
Scaly Mountain Swingers in North_carolina

Scaly Mountain Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Scaly Mountain, NC, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Scaly Mountain looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Scaly Mountain, NC. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Scaly Mountain, North_carolina Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Scaly Mountain, North_carolina so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Scaly Mountain Swingers right away!

Discretion a Must?!? - Let us know - We post a face pic even though we both have high profile out there jobs,I am a bailbonds woman and hubby does city contract work talk about hell storm if we ran into someone who said OMG i saw yall on a swingers site,but then me being me I would turn it around on them,if they were there looking then obviously they were looking for the same thing. In saying that it tends to shut them down with a quickness,think about it if they are at a lifestyle function or website they are there why...HELLO cause they are in the lifestlye also LOL. As for being outed to family and friends we don't hide the fact,do they like it *family that is* proably not doesn't fit into their cookie cutter world but they don't look down on us either they accept the fact we do what we do and it's none of their business. I have a friend right now going through a divorce and her soon to be ex is trying to bring her bisexuality into the proceedings and wants everyone to testify well I told him don't bring me there or I will just bust you out what about the blowjob in my den you got from so-so,its pissy when in the lifestyle together then bring it up in a divorce. Becky

Lifestyle parties - - Lish you want to throw aparty for gays, t-genders,bi's and all you can use the store after hrs, and you can dress up how you like try on lingerie,run naked, and play with the love machine, why well friends are friends good people are good people, and to discriminate is bull shit!!!!! and there should be no dicrimination at swingers party's or on swingular !!!!! love all walt smiles to all my friends straight gay bi and t-genders male or female luv walt

N by N Campout - Thanks for a Great time! - This was our first time coming to the campout. We had an amazing time and cant wait till next year. Thanks to our hosts and all the people who showed up and made it a great experience. "this one time, at swingers camp" haha!

Swingers In Uniform - Pay your memorial day respects here. - Don Juan is a communist.....And a Fag

Great Article About Swinging! - Great Article About Swinging! - [quote=KARMICSUNRISE][url=http://www.5280.com/magazine/2010/11/sin-city?page=0,1] Swingers Article...[/url][/quote] There ya go Mav.

swingers defined - - LOVE IT!!! De ja vu

Camper talk - Swing parties in campers have you done it - Other than Sturgis we have never been on a swingers camping trip, we are definitely in 😀

'Neighbors with Benefits' to air on A&E - Excited to watch? - Looking at the preview, I have a problem with the show before even seeing it. It looks like the people on it are all going to be 20 or 30 something, and pretty darned physically attractive. Great TV marketing strategy, I suppose. Get people to tune in to see great looking people who engage in "forbidden" sex. Titillate the viewing populace. But NOT anything even close to a representation of the people in the lifestyle. Sure there are people as young as in their twenties in it. I was in bed with one a few weeks ago (yes, miracles do happen, folks. Even with old codgers like me [em]Emo_100[/em] ). But not only is the lifestyle not made up entirely of really hot looking people in their 20s and 30s, they aren't even a really large chunk of it. The largest single age group, based on what I've seen at events and parties, as well as on the site, are in their 40s. And far from all being fit, slim, and very sexy in a traditional sense, they are mostly average. In other words, the majority of us are normal people. And until the society as a whole starts seeing swingers as just normal folks, swinging isn't ever going to be well accepted. I also have a suspicion that the show is going to present swinging as a bunch of people getting together then all pairing off randomly with whoever. In other words, the view of swinging that vanilla society already seems to have. I really doubt that this show is going to do anything good for the lifestyle, mainly because I expect it to present a warped view of the reality of swinging. ~ Terry.

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - [quote=EDANY0178]Wife totally loves it with the right people [/quote] I'd love to be the right people! Damn!

Alternate Semi Swinging Site? - FInding the right connections - While the commonly used definition of swingers is: couples who swap with another couple, it's all under the umbrella of Open relationships. It's a gradient, like many things to do with sexuality. We're not traditional swingers, but have on occasion. Some people like full swap, some soft, some like to cuck or be cuckolded (is that 'for everyone?' Sure, if everyone involved is getting something they enjoy and want out of it), or woman-on-woman play between couples. As long as it's open, honest, ethical and not coerced, and is enjoyable and emotionally healthy for everyone involved, go have your flavor of fun! We love being around sex-positive open-minded people, and if a situation happens organically, it happens. Completely enjoy doing same-room/own partner or girl-on-girl things, and become flirty partysexuals. And, we LOVE voyeur, exhibitionism, kink and sensual play, and usually have a few fun situations going at most parties, and even more so privately or in our smaller, more intimate gatherings. We love to watch, be watched, be around sexy people, even more so as the clothes come off, and find that threesomes are what we organically find more often than other situations. (She's bi, and dated women exclusively for a decade, so loves pursuing that) Do what works for you and makes you happy. Communication is key. Definitions and expectations can sometimes lead to miscues, so say more up front about what you are looking for and find those who are interested in the same.

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