
Fontana Dam Swingers in North_carolina

Fontana Dam Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Fontana Dam, NC, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Fontana Dam looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Fontana Dam, NC. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Fontana Dam, North_carolina Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Fontana Dam, North_carolina so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Fontana Dam Swingers right away!

Las Vegas Swingers club - - We’ve heard whispers too. Sea mountain is a fun nude, ls resort. You’ll have to let us know where you wind up, and how it was.

Las Vegas - Swingers clubs ect. - [quote=Mrnmrsb]Can people who have been to both flirts and playhouselv explain the differences, pros and cons, and such? Been to playhouselv and loved it. Debating flirts. Any help would be great![/quote]Simple. Flirts allows byob and provides mixers, playhouse alcohol is prohibited. Second, playhouse filters and screens it applicants where flirts allows most anyone. Playhouse is in a commercial building and flirts is in a residential building (very well designed layout for sexy fun, e.g. the glass wall play rooms above the DJ). Playhouse allows single males and flirts is couples and single females only. That is about it.

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - [quote=WOLFMAJESTIC]We just really do couple to couple time according to schedules, Tiffs parties when we can ;) there's plenty of people to meet, and haven't planned our full moon summer party yet..lol[/quote] Ahh..Tiff's parties..we We like them, too..LOL guess we need to have a few more! And a Full Moon party? Sounds fun! We're up for a little howling!

Real Swingers Nasty Play Party Saturday the 14th - Cum meet couples that like to play in Draper - This is the nasty house party and it is in Draper this is like the Red Rooster of Utah, This is for couples and single women, Cum meet and play all you want and if a orgy is a fantasy of yours we have the orgy room, This is the nicest group of Utah swingers we have ever met we have now had swingers from Wyo,Texas, Idaho and Florida that have been here, They say finally Utah has a party place for Real swingers, So cum on party with us this is BOYB and a pot luck and best of all it's free, E-mail us for more info and time. hope you will want to cum and cum an cum.

Swingfest - Hollywood Florida! - We were hoping to go, as we know a couple from the NYC area coming down, and we would love to meet some fellow swingers from this site. July has been a rough month financially for us, so we shall see. If we get there, we hope to see a lot of you! Ron & Chrissy

Swingers Kickball Society - - We are in.

STD/STI Testing - - [quote=ABCWOMAN]No, Toki, you are the Jackwagon! The way you responded to this thread is an obvious display of your lack of intelligence about this issue. Maybemor and others are just attempting to make this lifestyle a little safer for all involved. Not sure if you read much but there was a situation recently in Kansas City where a man and his wife were HIV Positive and managed to put a number of people at risk of contracting HIV, and these are supposedly "swingers" who know better. I've been to parties for over 4 years!! Not everyone uses condoms. Maybe you do! But even a condom isn't going to protect you against Herpes!! You always use latex with oral sex Toki.. hmm... probably not.. and guess what, you are putting yourself at risk for Herpes! Even if you get tested for Herpes you still are at risk. You could have contracted it on the weekend, go in on Monday get tested, the whole gamut of tests, get negatives on everything. Then two to three weeks later you come down with itchy bumps that turn into sores, oh shit, guess what.. yep.. you just were infected and are now positive for Herpes.. Why.. because you don't get it!!! The reason we need more people to talk about this is people are getting STD's on this site and others like it. I applaud Rob and his willingness to do what some of you may think is not needed. Toki is a prime example of why you don't play with just anyone! Sure you can't stop everything all the time, and frankly anytime you have sex with multiple partners it's a risk. But let's not be stupid folks, let's be careful. You only have this life to live, why fuck it up for yourself and the one you love because you are stupid? PS.. I wrote a long post a few months ago about our own experience with the STD issue. I received a number of posts about others who carry HSV2. Interesting thing is some of these people who have HSV2, DO NOT always tell their potential partners they have the disease. Why? PURE IGNORANCE or just they don't give a shit (which is worse). I want to make sure everyone knows, this is MR ABC who is writing this post.[/quote] Again, the voice of reason. (((K))) Do we need to remind people that if they don't want to read about a subject on the forum they do not have to click on it? But in the meantime, until all potential risks from having sex are wiped out, reminders to get tested, practice safe sex, and having open dialogues are not going anywhere. If it reading about hits a nerve perhaps you seriously need to ask yourself WHY. And then GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF. Kudos to MM for posting this. xox Tammy

Safe Sex - How do you (or don't you) protect yourselves? - We now have the rule that we always use condoms. And we are still shopping around for the best ones that work for hubby. He would prefer not having to use them but not enough that he is going to stop. (Side Note: red condoms can have a BAD visual connotation for some guys) I admit that when we started out we didn\'t use them the first couple of times we played. We then discovered that the first couple we played with doesn\'t use them at all. They had some of the same arguments I\'ve seen posted here. The fact that STD\'s can be transmitted via oral sex, condoms don\'t feel right, etc. I can see those points. But then we found out that they don\'t get tested at all and he picks up random chicks while traveling (with wife\'s knowledge and permision) I think that is the point that makes me the most uncomfortable. Most of the swingers we have met so far are very aware of STD\'s and take some precautions such as getting tested, condoms, etc. But I have seen the statistics on STD\'s in single sexually active people and it\'s like 1 in 4 and most don\'t know they are infected. So he is playing russian roulette in my opinion. We didn\'t know all this before we played with them. So I guess the moral of the story is to talk with potential partners and ask questions!! For us newbies, it may be awkward and feel like you are being crass, nosy, or killing the spark, but the other couple should be willing to at least discuss it or maybe they aren\'t right for you!! Carrie V.

Young swingers party - sold out, who still wants to party ? - [quote=LOOKIN4FUN369][quote=RECON]It's funny how it says young swingers party for those under 45. Such a percentage of the peeps who RSVP'd are over that, or are lying. [/quote] They are wanting to creep up on the attractive 20's and 30's olds. [/quote] Well they ARE pretty easy to creep up on. Most of them have their noses buried in their phones 24/7. [img]http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/be-very-calm-because-i-m-creeping-up-behind-you.png[/img]

Swingers Party - Doesnt mean who ever is there is open to everyone elsa - Behavior like that is sad to see and worse to experience. I was groped by a man on the dance floor at a club not too long ago and worst of all was the fact that he almost needed to grab me to keep from falling over. We had seen him on the dance floor earlier, but had thought that the women he was fondling were friends of his. Apparently they weren't, but not one of them said anything to anyone about it, except for me. And that is the one of the reasons that I personally love that particular club so much is that he was quickly removed after we said something. Most clubs, if such things are occurring will quickly "take care" of the situation for you so that you can continue to have a good time, if it hasn't been completely ruined by the experience. Just wanted to share my experience. -SG

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