliation element - a woman is with another man while husband or bf gets off on being shamed, humiliated, knowing she is with someone else, hearing how much better or bigger they were, etc. It's fetish that some enjoy. Not something I would enjoy personally. There's also 'hotwife', which is more where the man enjoys seeing or hearing about her with other men, seeing her pleasure, seeing how desirable she is, aroused by the sight or hearing about it more from pride and appreciation of her sexuality, beauty and pleasure. This can be at different levels - from merely bragging about a sexy wife and having men acknowledge that, to her flirting and teasing other men but always coming back to him, to minor or major sexual adventures. 'Cuckolding' is usually seen with a derogatory and humiliating element as a fetish, while 'hotwife' is pridefully showing off or sharing. Although, both terms are used interchangeably at times, they have a different connotation. There's also cuckquean - a woman who enjoys her man being with other women coupled with derogatory or humiliating elements. There's probably a male version of 'hotwife' - 'sexyhusband'? - but I'm not aware of any particular term that's popular. Personally, I get the hotwife/sexyhusband idea much better. We both take pride knowing we're desirable to others and yet committed to each other. That's probably the general feeling most swingers have. Cuckold/cuckquean isn't a necessarily a bad thing (if both are into it), it works for some people, but many find the humiliation element not enticing.

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