
Elkin Swingers in North_carolina

Elkin Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Elkin, NC, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Elkin looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Elkin, NC. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Elkin, North_carolina Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Elkin, North_carolina so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Elkin Swingers right away!

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - [quote=T4REAL69]Now to your question if you want to know what defines a swinger then go to a dictionary and look up the definition. Don't have one allow me "Swinger- One who engages in uninhibitedly in sexual activity" see there you go....swinger defined! Webster II New College Dictionary 1995 Note the definition has nothing to do with sexual preference, marital status or any of the other shit that others want to throw in there to make it fit in their pretty little boxes. Perhaps you would have been best served if you had ask the question what does being a swinger mean to the individual? Had you asked then each person could give their perspective which is pretty much what you are going to get anyway. [/quote] On behalf of all SINGLE SWINGERS, thank you.

Swingers invading Vegas fall of 2024 - - It's been very successful in London. Looks like fun. Sort of like the Top Golf of miniature golf. It will probably be expensive like the ultra upscale darts throwing venue at The Venetian

Club Zu Key West Rant - - Here's our take on Club Zu or as the locals call it Club Pu. It's the worst bar on the island and it's only a matter of time before it closes. The only reason they've been open as long as they have is because they try to high pressure sell you into paying the $200 so you can go into the back room which never has any people. We've been in there 4 times and will NEVER go back. The owner is the rudest person we've ever met and it trickles down to his bartenders. No smiles, no hellos, no nothing, just give us your fucking money. He wouldn't know what a swingers club was if it smacked him on the back of the head. Don't believe the bullshit about not wanting customers to get to drunk so they don't have premium liquor. The truth is they don't have a full liquor license and don't have ANY liquor (the owner didn't want to spend the extra money to buy one) so they serve you beer or "wine based liquor" what the fuck is wine based liquor???? And they over charge you for it, how about $40, not including tip for 2 glasses of house wine and 2 of their fake margaritas which were nothing but sour mix. Nowhere in Key West do drinks cost that much and taste so shitty. And the reason they have ESPN on the television screens is simple, the owner is clueless about what he's doing. They used to have porn on the screens, but they like to keep the front door open... so people walking past the bar could see the TVs and someone complained. So the genius that owns the bar... instead of just "closing the front door" he decided to put on ESPN in his so called "swingers bar". Brilliant move, that will sure set the right mood. Also, nothing like rap crap playing to loud coming out of the speakers to set the mood for swinging. This place is so bad it's laughable. The final straw for us was the last time we were in there we ordered a beer (couldn't handle anymore $10 glasses of sour mix) and went to sit down on one of the lounge chairs... I sat down and the chair was wet, put my finger in it to see what it was and it was urine!! Someone had pissed all over the chair!! That explains why the club always smells bad and everyone calls it Club Pu!!!! All we can say is, buyer beware!

Online donations - A new way for lifestyle clubs to collect donations - Call your charity "The care of swingers" Fund. You don't have to justify the charity, only show a user-base that is interested in donating. If you are the one "taking care", all proceeds can go to you, since you are the one providing/ensuring their care. The money can be used in any manner that coincides with "the care of swingers" to include your compensation for working toward the care of swingers. The beauty of it is, you can even file for tax exempt status, save the income portion that goes to you and your staff for their work. If a church can do it, so can you. -D-

anyone looking to party in VA? - - Hey there all we are looking for some interested swingers in the S.W. VA area that are looking for some fun sextacular experiences drop us an email. we are very horny and eager to please for the right female or couple. We are not looking for anything serious just looking for fun. Sorry single males need not apply. Age and race totally unimportant, just free spirits and good times. xoxoxox Angel and Matthew

Have Diapers...will travel. - Funny, not so funny...the Love Triangle from Space. - I just want to know how the things she had packed up (along with the pepper spray) were going to be used - this was one smart USAF/NASA trained lady so she had to have some great plan to make use of it all. If she would have only been a swinger the triangle thing would have been much less of a problem :-) Swingers In Space ". . . .or would you like swing on a star . . . ." Max

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - The news has never been about balance. They have to keep up with what public perception is. Or they create the public perception they want. Lets not talk about Utah having the highest teen pregnancy rate in the nation... or the fact that Utah and all of the wonderful enlightened mormons have a higher divorce rate than the rest of the nation... Lets talk about one lady. Obviously confused about more than her weight, with a bad marriage to start with. Who as a mormon, decided to "swing" to fix her marriage! Get this woman in a facility and FAST! ... We have enjoyed the lifestyle for a number of years and have an amazing marriage and are very much in love. Which according to her and this news piece is just not possible! God I love Utah sometimes...

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - [quote=NASTY4U2]Too bad we're not LDS. Because of our lack of religious beliefs, we have no moral nor family values.[/quote] Now this is funny. Well said

Kik group for UT swingers. - Contact me if your interested in joining a KIK group for Swingers - I'd love to meet more people in the community, if you could add me as well KutieKilani!

Those damn single men! - Where do they fit in this lifestyle? - jstjim72 and Ironhorse thank you. I would just like tosay that I am a very easy going person and I have had women, and couples treat me like a dog, just because I am a single male. yet when I tsake a lady friend with me the same women and couples are very interested in becoming friends and maybe even playmates.{ here is the questions I present } 1. did my looks change? 2. did my personality change? 3. did I suddenly change as a person? 4. did my sense of humor change? the answer to all of those questions is NO I didn't do Any thing to change any thing, except bring a friend. Next question{ what if the friend I brought were a male? } the answer, I wouldn't even make it in the door! When I go to a club, whether it be straight or a swingers club I go to have a good time and enjoy myself. I am very easy going and if I'm on my days off I like to drink. Believe it or not I am less opinionistic when I am drunk because I don't want to get thrown out! I go to a club to have fun and enjoy myself,when there if it turns into a lay great if not noharm no foul! And as far as the websites go, I am still easy to talk to and easy going. The one thing I don't like is that I am denied(fine) and then the couple says they have had noone interested in meeting with them. That is a little hypocritical, there was interest in meeting, just they were not interested; don't lie about it be truthful, say(we are not interested) and also say(the inquiries we have had aren't to our likings or standards) in a lifestyle that is "taboo" or considered as deviant by regular standards, truthfulness is a must! we have to have boundaries,standards and goals to achieve anything, why would that change here? I ama very succcesful business man and like to have fun, I thought that is what this lifestyle was about; fun,experience,friends and of course sex. one has to coinside with the others. I guess I have expressed enough of my thoughts today, I will step aside for someone else to express their thoughts. I didn't write this out of anger or ignorance, I wrote it hoping it will make people think before they treat someone unfairly, and I hope that it gives someone a new insight, and just think as indefinate as things are in life, why should we live in fear. Just have a good time. thanx jeremy

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