
Whitesboro Swingers in New_york

Whitesboro Swingers

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Swingers - a couples only lifestyle? - Are singles considered to be swingers? - Swinger is defined by the one defining themselves a swinger....

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - i don't like anyone lol..

OK LETS BE HONEST - - I haven't seen this "poll" but I can tell you this was 100% my idea not his. That being said my interest is based in my bi-sexuality, this doesn't mean I'm only interested in the female aspect, but if I were straight I seriously doubt I would have ever been interested in this at all. If I woke up tomorrow morning "straight" I'd probably turn in my swingers card give my website subscription to a needy couple on a temporary account. Just being honest as you asked. :-)

Those damn single men! - Where do they fit in this lifestyle? - SexyPoker I've never been to a swingers club outside of Dallas Ft Worth, Sans Souci, Iniquity, AfterMidnight, and the PlayPen. Iniquity may not allow single men in, but I know the others do. In those clubs single men are restricted to an area at the bar. They are not to approach any couples or single ladies! Doing so will get you a warning, and then tossed out! I dont normally go to a swingers club alone, I'll take a lady friend with me, she may NOT be a swinger, but she does like to dance, socialize, dress sexy, and enjoys the attention, and the people. When I have gone alone, I find a couple I know and sit with them. The biggest mistake anyone can make, be it a single man or woman or couple is this. They ASSUME that those in the club are looking to go home and get laid by strangers.. When you enter a swingers club planning on getting laid, plan on being disappointed! As a single male myself, I have to be respectful to ALL I encounter! It's like a business, one upset customer tells TEN of thier friends, and they tell more friends, the next thing you know your business is dead. You build customers ONE at a time, you build SWINGER friends ONE at a time. I cant fix the fact that you've had bad experiences, there is no REAL answer. Screening everyone who comes in the club, just means everyone avoids that club. I'm not going to try to changes anyones mind, or how they play, my question is and has been, WHAT or WHY do decide to or not to play with single men? And THANK YOU for your response! Much appreciated. T4Real Now, Now.... Listen and Learn, dont come down on those who choose not to play with single man. This thread is meant for us SMART singles to gain knowlege, and better understand the lifestyle, and those who play in it...

Swingers on a Cruise - - Best bet if you want to "swing" while you're on a cruise is to book an ACTUAL swingers takeover cruise. There are two big ones coming up.. (We will probably be on both)... and CouplesCruise has a number of smaller ones in the near future. http://www.blisscruise.com http://couplescruise.com

An out of this world (or state) encounter - swinging parties - The problem we have noticed in Utah is that there seems to be far more wanna be swingers than actual swingers. There are quite a few who think if the girls kiss or show their titties then they have had a great swinging evening. To us it is a lifestyle not a fad & the cool in thing to pretend to do. We almost always avoid house parties & private parties for this reason. In fact we almost prefer finding new couples & singles in a regular club & converting them over to swinging over meeting playmates here because it's easier & usually less drama. Not to mention it helps weed out the wanna be's & the ones who used a 20 year old photo that was taken when they still had teeth or before they put on that extra 125 lbs.

Ways to point out Swingers in public - - HAHAHA Yeah, I wouldn't ever think it is a guarantee on any level. We always wonder when we see other women wearing them. But as you mention, it seems like A LOT of people wear them, so we would never approach someone based on that. :) Hopefully at some point someone does approach us based on how i'm dressed, etc. But in our experience it means more for our playtime and fun than anyone else :)

What if??? - Some body's worst night mare. - 1. I know someone else in my family that are swingers. Not my parents although I highly suspect they have engaged in such activities in the past. 2. I have run into various family members (siblings, cousins, etc) at m&g's and parties. Awkward for a minute and then we laughed it off and we have the understanding that we don't out them to others and they don't out us to anybody either. Although technically my mom knows anyways as I've had random discussions with her in the past. We never ran and hid. Its handled tactfully. We try to keep our personal sexual adventures private in general and its understood that "keep your mouth shut around family and friends that dont know and we'll do the same." It works. MRS_ROCKZO

Here's something Ive been curious about - - Congrats on 10 years in the lifestyle, SLOW. We're old timers as well and have been doing this off and on since shortly after we got married. Over 25 years now! So I guess I can sort of see both points of view and contrary to the current rather negative societal attitude towards political correctness I have no trouble being firmly on the side of being kind to people and not labeling or belittling anyone regarding their participation in the lifestyle. Having said that, however, I can also see the viewpoint of some couples since when we first started swinging there really were no singles (or at least so few that we never met any) actively participating in the lifestyle. A few years later we met a few singles who would, say, hire a hooker to gain access to parties and events or sometimes convince a friend to act as sort of a swinging "beard" if you will, again to gain entry to swinging events. This was all pre-internet so connecting was considerably more difficult than it is now. To say that the internet changed swinging (for better or worse) is a HUGE understatement. I was talking to a guy (formerly single but now in a couple) recently about his experiences as both a SM and a couple in the lifestyle. His attitude had actually changed dramatically. It reminded me of former smokers who now are militantly anti-smoking. His argument (now that he's no longer single) was to take the couples and the singles and put them on separate websites and what do you have? He said you have a swingers site and a hookup site. I told him that there are some couples who actually seek out singles over other couples but he wasn't easily dissuaded. One final point he made that I thought perhaps was a valid point...he said when he first started out as a SM in swinging he thought that all or most of the married guys who enjoyed seeing their wives getting fucked were basically cuckolds or at very least not real men. He said it took him many years and a lot of different experiences to lose that mindset. He also said that now that he's part of a couple who is frequently contacted by single guys he sees that attitude (because he recognizes it from when he had it) far more often than not. He stated that he would guess that the VAST majority of those single guys who don't "get it", the bad apples if you will, the ones who ruin it for the few good guys have that attitude and mindset. He said that's why there will probably always be somewhat of a schism between singles and couples. Whew, that was a long fucking post. Hope it made sense. No more herb before posting, Mr. Evil! LOL

another club under fire - club in peoria - PEORIA -- City leaders in Peoria will soon consider an ordinance aimed at outlawing private swingers clubs where couples meet and swap partners. The ordinance is aimed at a local business called Club 307. The club sits a couple of blocks from the Police Department and is reportedly a swingers club. Mayor Jim Ardis told the (Peoria) Journal Star that the city doesn't have an ordinance preventing couples from paying to enter a club and swap partners. But he believes the city needs one. City Councilman Eric Turner thinks many people are disgusted that Peoria has such a club. Nobody answered a call to the phone number listed for the club on Friday, and there was no way to leave a message. The council plans to consider the ordinance Tuesday. this was in the state journal regeistor (sj-r.com)

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