
Wynantskill Swingers in New_york

Wynantskill Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Wynantskill, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Wynantskill looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Wynantskill, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Wynantskill, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Wynantskill, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Wynantskill Swingers right away!

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - Don for once i would have to agree with ya i would like to drop it but when other wanna call me and my wife name i will not drop it u( don ) i agree highway if u r threatening me and u now where the town is do it i never back down, u WILL regret it, if others STILL wanna call me names and threaten me or my wife if it make u a bigger so called man to do so so fucking what i have never once called your wife names other are wanting to keep harping on this that is there problem i can care less if we drop the subject but i was the one that started it i will finish it have a good day

What is up with Utah?! - Swingers in Utah and nowhere else? - We love all the hot :h Utah swingers they are the best

Hall passes - - In this community, there's room for every type of swinging from same room soft swap couples to orgie loving fuck the whole room hanging from the light fixture swingers. Only 2 rules. 1. Don't take what you can't give. 2. Stop if it doesn't feel good.

Where on Earth are all the hot Virginia Swingers? - Show us what you have to offer VA!!! - richmond area here... present and accounted for ;) would add a pic but the site won't let us. hey heaven! good to see you again!

A little help please Naughty by nature camp out - - Hey you could do some recruiting and missionary work. Spread the swinger gospel. jk I totally understand where you are coming from. Wish I could give you some details. I would personally contact some of your fellow swingers from the other post and they would be happy to give you details I'm sure. There are fantastically fun people going.

Christian Swingers - - What the fuck does religion have to do with swinging? I challenge you to show me one widely accepted, modern, religion that condones "swinging".

My first time... - - Tell us about your first time. Was it absolutely spectacular? Was it, "Meh". Was it horrible? A comedy of errors? Was it on your wedding night? In the back seat of a tiny compact car? Was it with your spouse? With "the one who got away"? Was it in college or high school? Junior High? GRADE SCHOOL?!!? Did you cum? Did you THINK maybe you came...sorta? Did it turn you into a sex fiend? Did it kind of turn you off from sex? Did you wonder what all the fuss was about? Was it with your fiance? Your boy/girlfriend? Your cousin?!!? Did you get caught? Did you use birth control? Did you try oral sex for the first time as well? Did you get completely naked? Just naked enough to expose the important parts? Would you want to go back and relive or redo it? Just thought it would be fun to hear about and reminisce about our first times and see if we could find any commonalities that turned us all into perverted swingers.[em]Emo_49[/em]

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - Oh, I didn't know the OP meant this literally. Yes, we've actually seen quite a few dead and dying swingers by the side of the road especially up around Lava Hot Springs. I think it's probably something in their environment. Maybe ingesting too much nonoxynol-9 or those weird little meatballs in Crockpots you see at most swing parties. Next time we see one we're gonna take it home and try to wash some of the spooge off it's coat with some Dawn dishwashing liquid and nurse it back to health with copious amounts of Red Bull and Jager shots. [em]Emo_67[/em]

