
Elkton Swingers in Ohio

Elkton Swingers

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Interracial Fun - Taboo Or Good Fun? - My favorite ones are the ones who are trying to explaing the \"moral\" aversion to interaccial dating while posting his wife neked on a swingers site. I mean come on. Are you kidding? Interracial dating \"bad\" Butt Naked group sex \"good\"? You need to think about what you\'re saying before you say it. I try and steer clear of moral right and wrongs, but i think in this case you guys are treading on some thin moral ice. Funny but thin ice

Having a Swingres day at lagoon - Swingers at lagoon - Hell yes.. Sound's fun!! Let's to it next summer though!!!!!!! kisses Amanda

Why are people afraid to give out their email address - - Ohhh...I forgot to mention: How very timely things can be sometimes....just recently, on another website (for swingers), I had given a new contact our email address. I did this at his request (a single male), so he could send pictures. He did... ...what he sent was an email that - I really could only guess why - was forwarded not less than 16 times. Apparently, our new found friend has been very busy. Now, I'm sure you've all seen the emails where the subject line is FWD:FWD:FWD:RE: (etc, etc...) I've never realized anyone could be thoughtless enough to simply forward an email with pics to us, when the same email has been forwarded to 16 other people. And it's all right there, "in the clear" so to speak, in his email. Now, think about this: Here's a guy who is telling us he's sincerely interested in her, how he's only interested in making friends and not the typical wham-bam kinda thing. Funny, he seems to cover a lotta ground for someone so sincere. All in the past week or so, I might add. It gets better: at some point...I don't know, maybe he's got two machines and was bouncing pics between them, or whatever...he's also unwittingly included a different email address for himself (which, by the way, told us right away he's not been honest about his name). He's put his own, 'real' email address in there as well! But that's not the part that really relates to the subject of this thread. What does relate is the issue of emails, making rounds you can't even imagine, because of one careless person. I made the mistake of trusting this person - and imagine my horror when I saw how careful he was with the other 16 people's info in there...what if some were completely unaware he was doing that? I bet they are! And now, HE'S GOT OUR EMAIL ADDRESS!!! How many of his emails to others will have our address in it? Ever hear of 'social engineering'? Well, if you haven't, do some research. This is how talented computer people can take a little shred of info about you from here, and a little from there, and next thing you know, your private affairs aren't so private. Sure, we're only talking about swinging sites, right? But, didn't someone above mention work email? Tell me no one ever got the two mixed up - or that no one ever forwarded your email - the one you sent in total confidence - to their work address, intentionally or unwittingly!! Of the 16 email addresses right there in his email, 13 were Yahoo email addresses...now, it's a hop, skip and jump over to their profiles - and now I know even more about the people our friend listed in his email. Interesting to see who all he's been in touch with. Ohhh, by the way? Two of them were crossdressers, says so right there in their Yahoo profiles. What if that somehow found its way to where someone worked? I'll tell you what, I know how these people - the 'social engineers' - go about finding out all sorts of stuff. It so happens I'm not into messing with people like that, or I could have a field day with this stuff. I'm not interested in it, but what if I were? Someone who was a real low-life could start contacting these people, saying things like "I know you've been in touch with X"...or they try to play a confidence game, by dropping names picked up from various sources: "Hey Jimmy told me you're..." after seeing an email from "James" so-and-so. There are countless variations, but these people are relentless - and they're not stupid! Think it doesn't happen? Think again. Every word of what I say above is absolutely true. May not sound like much until you consider all the possible ways it could be exploited. And it happened, just about the time I took interest in this thread. So, I hope this little story helps illustrate my point. I hope it helps answer the original question; *This* is why people are reluctant to give out email addresses. And, maybe they damn well should be.

Swingers Kickball Society - - We'd be interested.

Las Vegas looking for swingers info. - - There isn't a " Swing " hotel per say....When the Lifestyle convention is in town they have Hospitality Suites in different hotels..... Check Out www.plushparties.com and www.couplesoasis.com ....The red rooster is wild, but has tons of single guys... the Oasis ( also wild ) doesn't allow them unless a cpl brings one. Good luck Vcpl45

Swingers Kickball Society - - We are in.

Male on male - Not sure if this is where this goes, but male on male tonight only. - I think part of the problem why guy's don't want to put it on the profile or try it is they may be afraid if their GUY friends would ever find out that might cause problems with their friends. Remember these site's can be accessed by anyone this is the same reason alot of swingers don't post a face photo.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - I am with Kristy on this one Its presumptuous Its also shoehorning you into only those couples that love big black dick lol so all the couples who may like dick but dont care what color it is Well you get my point. may take offense to your screen-name.. There could be other reasons but All in all single males are often not looked highly upon unless they have built a reputation and worked several years to make this reputation among the lifestyle.

Poly-Swingers - Moving beyond FWB relationship - Ever seen Zebra Lounge? Give that movie a whirl!

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - [quote=SoScrewMe]We have an amazing group that get together often it is awesome, but unfortunately we are in Lehi.[/quote] love to be part of your group

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