
Willow City Swingers in North_dakota

Willow City Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Willow City, ND, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Willow City looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Willow City, ND. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Willow City, North_dakota Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Willow City, North_dakota so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Willow City Swingers right away!

Those damn single men! - Where do they fit in this lifestyle? - AKLIM...In response to your question: WHat can a single bring to the table that a couple cannot? 1.) TOTAL attention...When you have a couple, he or she will always be aware of their spouse or spousal equivalent...Thus NOT giving 100% of their attention. 2.) NO ONE has to sit out...Earlier you stated that you would not want to watch someone do your wife, as it would bore you. Do you watch porn? Ahhhh...Live porn...What could be better? If someone in a couple takes a break to get a drink, have a smoke, go to the restroom...whatever they do on their break, they come back and watch 2 people with someone, don't you think they would be just as bored as you are? Don't you think you or your wife are worthy of more attention from a triad situation than a few minutes while someone takes a break? 3.) (Directed at Mr. AKLIM) Are you telling me if a single woman wrote you, you would not want to meet? Come on...EVERY man in America would like 2 women at the same time...it is the most common fantasy! 4.) What's wrong with Mr or Mrs. having a little fun on the side while someone IS out of town? NOTHING... Not to say you should adhere to our rules or anything...Just making a statement that answers your question... NOW...On to another thing...IN OUR EXPERIENCE ONLY!!!!!!!! Single males are indeed unreliable...so much so that on another site, we actually put on our profile the names of those who do not show or call to cancel a meeting! But then again...We have had more "meetings" with single males...BUT MANY couples do the same...We feel that there are FAR to many "fantasy swingers" in the lifestyle...In other words, those who THINK it would be cool, but when it came to "shit or get off the pot" they won't...thus they do not show...Another posibility is the old fashioned, "I can get my wife to go to this meeting, then I can convince her to swing!" action...NO single man will pull that one...And how many of us have NOT experienced that one? I am almost willing to bet that those who have the "The ladies talk on the phone" rule HAVE experienced it, and want to avoid it in the future...Now...I see a TON of people saying single men are "gropers" and hangers oners and other things...OUR experience is just the opposite...THE MARRIED men are doing that...SO many times we have seen single men yelled at for WALKING by a couple...NO, NOT talking, touching, rubbing, making tongue actions at the lady, no winking, NOTHING but walking by...YET, a man who has a lady by his side can come over and stick his hand in her skirt or down her blouse...and that is cool...Why? Because he is married or something? Makes no sense to us...ANYONE does something like that unapproved and they should be tossed, but because SO many people have HEARD of bad experiences with single men...NOT actually experienced them themselves, they assume it is the way it is. How many profiles have you seen where someone says we are newbies, then says NO SINGLE MEN like 15 times? Where did they get that? They have not met anyone, they have not been to a club, they are new...Probably from someone else's profile...THEN there are those who say< "Searching for: Single Men, Single Women, Couples" but later in the profile, the last sentence is "No single men" or something like that...You have MANY people in the forums saying they only play with couples, but their profile says differently...And then they want to come in her and bitch that a single man wrote them! WTF??? The single men are DOING what you say...and still get bitched at.... Let this post die....To the single men...Welcome to the whipping post...Enjoy...

Swingers in a vanilla bar... - - In my experience, try to ask an innocent question, as in, 'Have you ben to *insert name of local swing club*?'

"Can't Say No" Party - Who'd be interested in coming? - Mrs LPA69 and I have been talking about hosting a "Can't Say No" party at our home in Lindon UT. The idea comes from when we were investigating some foreign swingers clubs. There was one in South Africa that advertised a "can't Say No" room. If you went into the room, you could not turn down a request from someone else in the room, unless their request would be a health hazard (eg bareback intercourse). The idea intrigued us both (okay, me more than her, but she likes the idea). If we host such a party, it would be a little different from the South Africa swingers club. We suggest that it work this way. 1. We would have 10 couples maximum come to our house. We would advertise the party to everyone on Swingular, because it would be fun to have some couples we didn't know in attendance, just to make it more exciting. 2. We'd take a little time to drink, snack, and mingle while we were getting to know everyone else a little. During the mingle time, the two in each couple could talk about who they were interested in or not. 3. The women would all get together in private, and discuss amongst themselves who they were each willing to play with, what they were willing to do, etc. 4. Everyone would get back together, and for the next hour or so, each woman would tell her man what to do with whom, and the man could not say no. 5. After a break, the men would all get together in private, and discuss who they were each willing to play with, what they were willing to do, etc. 6. Everyone would get back together, and for the next hour or so, each man would tell his woman what to do with whom, and the woman could not say no. That's all the rules. The party could be as wild as those in attendance wanted to make it. Obviously it would be critical for each couple to state clearly their feelings to their own partner during Step 2, because after that, you can't say no to your own partner's instructions (but you're not obligated to do something that another person asks you to do). You'd have to really trust your own partner, wouldn't you? We'd like to know how many of you couples would be interested in that kind of party. The earliest we could host it would be New Year's Eve (or maybe in January), but we'd like to get an idea now as to the interest level. L&P

