
Lithopolis Swingers in Ohio

Lithopolis Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Lithopolis, OH, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Lithopolis looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Lithopolis, OH. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Lithopolis, Ohio Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Lithopolis, Ohio so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Lithopolis Swingers right away!

Swinger Friendly Businesses - Business or services friendly to swingers - i am an electrician my self and do some side work on the side i am a journeyman electrician have been in the trade for 13 years contact me an i will see what i can do

What Is Discretion To You? - Chime in - To play devil’s advocate. We are all members of a swingers site! That being said there are definitely people in here that we don’t care to know our business. As far as the couples we know and chat about or share stories with. It’s not a notch on our belt. For the most part we honestly enjoy and are proud to be friends with people in here. Now we never share without permission and we never Disclose who we are with without permission. But we do have a close group of people that we trust and are pretty open with. Now in public that’s another story a wink and a nod is fine but people really need to respect your boundaries.

Polyamory - three (or more)-way RELATIONSHIPS - [quote=HALFBAKED]Hi all.... I'm writing this because Mr. Halfbaked and I finally found someone to swing with, and it turned into more...for ALL of us. Well, me and Mr, and the female half of this couple (long story, relationship was on the brink WAY before we got involved, and they broke up shortly after a few encounters). Thing was, I had already become VERY good friends with the female, and they had been a "play alone and together" couple, so we'd had threesomes with just him and just her, so we knew we liked being with just her. And my guy liked her a lot outside the bedroom, too. Anyway, long story short, we were talking and the subject of polyamory came up (not that we knew that word at the time), because he and i had developed feelings for her, and she'd developed feelings for us. So now, we are a love-triangle in a GOOD way. I am in love with him AND with her, and he is in love with her AND with me, and she is in love with me AND him. We're all in love with each other. So we just kind of made up these rules for our relationship...we have all-together time, and each couple within the triangle also has equal time with just the two. It's been almost a year now, and it's still going strong...We all live apart due to life/economic concerns, but we're thinking about combining households as we plan for this to be a permanent thing. We even want to have a "commitment ceremony" with the three of us, after Mr. Halfbaked and I legally tie the knot (he and she share the same last name, so after he and I get married, we'd all have it). The thing is, we have not found very many places to meet other people like ourselves, though we know they exist...We figured that maybe someone on HERE had some knowledge, either first- or second-hand, that they'd be willing to share. We realize that we're taking a chance outing ourselves on here....from the few people in the lifestyle we have told (we finally found a local club), that OUR lifestyle isn't necessarily welcomed. We figured it was worth it to put ourselves out there, since there are *very* few couples on here even close to local, so we wouldn't really be losing out on much. That said, if you're cool with sharing here on the forum, great. If not, and we totally understand, you could PM us...We're really just looking for other people like us....especially if they are swingers, because we still want to swing, too. Mr. and Misses Halfbaked...or maybe that's 3/4 now, lol ;-)[/quote] We have a relationship like this. We have all been together for over 5 years. She was in and out depending on what was going on in her life. Which is fine by us too. She is also my best friend too. I met her a few months before we both met Josh. He is amazing he has to deal with us lol. We dont usually find couples like us. What we find is can I play with your girls in which we ask them to bring a friend. Cause she can find a guy in 2 second just like I can. Its not hard just shake it like a salt shaker lol Anyways we all just somehow get along well and rarely fight or argue. Being poly just means you are able to cope with many people in the same family. This is also the best types of familys. As everyone works together to get the job done. Now if Morgan ever mets someone she wants more with a build a life with then we are cheering her on and we will always love each other and loving someone new is how poly love is done(= We as a couple just seem to get each other and that helps everything else just click. Hope all goes well with you all in the future and hope you find other like you as well. We are like you and thats just one more person. (=

Reject Affair Match - Cheaters are not swingers - Yet another good reason why I use the Firefox browser with Adblock Plus ... I can't even see the ad you're all talking about, which makes me glad! :D

Las Vegas - Who knows the in's and out's of Red Rooster - "Go to the w w w . lvrj . com and research the keywords "swingers" "bust" etc. There has been many busts at all the clubs cuz of lack of business license. The only club with license is Green Door and REd Rooster II. " Both of these places have licenses as "health" clubs, there is no such thing as a license for a swing club, Sunrise Manor was the only recent place busted and shut down due to it's proximity to housing and the neighbors caught wind of what was going on inside. You would be wise to stay away from both. Mike at The Red Rooster has successfully kept the law away from his place for years and has been on TV numerous times and interviewed about the place and swinging in general. We've attended parties at the Red Rooster and Couples Oasis and can recommend both - both have a No means No policy and have a mix of all ages shapes and sizes of people depending on the nights you attend, with Fri & Sat being your best bet

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site -


Yeah and you should see through your infinite powers of observation that I didn't start this thread. Your point was? Wait I am not so sure you had one either. LOL Bottom line is folks, everyone craves controversy, drama and excitement. While most of us can admit it. Others try and take the "Holier than thou" approach and come in to such a thread and tell everyone how beneath them it is to discuss such things. That very act proves they too cannot stay away from the drama. They are hypocrites and lying to us and especially themselves. Sad state of affairs... For them. LOL.

-Don- "Ich habe einen kleinen Vogel in meinem Kopf."

Note: Best if viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7

Bogeys Nightclub in Clearfield - A Habits style club for northern swingers? - Yes, exactly!

(Utah) Sinful’s “Support Kat’s Breast’s” Fundraiser - Saturday Jun 16, 2018 @ 9:00 PM @ SKY SLC - anybody know... do swingers usually do the sky on saturdays? and do many swingers attend?

Las Vegas - Swingers clubs ect. - Can people who have been to both flirts and playhouselv explain the differences, pros and cons, and such? Been to playhouselv and loved it. Debating flirts. Any help would be great!

Swingers unnerve families at hotel - - We were there also at the Interlude event......Let me assure you No child was able to see any adult doing anything of anykind. There was no \"glass Atrium\" there were however glass elevators.. the Party was held in an enclosed invironment with security.. However to get to your rooms you had to take the glass elevators which are in the common area`s of the Crown Plaza......by the way all of the guest for the Interlude party were booked on the ninth and tenth floors ....Now if any child was exposed to anything it was less than anything they have seen on television or any magazine they can see at a grocery store check out line! Now for the mom who was highly offended ,, Her hubby was probably wishing he was with one of those well dressed lovely women!......Damd I cant wait till Disney Has a swingers pride day like they give all the flaming Homosexuals.... So we can Lead the Parade!

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