
Jefferson Swingers in Ohio

Jefferson Swingers

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Vegas Jan 14-16 - Any sugestions on clubs or parties? - We were just in Vegas for the week of Dec 19 and I had asked around. I was referred to a new website specializing in \"what\'s going on around Vegas\" - specifically of the naughty variety. It is new, so I don\'t know how good it is, but it *seems* to have some \"inside scoop\". Take a look at: http://www.americanlowlife.com Meanwhile, I might share my list of \"50 things to do in Vegas\" - but they are mostly personal-level things like *) Shave each others\' genitals *) Go clothes shopping and take naughty photos in the dressing rooms *) Rent a Segway on the Strip *) Sneak around the hotel halls naked *) Enjoy the \"duelling piano\'s\" bar at Harrah\'s: Twin women pianists belting out all of the songs that the crowd loves singing along with *) Try \"Fusia\" at Luxor: \"Asian Fusion\" food: really-good food with a twist. Expensive, but a really-great culinary experience *) Stay away from MOST shows: they just aren\'t worth your time or money - particularly the \"titty shows\": It is ironic that Vegas has the reputation for \"naughty\" but the laws prevent full nudity anywhere in the city - so most of the shows are really tame - for swingers. We\'ve tried \"Skin Tight\" at Harrah\'s and \"Night Fantasy\"(?) at Luxor. They were... yawn. If you\'re going to go to any show - see if you can get half-price tickets the day of the show - there are now 4 or 5 half-price ticket booths around Vegas. Many shows are worth *half* the normal price. *) Drive out to Valley of Fire and run around the gorgeous, huge Red Rocks - naked - and take pictures of each other and make love. This time of year it will be *cold* - but that just means that you\'ll have it more to yourself. *) Dress up really sexy and go out just walking around: enjoy dressing as outrageously as you dare - see-thru, low-cut, etc - and just wander around - or even go gambling and see how many heads turn when you lean over the craps table to place your bets. OK. Again. I\'ve got a list of about 50 such things. If you\'re interested, ask me. Sigh. I DO love Vegas.

Spam emails. - Do they make you wanna? - Are we the only ones who get emails that are obviously spammed out to who knows how many others? Do those spam emails with extremely generic words make your nether regions tingle? Do they make you want to say, "What the fuck, I'll fuck whoever sent me this blatantly copy and pasted message."? Do they make you think, "Well, I'm certain this sincere individual is not only sexy as hell but also coronavirus free so what do I have to lose?"? C'mon. lets hear it for those who put the absolute LEAST amount of effort possible into trying to hook up with other swingers! [em]Emo_93[/em]

Now a single male looking for a rebound play - - That or rabid Ferrets. [quote=PALS4FUN]Yeah, swinging can cause huge pressure on a marriage and totally screw it up. I'm sure that's why most swingers, myself included, would never recommend swinging as a way to "spice-up" a marriage that is having some difficulty. You definitely have to be on the same page as your partner in order to give swinging a go -- and then be pretty damn quick on your feet and adaptable as things get going -- perhaps in a direction that you didn't expect. I don't get though, why the OP is back here if he's not interested in swinging for the long term or looking for a woman who is interested in it? Seems this OP is more suited for a singles-type site. And Evil, yes I'd like to see your listing 'cause I'm guessing that at least one of the items involves a douche-canoe going over a large peefall before crashing into a turd log. Or other such silliness, much funnier than what I've just described! ;) Yes ... I know your personality here![/quote]

Swingers cars??? - What ya driving?? - Does this count?

Do you only play with married couples? - - I'm going to add something that is taboo, the concept of a couple taking some time together as if to steal away from their partner where one or both are married and / or swingers. Isn't there some additional excitement to do so? Please know that I have considered very thoroughly that it is best to conduct behaviour while the significant other is aware, either same room or separately. So correct me (and I'm sure you will) if I am wrong but I think there is a situation now and then where a couple could steal away and have a good time if they are cool about it, married or single, yes?

Swinger & 🦄 Bait - An experiment to attract swingers and unicorns. - 😂😂😂 I would have said something for sure!! Perhaps .........what you like another unicorn!🦄 here I am!🦄

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - "I know a guy that is 75 years old and still enjoys being with others. He claims that he can satisfy a lady even if the hubby is taking pictures. Although he needs a half an hour or so to get it up again. Any comments?" What are you getting at? "even if the hubby is taking pics?" So, what? We do that all the time. What is your point?

Weird sex laws. - Oral sex is bad but fucking a corpse not so much. - [quote=EVILDOERS]You have to admit, oral sex IS kinda creepy. But I'm willing to bet it's Obama's (or Holder's) fault. Or those damned libs. Or those damned conservatives. Or those damned swingers, they're RUINING the USofA! Or maybe it's rap music or gay marriage. Or possibly a direct result of Dancing With The Stars. [em]Emo_62[/em] [/quote] Heck if the Republicans had their way.. SWINGING would be illegal. Everybody knows Bill and Hill were swingers... heck leave the DEMS alone already

WIFE AND I WILL BE AT CLUB HABITS SATURDAY 23 - - I went to a meet/greet a while ago at Club Habits and instantly became a member due to the environment and dress code. Our friends love it there and often after our "naturalist swim" Saturday nights we go to Habits and finish the night off. The Naturalist group are not swingers however if any swingers/members find themselves there Saturday night I would love to have you join my wife and i for a drink and say hello. We always sit in the same place, the small room near the front west corner from 9-10pm until close. This is in no way a special event or to take away from the regular group that meet at this club. Just my way of inviting other club members to look us up.:D Phinyx and DeeDee

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - [quote=NEWFUNCOUPLEXXX][quote=TOTO73]only done it once, but would love to try it again. any volunteers [/quote] we haven't done but we are willing!!! lol[/quote] We would love to try!! ;)

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