
Page Swingers in North_dakota

Page Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Page, ND, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Page looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Page, ND. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Page, North_dakota Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Page, North_dakota so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Page Swingers right away!

Lake Powell 2013? - - [quote=JIGGY601]We would like to join the trip timing sounds good. We have a boat and truck to pitch in we can have couples ride with us if need be. was just curious because we new to the swingers thing. is it balls to the walls or what happens happens no push or a free for all lets hang and have fun.Would also like to know what to bring so can plan. We went last year for the first time and didn't play with anyone, but you could if you want. We had a great time but its defiantly a what happens happens event. If the date works were in, we'll sleep on our boat like we did last year but are more than willing to contribute to the houseboat as well.

Obama's Roadtrip - - [quote]Fair enough. Then why rely on them for anything that likely wasn't adequately studied?[/quote] Likely just does not do it for me...When the numbers are given AND shown how they were gathered, I tend to believe they are fairly accurate. [quote]Let's take your Pepsi/Coke example. There is likely nothing befuddling about your scenario. Just one possibility: Where are the two Florida products bottled? Maybe it's the water.[/quote] Both bottled locally, it is chalked up to being a preferance thing. In WI, lived there for a while, it was called pop or soda, unless a VERY specific thing was needed, a Mountain Dew for instance. In the south, it is a Coke no matter what it is. If someone in the south offers a Coke, it could be Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Diet Rite, Sam's Club Soda, etc. [quote]I'm glad you agree with the logic. My Bachelor's is in Social Welfare (Psych Minor). Human nature is only a bitch of a thing when you get out there a few standard deviations. The bulk of us are as predictable as rats.[/quote] Believe it or not, I have 2 BA's (econ and int. rel.) with a minor in social work. So I am very aware of social science standards and SOME believe that we're predictable. If you have a smaller sample, we are fairly predictable, especially when the sample is taken from a specific group of people (swingers for instance, better yet, swingers in a specific region), once you get to the larger populations (nationwide for instance), human behavior is not easily quantified. Try being the ONLY conservative in all the social work classes, it was fun! Then again, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. [quote]I propose that as an economist you are simply looking at things with a limited perspective. [/quote] Possibly, but I also have a rare ability to look at it from an outsider's view.... [quote]There is simply no question that if a person's basic needs (food and shelter) are met, there is less motivation to risk the consequences of violating societal rules.[/quote] I can see the logic of this, however, we are Americans, we always want MORE, we are constantly bombarded with images of MORE, we are constantly told that without MORE we are incomplete, etc. What are the consequences of violating societal rules? Food, shelter, clothing, TV, etc? Really tough there. Look at prisons in Mexico, if your family does not provide, you starve, more than likely. THAT is consequences, it is a deterrant (sp?). IMHO, one of the reasons for our increased crime rates is the lack of public punishment. If every time you turned around, you saw a group of people in black and white stripes mowing lawns, trimming trees, etc. on the side of the road in leg chains, it would cut crime considerably. If they did public executions, it would cut crime dramatically. Then again, I am a staunch supporter of heavy penalties for crimes, especially when they are repeat offenders, most of the social scientists are not. They want more rehab and such, which I also support, BUT only for first timers, not for repeat offenders. Anyway, I am thoroughly enjoying our debate... Next!

Is this one of your rules? What is it? is it fear? or something - Does everyone feel this way? - This is a subject I often ask people about. Swingers differ from others because of the sex. If you are looking for "friends" goto a club, join a gym, or goto a group that says FRIENDS. If you are interested in nudity, flirting, swap dating, dancing, etc there are groups for that. SWINGING/SWAPPING is a sport that specifically says "I am looking for people that are not afraid of unbridled sex with not ties" or "We embrace our sexual sides and trust our love enough that it does not intimidate me for him/her to explore" This falls under the same curiosity as why so many couples are into single females and couples only. is there a trust issue with her having sex with another guy?

Friend collectors or swingers - - Well...if this is any indicator, we currently have 61 pending friend requests. None of which sent us a message to go along with their request.🤨 And after looking at the sender’s profile (not a match ...nothing in common), it’s apparent most are simply looking to see the pictures in our private album. We’re not always in Utah as we have homes in several states, but we’re beginning to think this is a Utah thing. 🤔 GLTA

Game ON....which sign is Hornier...(is that a word?) - zodiac signs of swingers? - Missy is a Scorpio Vern is a Libra

Where do you go have Adult only sexual fun in Vegas... - Sexual fun - We really think it depends on what you are looking for...If you are a SOCIAL BUTTERFLY, and not afraid to approach people you will do well at the RED ROOSTER, it is always a full house on FRIDAY and SATURDAY nights. COUPLES OASIS was more laid back, but too cliquish for us (WE ARE CONSIDERED AS KEN AND BARBIE'S MOM & POP). Now if you just want to get down and dirty, and have some BUTT-NAKED fun, we highly recommend SWINGERS CIRCLE on THURSDAY nights, all I'm going to say is, clothes are not an option, within the first 30 minutes everyone is naked. It is a little more expensive, but it is well worth it. Hope this helps. Deedee & Larry

Body Size - - Well my dear, I to have been blessed with " more cushion for the pushin". I did recently go surgical for weight loss but it was strictly for health reasons. Not vanity. I've been a BBW all my life. We signed on to this sight in hopes of finding friends also. With benefits great, if just friends to hang out with, even better. Friends seem to last longer than lovers. Well, after a year of hitting the meet and greets, setting up meets, chatting with a few people, we've come to the conclusion that Most of the active on site swingers are like your popular pretty high school cheerleaders and football team. They have their preferences and cliques. But we have also met a few single men and more recently couples that we have been getting to know and trulyare looking forward to becoming friends with. I don't know how long you've been on here, but we were about ready to give up on finding friends based on personality. So I guess I'll say, be patient, be persistent and when the right people make the choice to get to Know You, you'll find it was worth the wait. YOUR worth the wait, don't ever let anyone make you feel your not

Swingers in Draper cause Super Dell to speed - - It this keeps up, legislature will soon require that we all carry a concelled swingers permit.

again this web site - profiles - First off your attitude would certainly deter us from wanting to meet you. As addressed in another post, a lot of people told you to post pictures and to get validated, it appears you have not done either, which is probably why you have not had any luck meeting anyone. Another thing to consider is that no swingers website guarantees you to hook up if you join, they give you the tools to meet others but in the end it is up to you. So before you place blame on swingular for your problem, you should take a look in the mirror first.

What Is Discretion To You? - Chime in - To play devil’s advocate. We are all members of a swingers site! That being said there are definitely people in here that we don’t care to know our business. As far as the couples we know and chat about or share stories with. It’s not a notch on our belt. For the most part we honestly enjoy and are proud to be friends with people in here. Now we never share without permission and we never Disclose who we are with without permission. But we do have a close group of people that we trust and are pretty open with. Now in public that’s another story a wink and a nod is fine but people really need to respect your boundaries.

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