
Staten Island Swingers in New_york

Staten Island Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Staten Island, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Staten Island looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Staten Island, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Staten Island, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Staten Island, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Staten Island Swingers right away!

Weekend campground for nudist and swingers - Weekend Convention - When:Weekend of May, 04, 2012 Where: NAPLES, FL Type: Weekend Convention Link> G's Spot - www.gsspotnaples.com Enjoy a totally secluded, rustic weekend campground for nudist and swingers that injoy lifestyle activities. Tents RVs and Vans are Welcome or use one of our RVs . Tube/float on the lake or soak in the hot tub, DJ for dancing or karaoke, room for quiet reflection, reading, relaxation or sunbathing. Pot-luck dinners and socializing are a highlight with whatever level of participation is comfortable. Membership is free. Adults over 21 only and must sign a privacy agreement and show ID. Couples and select singles welcome

Hedonism, Tempations, Sandals, or others? - - If you ever get a chance to do the Young Swingers Week at Hedo (especially in March) do it! In March they take over the entire resort and limit the guests in age and only couples...no single dudes. One member of the couple has to be 45 or under. The people that go are amazing! We made friends all over the US and Canada and have places to stay if we are travelling. Just spent Halloween in Denver with a couple we met at YSW at Hedo. They have theme nights every night, play rooms, top shelf alcohol, good (not great) food, day time activities (including free daily scuba trips if you are certified), four or five on resort restaurants (as well as the buffet), no tipping allowed and a lot more. We like spending our days layng on the beach or partying in the nude pool where you have hundreds of fully naked people around you all the time. The resort has a mandatory nude side and a clothing optional side. The resort is designed for swingers instead of just being lifestyle friendly especially when YSW takes over. It is truly an amazing experience that we highly recommend trying at least once...and once you have been, you will go back. We can not recommend it outside of YSW weeks because we have heard there can be lurking single men.

Are swingers moral? - Who determines what morals are? - CRAZYFOXTCU - you're turning me on. Am I immoral to feel that way? (I'm holding up my sarcasm card...) K.

Friends Lists - - Maybe all swingers should move to utah hell poligamy seems to be leagal....LOL and we rebel towards th establishment personally? who would think. what a party that would be!!!

upside down pineapple? - - [quote=SUENDAN]Greetings from your fellow 20+ yr. LS veterans. I think is a forced meme with more fuzz than action. But is relatively new, 4 yrs at most. You haven't missed anything. We would not approach anyone using an upside down pineapple because there are plenty of safer, foolproof ways to meet playbuddies. Also, what if I'm wearing a pineapple upside down at the mall and a single male approaches us about it? My pineapple will for sure go up his ass and then I'll lose it. As per urban dictionary, The pineapple represents hospitality and welcoming. A pineapple is placed on a porch or mail box by swingers to signify that a swinger party is going on. A pineapple is turned upside down when a person is in search of a swinger party. Originally it was turned up side down in the individuals shopping cart. But pineapple popularity has made it accepts on clothes and other items. Swingers use this symbol to identify each other in public. I'll stick to the good ol' internet or quality, single male free LS gatherings. There are plenty of those.[/quote] Well as a 30+ years as a LS enthusiast I think it’s just good old fashion fun. We have them in our RV just for a reaction. And the internet doesn’t seem to have a positive outcome as it did in the past.

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - I'd be interested too. Solo male living in South Jordan

