
Maybrook Swingers in New_york

Maybrook Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Maybrook, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Maybrook looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Maybrook, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Maybrook, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Maybrook, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Maybrook Swingers right away!

Looking for fit couples our age SLC - - How fit are we talkin' here? A BMI under 15? Marathon time that qualifies for Boston? Holding eka hasta vrksasana (the one-handed tree pose) for 60 seconds? Able to leap tall swingers in a single bound? Cuz we don't qualify under ANY of those criteria. But here's a slightly older pic of Ms. Evil after her Crossfit class at the gym. Slide into our DM's if you want summa that! [img]https://m.popkey.co/f22a38/4MyK8.gif?c=popkey-web&p=popkey&i=mondaymotivation-reactions&l=direct&f=.gif[/img]

The let down. - - Well POET_RAYL maybe the reason you have problems is most of your pics are from 2001! And you had one from 2006. You have been on here since 2005 and in 6 years no comments. Makes you think huh? And on your profile you demand couple have a pic on thier public profile. Ever thought maybe some people didn't want to post thier face pics for the world to see? We have jobs and don't want just lookers seeing our pics. If your swingers like us that's one thing I can't speak for everyone but we just didn't want anyone to see our faces on a swingers site. Anyone thats been on this site for more then 2 years without a comment gives us a red flag. As for answering the question why do so many couples flake? It's because with most couples it's just the man posting and his wife has no clue he is posting her pics.

Utah moms (Mormon) TikTok drama - - [quote=Gitterdone]I don't know who that person is but I do know that swingers will ways throw others under the bus. It's happened to me several times mostly to get with the female I was with. Men will tattle on each other in hopes that the female will leave and run to him which never did work. Nonetheless the attempt was there. They ways tell and swingers always talk. Yet this entire time I've kept so many secrets about others and never will reveal anything. Too bad no one else does. I've been around for a long time in the lifestyle especially when I was a couple. We knew about marriages breaking up. Two of who I know personally. Actually three now that I think about it. I'll never name anyone. All I ask is the same respect and keep it to yourself.[/quote] Unfortunately some people in the community get some thrill from outing others, gossip and causing chaos. That’s human nature, we suppose. Not been our thing. Guys have offered to take Mrs away and give her what they supposed she did not have. Gals have made the same offer to Mr. Again, not our thing. We’ve seen a few couples try the lifestyle as a way to “save” their relationship. If that’s what they need, it rarely works, there’s probably deeper issues at play than good playtime. We’ve had lots of fun, met really cool people, and learned so much. We’ve also had terrible (mostly comical and some tragic) times, met some creeps and assholes, and made more than a few mistakes. What consenting adults do amongst themselves is their own business. Outing others is not just bad form, but a major downer. But we’d be remiss if we didn’t admit to taking some amusement from watching them throw each other under the bus (more popcorn and a bigger bus, please!).

Obama's Roadtrip - - [quote]Fair enough. Then why rely on them for anything that likely wasn't adequately studied?[/quote] Likely just does not do it for me...When the numbers are given AND shown how they were gathered, I tend to believe they are fairly accurate. [quote]Let's take your Pepsi/Coke example. There is likely nothing befuddling about your scenario. Just one possibility: Where are the two Florida products bottled? Maybe it's the water.[/quote] Both bottled locally, it is chalked up to being a preferance thing. In WI, lived there for a while, it was called pop or soda, unless a VERY specific thing was needed, a Mountain Dew for instance. In the south, it is a Coke no matter what it is. If someone in the south offers a Coke, it could be Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Diet Rite, Sam's Club Soda, etc. [quote]I'm glad you agree with the logic. My Bachelor's is in Social Welfare (Psych Minor). Human nature is only a bitch of a thing when you get out there a few standard deviations. The bulk of us are as predictable as rats.[/quote] Believe it or not, I have 2 BA's (econ and int. rel.) with a minor in social work. So I am very aware of social science standards and SOME believe that we're predictable. If you have a smaller sample, we are fairly predictable, especially when the sample is taken from a specific group of people (swingers for instance, better yet, swingers in a specific region), once you get to the larger populations (nationwide for instance), human behavior is not easily quantified. Try being the ONLY conservative in all the social work classes, it was fun! Then again, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. [quote]I propose that as an economist you are simply looking at things with a limited perspective. [/quote] Possibly, but I also have a rare ability to look at it from an outsider's view.... [quote]There is simply no question that if a person's basic needs (food and shelter) are met, there is less motivation to risk the consequences of violating societal rules.[/quote] I can see the logic of this, however, we are Americans, we always want MORE, we are constantly bombarded with images of MORE, we are constantly told that without MORE we are incomplete, etc. What are the consequences of violating societal rules? Food, shelter, clothing, TV, etc? Really tough there. Look at prisons in Mexico, if your family does not provide, you starve, more than likely. THAT is consequences, it is a deterrant (sp?). IMHO, one of the reasons for our increased crime rates is the lack of public punishment. If every time you turned around, you saw a group of people in black and white stripes mowing lawns, trimming trees, etc. on the side of the road in leg chains, it would cut crime considerably. If they did public executions, it would cut crime dramatically. Then again, I am a staunch supporter of heavy penalties for crimes, especially when they are repeat offenders, most of the social scientists are not. They want more rehab and such, which I also support, BUT only for first timers, not for repeat offenders. Anyway, I am thoroughly enjoying our debate... Next!

Pictures all over the web - - just did a search for our profile name and it's on like 10 different sites that we didn't sign up for. here's a link as an example http://swingers.letsmeetup.com/profile.aspx?user=ripbecki Does this mean swingular is selling our profiles to other sites or what? If not can we a expalantion or what's going on?

Sex vs. Guilt - Atheists have 'better sex lives than followers of religion who are plagued with guilt' - [quote=SEXPERIMENTORS]I hope the Admin doesn't mind this. If so, delete it. I found this interesting; a swingers site in Utah for Mormons. http://www.sdc.com/utah-swingers/church-of-jesus-christ_lds-swingers-utah.html Mr. Seperimentors[/quote] I had to look it up to see if it was real. How funny!!!

Soft swap - Soft swap vs Full swap - Maybe soft swap for swingers is kinda like anal sex for little Christian virgin chicks. They don't call anal "God's Loophole" for nothing. LOL [video]http://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY[/video]

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - My definition of "Swingers" is a couple in which both partners have agreed to allow the other to have an intimate relationship with another person. There are lots of situations that fit that description and lots of emotional states that occur as a result of swinging but that description works for me. So as a single male I don't think of myself as swinger but as someone who enjoys hanging out with swingers!

Any advice? - Recent birthday brings changes..... - So...having just recently turned 93 years of age, I have a few questions. 1. I enjoy the meet and greets but thinking it is going to be more and more difficult to find a "parking" spot for my walker when I'm out "break" dancing. 2. Are swingers really kind enough to help me up off the dance floor after I "break" something, and get tired of "peeking up skirts?" 3. What are the chances of a pretty girl actually getting close enough to me to allow such a peek? And, finally... 4. Is there ANY real chance I'm still gonna get any "action" here? I have lots of popcycle sticks and rubber bands..so that isn't an issue. I have a hot 42 year old wife to reward anyone that helps.... Ahhh..so many concerns...and questions. Maybe it's just time to "hang up the spats" and stick with the nurses in the ER for the extra curricular stuff.... ~Mr TiffnD~

Another Swingers Show on TV - - Sounds like we all missed the fun. The show was fine, but not as much fun as the real thing. Hope to see you guys soon. Charlie & Kathi

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