
Kings Mountain Swingers in North_carolina

Kings Mountain Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Kings Mountain, NC, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Kings Mountain looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Kings Mountain, NC. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Kings Mountain, North_carolina Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Kings Mountain, North_carolina so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Kings Mountain Swingers right away!

Parties/Events - Maybe a Good Public Screwing is in Order?! - [quote=KRAZYGIRL]Hi Pals sorry to hear about the year or so of sorrow, things seem to just kicking you when you get to those places s,o hope you can keep your chin up, or maybe we can help you hold it up if need be. If you need help with that public fucking we could hold the towells for you but I want to at least watch, lol I have invited you to club Krazy a few times but timming was off so didnt work.(or you just cant stand my face ) Maybe a party at Club Krazy is needed for you to let loose. Might just have the owner plan one tbose for ya. He he Hope things get better for you two we can understand some of how you feel and it sucks. Cheers Krazyguy.[/quote]Well you are super sweet and I appreciate your attitude 'cause the times you are referring to as far as your parties are exactly the peak of craziness here in reference to my child. We got a few offers about then that I had to turn down and some folks just don't take that so well. (even though we explained ... some just think you're playing games anyway). It's just a bitch enough having a sick child and then all these fucking vultures come out of the woodwork. For some reason it sorta kills my "swingers attitude."

Las Vegas Fun - Las Vegas Fun - So which one would be better for some out of towners? Anyone ever tried the "Las Vegas Swingers Party Club"

Verified Real VS Not - How trusting are you in non-verified accounts? - [quote=EVILDOERS] Look for the union label when you are buying that coat, dress or blouse. Remember somewhere our union's sewing, our wages going to feed the kids, and run the house. We work hard, but who's complaining? Thanks to the I.L.G. we're paying our way! So always look for the union label, it says we're able to make it in the U.S.A.! Join Swingers Union Local 6969 today![/quote] Do we have to Verified to join?

Dinner party - - We would love to attend a classy party so tired of the stand around slamming drinks with people type party. I think the wife and I would be more inclined to enjoy a touch of class and I know from there things could become more and as for fun oh HELL yes!!!! Again anymore the lifestyle has become a fuck fest and that is a major turn off for most. Sorry the pressure to play is become a game of who can fuck who, rather than lets meet people for long term friendships who enjoy the benefits of possible play. I'd love to dress up and meet people for a few drinks in a classy social setting verse the meat market so if you're planning on setting one up include us and let's kill the myth that all swingers just want a trash fuck.

How did you get started? - - Well It Seems we all start somewhere so guess my story isn't that differant than alot of us. I was 19 and in college at the time. One day I was in a local Video Shop and saw the Swingers magazines on the shelf. I thought to myself "what the heck, I'll try my luck!" Honestly, I felt it was all hype to get $6 from me. {they are $8 and $10 now by the way} With somewhat of a "i'll belive it when it happens" attitude I answered about 5 adds that where interesting to me and didnt say "no single men". Anyhow I wrote the letters put them all in a envolope with the $5 and stamps like the magazine asked and waited for a reply. It didn't take to long to get a responce from 4 of them but unfortunatly they all sent me a "no thank you" letter. About a week after that I finally got a reponse from the last couple I had written to. They had written asking me quite a few questions about me and what I liked and all that sort of thing to which I wrote them back a reply. {directly this time though} About 5 days latter I get a call from the man from the couple I had written to asking me if I would like to meet them over dinner sometime. We set up a meeting and it went very well. They where both attractive and in their 40's and we liked alot of the same kinds of things. Being new to all of this though I had assumed that something would happen right away if anything was going to. Wrong! I left that night thinking I was just not what they wanted after all or maybe they were uncomfortable with how much younger I was. The next day though I got a call from the man again asking me to meet with them again later that night at the same resturant, to which I ofcourse said "yes!" When I got there they weren't there yet and my first thought was "great stood up" about 5 or 10 minutes later though they showed up and we ate and talked some more. After dinner they told me they had been late because it had taken a bit longer that they planed to check into the motel they rented for us that night. You can say After that night I was hooked! we met many times after that, almost weekly for awhile. He would sit down in a chair JO and watch as she and I had sex most the time but sometimes he would come over to us and JO onto her while we did it too. For the frist few times we got together he would ask me after she and I where finished if I needed anything else. Being 19 and unworldly I always though he ment something to drink etc. On about our 5th meeting she told me in my ear while we were "together" that he was really wanting to know if he could "DO" anything for me when he asked that. That kinda floored me when she told me that but I got over it and actually kind of warmed up to the idea by the time she and I were through. So, when he asked me that time I ended up getting a Bj from him. We stayed together for along time {2 years almost} until I had to transfer to a bigger college. I am happy I met them because they taught me so much about myself!