Anyone else in or near Daybreak? - We know you are out there! - [quote=PLAYNW3][quote=MEOWMIX10000][quote=PLAYNW3]What ever came of the Daybreak swingers Facebook page? Is it active and being used?[/quote] pretty slow. a couple people talk and post pics. most people just lurk. We need more people. Could be a great group[/quote] We worry about our kids etc finding it, that's why we haven't joined the Facebook group. We'd like to hear what's going on but really don't trust Facebook for this type of communication.[/quote] Yeah, actually I don't blame you. We worry about that too.

Players Club - Use it or lose it! - We certainly do not expect every lifestyle couple in Utah to make it a Saturday night ritual to make it to the Players Club, but since almost all agree that they would like a place to go and meet and have fun on weekends where there is not a special party, we feel that those that can try to make it out. We are cetainly not expecting anybody to put other obligations aside ( I know that we certainly don\'t) but then again if we have the time and a couple of bucks we love to see our friends and meet new ones. We might not be able to make it every Saturday but the ones we can, we can\'t think of anything better. When we were having couples night on friday they were still getting good crowds and now that the club has agreed to do it on Saturdays it should even be better. And lets not forget that it is not just a club for swingers or lifestyle people. It is meant for all couples or single females and that is part of what makes it so much fun. Mo & Gary

Handling aging and lifestyles - How do you handle getting older? - [quote=HYM4CYN]Something none of us can control at present is growing older. For most of us, getting older means physical and some mental changes. These changes have a tendency to make us less desirable especially to the younger crowds, yet the minds of the maturing swingers still feel the need for participation along with the attraction for others. So, the questions are: How do you handle getting older and finding yourself less attractive to others and less involved. And, what are your age boundaries, if any. The youngest you will participate with and the oldest you will friend and why. We have our own opinions, we will express later, but we would like to see what others think.[/quote] We have no age boundaries, when we were in our 20's we would play with people up to their 60's. Now that we are in our 40's, we play with couples in their 20's occasionally. We had played with couples younger than our youngest kid lol. Our secret? If a couple does not like us there may be a million reasons for us to worry about it. We had been turned down by older and way less attractive couples than us. We just move on to the next one, stay positive and don't overthink shit.

Scuba, Nude Beaches, Swingers - Scuba, Nude Beaches, Swingers - we're headed to Jamaica to scuba and sunbath on the nude beach in Montego Bay. Can't wait. CB & KB

Secret Swingers Club Ogden, UT - Clubs - Anybody know anything about the secret swingers club in Ogden, UT? Or how to get in? We're a couple looking for a fun Saturday night with like minded people!

Face pics - Just a statement - [quote=TRAVELING_GUY69]Just my 2 cents' worth..... On one hand, I completely understand people wanting to be anonymous or protect their identity. At the same time, we're all here for essentially the same reason! Is someone from this site really going to "out" another publicly? Maybe I'm just being too simple, but I hope someone in public recognizes me from this site! What a great way to break the ice-"I saw your ad on Swingular...."[/quote] Exactly...what are they gonna say to out you? "Ooooo I saw they have a profile on a swingers site!" Oh yeah? What the hell were you doing on a swingers site?? Can't really out you without outting themselves ;) Blueeyes...didn't u say one time that you had ended up accecpting a friend request from a relative because neither of you had face pics? Aaaaaawkward :P lol

Polyamory - polyanorous couples. - [quote=SUGARSANDSPICE][b]By general definition all swingers are polyamorous.[/b] Polyamory (from Greek ???? [poly, meaning many or several] and Latin amor [love]) is the practice, desire, or acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved. Polyamory is a less specific term than polygamy, the practice or condition of having more than one spouse. The majority of polygamous cultures are traditionally polygynous, where one husband has multiple wives. Polyandrous societies, in which one wife has multiple husbands, are less common but do exist. Marriage is not a requirement in polyamorous relationships. [/quote] That is the wikipedia definition and is not correct.

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