
New Albany Swingers in Ohio

New Albany Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in New Albany, OH, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over New Albany looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of New Albany, OH. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

New Albany, Ohio Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from New Albany, Ohio so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with New Albany Swingers right away!

Its Saturday night - - Hello everybody Its saturday night and why is there so many of us swingers sitting here online and not out playing with friends? Let\'s hear all of your excuses... ours is we have kids tonight.

Female domme seeking sub or slave - your pain is my pleasure - "...if you want sex, then look elsewhere." Don't mind if I do...since this is, like, a swingers' site and that's kinda the raison d'ĂȘtre. Ever thought about going to FetLife or another site that's a little more specific for your "profession"? Just a thought. You could also put up fliers around your neighborhood or hand them out on street corners while you're out shopping for whips and stuff. Merry Christmas! [em]Emo_12[/em]

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - I absolutely LOVE DVP. Regular DP is not an option considering my ass would would declare mutiny but the feel of 2 rock hard cocks in my vagina is just one of those OH MY GOD feelings that makes me tingle for hours. But if you aren't secure enough to cross swords then you prolly wouldn't be very good at giving her pleasure while it's happening. I really really really need to do it again and SOON. Ironically....I won't have kids tonight. Who wants to cooperate? ;) xox Tammy

Swingers unnerve families at hotel - - The Squeaky wheel gets the news story right! First off Prove what you say, I don

The epitome of poor taste - - What surprises me most about some of the "swingers" is the lack of open-mindedness. You don't have to like our appearance, but, fuck, try and get to know someone's personality sometime. Even if you don't attract sexually, at least you gave it an effort, you never know unless you try. We had the pleasure of meeting NP and several others at the big Swingular party, and we had a fucking great time just chatting and getting to know one another. Where is it written that swinging means you automatically spread your legs for others. We are not that type of swinging couple, we prefer to get to know a little about the couple or group first. Physical appearance is part of it, but, arouse me with intellect and personality, and I am yours! :) Ron

International Swingers Day - How are you celebrating? - [quote=EVILDOERS]Pretty normal evening then I take it.[/quote]

Discretion, the better part of valor - I love that saying - It's a tough one. Women will ALWAYS get more action here than men. Sex is theirs when it comes to power and control. The "you can only get as much as I can get" has never worked for us. But our situation is a little different in that I travel a ton for work so when I'm home I can't see spending what little time I have with someone else. And being on the road, I don't have time to get any action. So the equality in playing separate isn't there. As a result, Mrs. Sexperimentor doesn't play without me unless it's another woman. That's her choice and a bone thrown to equality, which I appreciate. As for the issue of not playing because you're afraid you'll run into a playmate in your vanilla life... To me that's horse pucky. The person you run into will be at just as much risk as you of being "outed". You'll have a lot more in common than a whole lot of other people you meet. And if you have a little discretion about who you play with, you'll have similar attitudes on how to conduct yourselves in a vanilla situation. Actually, I don't think we have EVER, in all the years we've been doing this, just run into anyone we've played with. There are people we've known to be swingers but haven't played with that we've run into, one lady I run into frequently, but life in the lifestyle has never even been discussed in vanilla settings. I hope this isn't your situation, but the last couple I knew that would play separately but not together, with a story told essentially the same way you told yours, didn't end well. She was more interested in having other romantic relationships than she was in maintaining her marriage. Frankly, while playing without my wife is fun, and we share the tales and details afterward, I'd really rather play as a couple. Our playing together has enhanced our relationship and that's what I'd encourage you to do. Mr. Sexperimentors

Swinger Bracelets - Swinger bracelets - honestly what needs to be done is yes the bracelets and no matter what your not going to make everyone happy. OK the number is fine to say hey were swingers instead of colors why not have a 1 threw 5 and put it in a circle to separate it from the other numbers one being beginners and 5 being all out who really cares about the fact if your bi or single cuz if you catch on to the bracelet then you can just discreetly ask

Forum Community - EVERYONE!! - This is a good site that rivals Playful Swingers only a lot less cliqueish!! Let's get these forums moving, come on folks ask and reply.

Free will versus playing fair. - - Criusers......... This is exactly why we don't really like the group things. Nobody knows what the boundaries are or if there are boundaries. There are lots of different scenarios as far as groups go. Sometimes it's anything goes. Sometimes it's anything goes with some couples but not others. Sometimes there are couples there who are not even swingers, and in most cases, you have to figure that out yourself..... ( that happened at our last party and she was the hottest woman there.) I don't know how long you have been doing this, but the lifestyle is a trip, huh? Never imagined it would be this difficult. But it's still loads of fun, both socially and sexually.

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