Is it a “preference” or is it “ discrimination” - - [quote=VANESSA_BABY][quote=VANESSA_BABY][quote=massageBBCguy][quote=VANESSA_BABY][quote=massageBBCguy]Omg.. seriously? Ok. I am really getting tired of all this.. if you don’t then you are a racist. Ok swingers and single.. let’s push Congress to re-amend the 1964 Civil rights act to create a new cause of action “Failure to fuck a minority” and create a federal regulation requiring members to post “I am an Equal Opportunity Swinger”.. I hope this helps. Ugh...[/quote] I’m not saying because they are not getting fucked I get plenty fucked. I think you mis understood me.[/quote]Cause of Action is the reason for a lawsuit.. well here ——-A cause of action, in law, is a set of facts sufficient to justify a right to sue to obtain money, property, or the enforcement of a right against another part—— “Failure to fuck” doesn’t really mean you are not getting plenty of sex.. it means for example.. “Failure to hire” against a white employer.. a “failure to fuck” against white swinger. I hope that helps.[/quote] It’s funny cause you have hit me up a couple of times[/quote][/quote] Oh probably did but I honestly don’t remember.. and I am sure it was more than 1 year ago when I was a ROOKIE... LMAO.. since you want to go this route... I wouldn’t do it for $10k.

Swingers Clubs in San Diego area - Looking for Swinger clubs in San Diego - We are new to the area and, looking for swingers clubs in the San Diego area. Where are all the club's? Any and all recommendations are appreciated. J & J

Moab Utah - Swingers in Moab - [quote=SweettAndH]We go there at least 4 times/year. Love it there. We haven’t been this year yet because we were not certain when everything was opening up. We are usually there on Memorial Day. We’ve never met another LS couple there yet - but are completely open to it. Have Mountain Bikes .... will travel .... also love to hike!! HUU.[/quote]Heading down again on the 12th. You should join us. Funny because we were there Memorial day weekend and there every Memorial Day weekend.

Messages - why don't people want to message back - [quote=Sm435] 5. People totally content with swinging are already in an established party or meet group and have people come to them now. They are tons of fun, experienced swingers that know how to balance normal life and swinging life. So we always tell newbs there is a huge learning curve to this lifestyle. No, it’s not the sex part, we all already do that, it’s the ability to sort through the mess and find connections. Living where you do makes it even harder. Try some other sites to see if they fit better. Don’t jump at every friend request. Our experience over 4 years is the blind ones with no message lead no where. We use the sites for first contact, then k!k (you can live pic verify there) and chat to see if it’s a match. Remember it’s a frustrating road ahead. Just keep at it. We are to the point now we can spot most flakes, cheaters and collectors quickly and we block and move on. When you do finally meet just be open. Network, be friends, that can lead to parties or new friends. Start looking to just meet cool fucking people and learn from there.[/quote] Well said. We just quoted the parts we completely agree with. You should remember that once you find a good group of FWB - you are less inclined to follow up on every offer. This is more a time management issue than a rejection. Hopefully people will still be responsive. The only emails we don’t respond to are blind friend requests .... especially from people with no profile pics. Sorry - we won’t respond to blind requests. If you are interested - send a thoughtful message - if you are not, simply say so. We think that is good form. Good luck - it’s wonderful when it works. We have been extremely lucky in finding some lifetime great friends. We’ve only had one couple we played with who ghosted us - we’ll never understand that - but it happens. That’s on them, not us. We feel like what comes around goes around. Wouldn’t change anything about our LS experience though - we feel blessed to have expanded our circle of friends to FWB. Lucky, lucky, lucky us!! May you all have similar luck!

How do you spot a Swinger..?! - tell tell signs of the lifestyle - The wristband would be very cool for big parties and swing clubs. Diane has a necklace with an apple that has a bite out of it from [url=http://www.nasca.com/]NASCA[/url] (was "North American Swing Clubs Association" but now just "NASCA" because they're international ). For those that know it the symbol says it all and for those that don't know it could be just some Mac fan or teacher thing. She did get called out on it once in a very strange way. She was at at GYN appointment with a specialist and he asked what the "Apple" was. She said it was her NASCA Apple and he came back with he had heard about it and "always wanted to try swing dancing . . . but somehow didn't think it was about that type of dance" with a smile on his face. She said if it was not for the position she was in she might have had a good come back but it was all to strange at the time. Both him and the nurse seemed very comfortable with the topic . . . we had heard there was a GYN doctor in the area that was active in the lifestyle so it could have been him. The real trick of having something that both shows your lifestyle and at the same time being innocent is being ready to go one way or the other when asked. Our family sees our boat's name (Swingtide) as just a nautical thing about the change in tides and how it matched a change in our life too. Those that know us online and we cross paths on the water spot us without a problem for something more than the change in sea level. It is too bad that we, as the gay community put it, can't come out of the closet. We have no international "rainbow flag" that we can fly and no "Swinger's Day" at Disney World. Lots of places and people come out with something to sell to identify but hide our lifestyle. The problem with that is it's always changing so there is no way to know. In most towns asking about a Swing Club would be hard because there are not that many and lots swingers don't go the club route. We remain a hidden community connected in groups here and there be it online places like this or clubs or just local groups of friends - we miss out on a lot of new friends because we have no clue who is who most of the time. They need to add a wrist band for couples willing to play with single guys (or not willing). I guess it could get a bit complex - Bi female of full swap/same room/couple sometimes willing to play with single female or a single guy . . . how many wrist bands would that be? New sales pitch at a swingers club "Programs! Programs! Get your programs here! You can't tell the swingers without the program!"

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