Habits - - hey everyone... glad you all had fun... and your right! the meetngreets are as fun as you make them.. to clarify a previous comment... the meet n greets are not just couples night.. everyone is invited to attend, couples and singles (males and females) that could explain the single male that pointed out who the swingers were and was dead on.. he could have likely received the same evite as everyone else and or just comes often enough to spot some of us.. some of us are there quite regularly.. The club does have a reputation at this point... it is known that we likeminded people like to hang out there... they receive calls from curious people wanting to join in our fun.. the club employees have introduced us to people like this as they come in and some of them are now members of this site.. (lol wink to those of you that this applies) i dont see clicks, i see groups of friends that have already met.. we all tend to hang out with friends, everyone does.. thats normal behavior you must come willing to independantly socialize and introduce yourselves to others.. none of us know everyone and we are all there being busy meeting and greeting others... dancing and just plain having fun.. eventually if you come often enough, you know alot of others and you find your self with alot of new awesome friends :D I know we have!!! Thanks to all that came! We look forward to the next one and hope you can all make it. xoxo kk PS People watching is fun too :D

ADMIN: Survey Says - Site Updates for Priority - This really could be a great site, especially for Utah Swingers. Utah is so unique compared to other states, especially when it comes to situations like swinging. There are not many sites that you can go to where Mormons (exmormons really) and non-mormons get each other. For those religion suppressed people to go to and talk with others that understand them and the culture they live in...but there does seem to be less traffic on this site even compared to a year ago.

When You're Shopping the Scene... - - Yeah, it'd be kinda cool if there actually WAS some kind of universal accessory or a signal that swingers could use to ID each other out in the vanilla world. And many have tried over the years but nothing has ever really caught on (back in the day, more than a few women wore necklaces of an apple with a bite out of it). And even if something DID actually catch on, and people wore it or whatever to identify other swingers, how long do you think it would take for the internet to make that fairly common knowledge? We went to a swinger's convention in San Diego a number of years ago. The group had taken over the entire hotel and property and nobody was allowed in without a special wristband. It took about 4 hours for most of the hotel staff to learn what those wristbands meant. By the next day, people at nearby hotels, restaurants, and shopping centers had heard the news and as you passed people they would glance at you and then immediately glance down at your wrist. By that evening, most of the swingers were becoming so self-conscious that they were attempting to hide the wristbands beneath watches and bracelets. A few even pulled them off their wrists, if they were loose enough, and then put them back on when re-entering the property. So, as nice as it would be to know for sure who other swingers are, it would kinda defeat the purpose of what many of us state in our profiles...that we're discreet. I suspect that about 10% (if even) would wear a black ring and about 90% wouldn't for fear of being outed as swingers. YMMV

Then there's this. - Enjoy! - [quote=Sm435]There is no argument nor debate. Sorry for you mask protagonists, but you lost. There are mandates all over the country and we still keep pumping out huge numbers of new cases every single day. The only thing this mask mandate ever did was enable people to feel empowered and place blame in others. We are all fighting the same virus, all of us, but people who buy in and think they are better or smarter than others take this as a way to point fingers. You posted a news story that labeled every swinger at that a party as a SPREADER and the party it’s self as a SUPERSPREADER event. This is 100% backed up by facts that includes testing everyone at the party for covid, finding some with advanced cases that cause almost everyone else to leave that party with covid right? Or in reality they busted a swingers party and have no real fact that covid was involved in any way. This is called non-factual news. Reposting non factual news, and labeling people who decide to go out and live as “spreaders” is the same VERY POOR TASTE as labeling all the homeless people in Pioneer Park as HIV STD needle junkies. You have facts to back that up to right? Or again, you’re throwing labels on people you feel are less than you and don’t fit nor follow your views. I’m sorry but those people living in the park are people too. We love swinging because we love people. New faces, old faces, all of them. We have dear friends in the lifestyle we do NOT share the same views on politics nor covid. But when you sit down and hang out you find that we are all so similar. We wanna live happily, feel safe, and have a little fun when we can. What the world needs right now is love and compassion, not finger pointing and blame. How about we all make a deal on this forum to only post when we have something positive to say about someone else, or something fun and exciting we want to try or do. When we have an urge to repost or comment on something negative we put the phone down, take a deep breath, and put that energy towards something positive like pleasing our spouse or sending a lifestyle friend a compliment and let all the negative shit get buried under the positive![/quote] 👏👏👏 I love it when somebody says what I'm thinking!

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