Creating an Amazing Swingers Profile - How to market yourself better - [b]Creating a Great Swingular Profile[/b] This was being discussed in another thread, but I'm going to share some thoughts as someone who has now experimented with a LOT of different photo and profile combinations to see what gets the best response. I also have some experience and expertise in Internet marketing and sales that has applied itself well to the swinger world. =) Our profile and photos are by no means perfect. I can think of at least a dozen things I want to adjust, add, or change. It's a process. The first thing we need to accept is that our profiles are a marketing tool. We are trying to stand out from the crowd and show others why we are unique. Investing time in your profile will have big returns. The second thing we need to accept is that looks really do matter. A lot. Don't lie about your looks, don't mis-represent your looks. Be proud of what you look like.. you'll find that the quality of the experiences you have goes WAY up. ----------- [b](1) Your Account Status should be PAID and VIP. [/b] Anyone not willing to invest a couple of bucks to be a paid member of this site is not a swinger. Period. (If you see a profile from anyone who is not a paid member.. SKIP IT). You should also attend one of the major events in order to get a "VIP" label (verified in person). It's proof you're a real couple who's really interested in swinging. (And, again, anyone without this label should be treated with extreme caution). ------------ [b](2) Your PUBLIC photos NEED to show what you look like. [/b] This doesn't mean you need to show your faces on your public photos. But you DO need to give others a sense for what your body type is. If people see a poorly lit shot of just an ass, the first assumption is that you are hideous and your giant, dim ass is literally your best feature. While there are a few couples on here for whom that is probably true, the odds are you can do much better. If you're short and chubby, that's fine.. Other people should know that!! You may quickly discover that other short and chubby people are excited to find someone with a similar body type they can hook up with! (Rule #1 of swinging: People generally prefer to hook up with other people who are of similar age, and similar body type..... ) Your public profile photos are the very first thing other people are going to see. (Trust me, they don't read your profile until AFTER they've seen your photos). Put on some nice clothes and take the best neck-down shots you can manage! Avoid photos from the Halloween party. People are trying to figure out what you look like -- not what you look like when you're wearing a disguise. If you post photos that are a mis-representation of what you look like in ANY way, people are going to hate you the instant they meet you -- before you've even had a chance to speak. If your strategy is to lie about your looks (by posting old or misleading photos), hoping that you'll make up for it in the personality department, you're still a liar... and you can go fuck yourself for wasting everyone's time. To that end: - Don't post any photos of you that are more than a year old. - Don't post any photos of you that are off by more than 20-lbs. (If you got fat since you took that photo, DELETE IT). - Don't post any photos that zoom in on just one part of your body. (you can still show your body, in general, without showing your face). - There's nothing wrong with a fully-clothed photo if you think it helps make you look better. [color="red"]Please do not fuck anyone who doesn't follow these rules. Even (especially) if you are married to that person.[/color] ------------ [b](3) Your profile should be well thought out and well written [/b] Nobody is going to read your profile until after they've looked at your photos. So if you haven't taken care of #1 and #2 above, don't bother with the profile. First and formost, run it through a spell-checker and a grammar checker. Seriously. If you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're", you might as well have world's smelliest vagina, because you are nasty and gross. Second, your profile should CAREFULLY describe the kind of people you're trying to meet. Bad: "We want to meet people of similar mindset." Good: "We're trying to find people who are well-groomed and open to full-swap. We don't mind people who have sex on a first-date, but we really like to spend a few hours together first to get to know one another." See the difference? The second example provided REAL information and REAL insight into what you're after. The first is a complete waste of the internet. If you provide information about your hobbies, be specific. It'll help you stand out more, and may even give you some things to talk about on your first date. Instead of saying you like "Football", say who your favorite teams are. Instead of saying you like "camping", mention WHERE you like to go camping. Instead of saying you like to eat out, mention some of your favorite restaurants and why.. All of these things will help your personality show through, and make you stand out. Your profile should mention your experience level in some amount of detail. How long have you been swinging? Why do you do it? What are you hoping to find? What's your dream-date? All of these things will help other couples feel more comfortable about reaching out to you. Spend some REAL time on your profile. It may take you several hours, or even several nights of work to get it right. It should be confident, it should describe things that make you unique, and it should be INTERESTING. Also, keep your profile up to date. There's nothing worse than seeing someone who's profile says "We are new to this", only to see that it was last updated 6 years ago. Anyone who hasn't taken the time to fill out a profile should be equally as suspect as people in the #1 or the #2 category. If they don't have at least two full paragraphs, MOVE ALONG. They are probably just picture-collectors and/or they are not serious about swinging. They are here to waste your time. ------------ [b](4) Sorry... But your PRIVATE photos need to show your face. [/b] You already showed what your body-type is in the public photos, so no need to rehash that here. But you do need pictures of your faces in your private profile. If you're worried that swingular will get hacked and the photos will leaked... First, the photos of your face don't need to show your naughty bits.. (Deny, deny, deny!!) and second, if swingular is hacked, a leaked photo is the least of your problems. (Especially if it doesn't show your junk!) In other words, one or two simple G-rated face-picture in your private photo section is an essential part of communicating to another couple who you are and what you're all about. (The same rules above apply, however, as your public photos. They should be newer photos that show your current weight and body type). The nice thing about putting them only in your private section is that you can screen who gets to see them. You should not accept every friend request that comes across your desk. If the person sending you a friend request hasn't taken care of #1, #2, and #3 above, IGNORE THE REQUEST! THEY ARE A WASTE OF TIME.. they are most likely picture-collectors, and not actual swingers. If they HAVE taken care of #1, #2, and #3 above, then there's a reasonable chance they're for real, and you can trust them to have a peek at your faces. One more (controversial) comment.. My experience is that people who are unwilling to show their faces in their private photos are typically the kind of people who will bring other types of drama into your life. Skip them. Move on. They are not worth your time. Beware of face-pictures that are extreme close-ups.. done in poor lighting.. or have excessive makeup. These people are hiding something from you. If you 'friend' someone and open their private photos to realize that you still have NO idea what they look like.. RUN!!!!!!!! [b](5) Seriously... stop posting so many pictures of your junk. [/b] The close-up pictures of the pussies and the cocks are super gross. (And let's face it.. if our goal is to make someone LIKE us, posting close-up pics of our plumbing is UNLIKELY to make that happen). Nobody has EVER said "Man, I'd really like to contact this couple.. but I would feel a lot more comfortable doing so if I could examine his cock / her pussy in extreme detail first." Seriously.. it's just gross. ------ [b]If you found this information helpful, you can thank us by buying us drinks, and maybe even showing us extreme close-ups of your genitalia!! (In person.. not photos). [/b]

looking for couples who want to be dominated - Couples domination - Though many people have fetishes and such most domi or dom would never act like this ever. Some people are into humiliation but swingers are in a league of their own.........You cant even get in the club you lozer!!! Go to some other site....obviously you can't find any....You retard!!! Oh sorry everyone else I think my Domi side just came out! YOu spineless pathetic peace of shit!!! Maybe you like the name calling cause that is all your going to get you groveling fool!!! I know their are people who love to get marked and, peirced and, even treated like a pet. I am not even against anything sexual or erotic. Some even enjoy blood and so much more....However it would be a very rare thing to find any real swingers even interested in most of these. Even a little Black Snake Moan is not so bad.....Very sexy indeed.....I love being choke but, I love being in control of everything and sooooo does my man. So can we dominate you the way you asked to dominate this community......I bet all who have replied would be willing to help torture you for you stupid ass comments. This post should of been deleted. Maybe even if you had a brain you could of asked it differently but you did not. People like you are out of your mind insane so go choke on your hanging rope!!! Now if you would of asked a simpler question then possibly you may have found a person but never a couple who likes this to that extreme.......Go to a fetish site....You will have better luck and even then its a needle in a haystack....Just saying....To know a dom you better address them the right way....You are not following any rules and at least someone who is submissive has rules!!!

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