
Creedmoor Swingers in North_carolina

Creedmoor Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Creedmoor, NC, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Creedmoor looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Creedmoor, NC. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Creedmoor, North_carolina Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Creedmoor, North_carolina so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Creedmoor Swingers right away!

Too Young? - Are we just too young... - I can tell you this for a fact - based on both our experience AND our attitude - there is a whole lot LESS drama and insecurity with older swingers than there is with younger ones. Us "seasoned" folks aren't hung up on looks (ours OR theirs) the way those junior to us are. If you read a profile, and it specifies some aspect of how potential applicants have to look in order to be considered viable candidates for play, there's a 99% chance the profile belongs to a younger couple. Vanity, ego, hangups and elitism diminish with age. And as 2THAT said above, if you've never been with an older couple, you don't know what you're missing.

Tired of Politics and Religion! - - Let me reiterate what others and myself have said.. I also find it funny that people are "tired of reading about politics and religion", when they have the choice whether to read and/or participate in controversial topics. What I have noticed, to the contrary of the minority that complain about these subjects, is that there is far more participation (reading and or writing) with controversial subjects from the majority of this site. This includes the very people that complained. Shit, I mean they actually read the title of the thread, clicked on it, read through it and then take the time to post their judgment of everyone else participating, instead of taking that same opportunity to post in a sex thread or start another topic they deem acceptable for the website. I find a lot less of my friends participate in the forums and on the site all together, when all the forum subjects are sex oriented. Many people, as well as I, find this website to be dry and boring when the only topics in the forum are, "Hey Look at my wife's gaping cooter" or the 10,418, 231, 121st thread about how much some insecure married dude hates single males. This is a sex site and not a single male bashing site right??? HAHA! So instead of going in those threads and bitching and whining like a fucking baby, I create my own... See how that works? Anyway, It's interesting to see in any social group, that there is always someone that tries to limit the group to the boundaries they think acceptable for the entire group. Why are we trying to put conservative limits on a liberal lifestyle? I think boundaries should only be set in matters of legality, privacy and consent. What's interesting is that there are so many conservative swingers here, that would push their ideas of morality and within the rules of this website, try and stifle others freedom of expression and speech. Perhaps you few should quit the lifestyle and go to church. -D-

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - Love dvp

Creating an Amazing Swingers Profile - How to market yourself better - soooo.. after reading your suggestions on creating a great profile.. good advise i might add.. I checked out your public pictures out of curiosity.. [b](2) Your PUBLIC photos NEED to show what you look like.[/b] [em]Emo_64[/em] is that one of you? the monkey? just wondering.. ;) lol

Christain Swingers? - - From an earlier post on the same subject... I work in a church and know that most members here would frown upon the lifestyle. let me add that most of them are retired while I am in my late 20's. But a young minister that we had here, who left to head up another chruch, and I had a number of discussions about sex and whatnot. His opnion was that he didn't think God honestly cared what we did with our sex lives, that there were more important things to be concerned with. (as long as it doesn't negatively effect others) I'm not sure if it's a generation thing? My wife was rasied in a baptist church which seemed to be a "not talk about sex" kinda congregation, yet she and her family are very open in their discussions, some might say (me) a little too discriptive in their talks (like grandma and her new husband) but open none the less. My basic theology is that Jesus doesn't want you to live a life of repentance or guilt but rather that you enjoy all that life has to offer, and most importantly be decent and caring towards others, not necessarily in a sexual way but in a friendship helping way. The bottom line is that we all screw up from time to time, but don't dwell on it, learn from your mistakes, ask for forgivenness and move on to help others. With all that said I'll step down from my soapbox now

Taking It Like A Champ - Best and worst ways to say "no thanks" - So I'm sure we've all been the recipients of a "Ya, we're just not interested" type of rejection after meeting a hot, fun couple that we thought we clicked with. No? Just us? Well then maybe you've handed a few of those out. So what ways have you successfully told a couple they're just not good enough, or how have you been nicely rejected in a way that didn't devastate you? We want to find a way to let a couple down that doesn't leave a them bawling their eyeballs out or pinning our picture to the wall and throwing darts at it. Especially if we like them...we just don't LIKE them. You know? Share your experiences, oh wise swingers!

Couples Copulating - How the hell do ya match up? - It is the same for probably 85% of us hun. 4 years in the lifestyle and we are still looking for the perfect match up for all 4. Yes, it does happen, but it is not easy to find the right couple and them feel the same way. WAY more times than not, someone is taking one for the team. We have a rule against that, but I am here to tell you that everyone sees something different in everyone.. Very many people get a bit upset when half of the party is very interested and the other half is not. Example: I find a woman at a party very interesting and sexy and she feels the same about me. Well, chances are that my wife or her hubby is not interested. Well, we have been down this road so many times that we just changed our rules to = "OK, have a good time". This sometimes still does not work as the other couple is still in the (COUPLES ONLY) mode... When it hits right and everyone has a great time it makes all the waiting worth it, but until someone lowers their standards you will be part of the 85%.. The other 15% are made up of: We play separately. Everything DOES gel. Hard core swingers and ok, take one for the team. The hardest part is when someone in the "said 4-sum" is not going there and sometimes people feel hurt. What everyone needs to remember is that we DO THIS FOR FUN and we are NOT all exactly what everyone else wants. DON'T TAKE IT PERSONAL...... Remember it's all about fun and excitement. If something doesn't feel right, DON'T DO IT!!!! Just keep on having fun with all the people that share the fun in the lifestyle and before you know it you'll be sitting around the table the next morning talking about how much fun you had the night before....

Positive Media Attention - KUTV should have read this - A lot of metaphorical ink was spilled in recent weeks about how awful the KUTV piece on swingers is/was. Thought you all might all appreciate this Op-Ed in the news magazine The Week (one of the most prestigious mainstream news mags) ... sometimes the media does portray things in a positive light. Kudos to the Portland couple for their articulate defense of the lifestyle. http://theweek.com/articles/583977/journey-from-stayathome-mom-sexual-adventuress

A Place In The Lifestyle - - We have a local swingers club in Tampa that is advertised as a swinger clubs and most seem to be in the swing lifestyle that is there and, we always have a good time while there... but here is what we see as a little problem. The bar part of the club is also open to non swingers(vanilla).And as we look around the room we notice more & more couples coming knowing it is a lifstyle club and loves the sexy atmosphere and loves to party but not to swap. We have talked to a few couples who told us they like the swinger club environment and how everyone is so open with their sexuality and love to play with each other, but they are not into swapping with other people. We know some will say couples likes this are not swingers and do not have a place in the swinger lifestyle. When you go to a swinger club, you expect people are there to meet and hook up with other swingers. Would you still call them swingers? And do thay have a place in the lifestyle? Would love to here your thoughts!!!!!

Stabbing at swingers party? - - A stabbing in Herriman over the weekend has the media reporting it was a "swingers party". I am assuming this is because as the news reports a few couples "got frisky" in the basement, causing several people to reportedly leave and return less than an hour later and stab the party's 22-year old host. The three suspects were all 20 to 22 years old, also. Does anyone know anything about this? Was it a vanilla party gone wrong in a drunken moment, causing some guys to get extremely jealous and now the media is blowing this up to be a "swingers" party? Or was it really a swingers party?

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