
Malden Bridge Swingers in New_york

Malden Bridge Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Malden Bridge, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Malden Bridge looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Malden Bridge, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Malden Bridge, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Malden Bridge, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Malden Bridge Swingers right away!

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - jstjim did your mother help you with that comment TR him or her u make me laugh i start the post with a question now u and jst jim and virgin r trying to make me look like the bad guy it is to funny..... lmfao this all started with a question now u all wanna turn on me act like i am starting shit when u computer rambo wanna be( which u all have not clue what it means) try and make me look like i am starting shit get a fucking clue all three of u , if u keep going with this it is fine with me, it seems to me it is YOU all that like to keep this thread going so u can get the last word in and make your self feel good, , I will repeat this is a swinger site to meet friends and have fun not to fuck be stupid and bring death and shit the brings down the site, HAVE A GOOD DAY

Las Vegas - Fun - [quote=just4funxxx11]What's the best way people have found to hook up with other couples while visiting Vegas? Just posts on websites, or is there something better there? We will be there 9/23 - 9/25, if anyone else from this site is in town let us know [/quote] If you use Kasidie, post a Rendezvous. Swinglifestyle (sls) also allows you to post a Hot Date listing. We are also included on a couple of Vegas swingers kik groups.

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - just curious if there has been any momentum from this feed? It seems there is a following, so where do we go from here? Being a swinger in Utah definitely has it's down falls, one of which being "follow through". We have tried nearly every avenue in finding fwb only to find most just want sexting buddies. If we had a place to physically meet, the way it was once upon a time before technology, there would be a much higher success rate at actually meeting people! I've seen an e-vite somewhere floating around that invites members of swingular to a private area of a public club downtown on Friday nights. Has anyone ever attended this? How was it? I think that would be a good place to start for getting a feel of how many would actually attend something like this if you are serious about opening a venue.

announcing a new group - for all single ladies ~ UNICORNS - It's not going to work. Single women on here, or unicorns, get the whole stigma of being the most wanted of the swingers. But when it comes down to it, we get the shafted usually. All the couples want in so they can see what is said or see who the players are.

Now that you're one of them there fancy swingers... - - ...are your sexual expectations/requirements much higher than they were before you decided to participate in this little hobby of ours? Is the simple variety in sexual partners alone enough to satisfy your inner freak or have you found yourself to be much less tolerant of mediocre sexual skills and now only want to play with people who are extremely adept in the sexual arts? Or do you just jerk off a lot? [em]Emo_12[/em]

Interracial Fun - Taboo Or Good Fun? - Well their have been a lot of intresting comment made. Coming from an african american male who is D/d free everyone has their own choice to partake are no to. Some people like chicken others like steak. to each is own. It is impossible to judge a race based off of what you seen on t.v., read in a book, heard on the radio , or experinced from one person. I wish we could live in a world were race wasn't such a issue. I am a very well respected entertainer and to this day i am ocasionly mis treated but i dont say white people are ignorant ass's. I say that person is ignorant and needs to wake up. But to those who feel as if a black person are any race is bad well you may be missing out on a treat. just remember that old saying you can't judge a book by its cover beleave me im living proof. I dress like a hoodlum in bagy jeans and huge t-shirts i wera jordans and i rap, and everytime i walk the streets are me and my wife shop someone always saids hes a drug dealer are a hoodlum one of those gang banger types and all i can do is smile because little do people know im the most down to earth person you could meet. But this is america the land of the free and the home of the brave and everyone may think and say what they want is their right but all that i ask is think before you speak how you may offend others. We are a unique group SWINGERS. The rest of the world looks down on us because of the choices we make in our lives to swing. So should we be band and outkast from resturants,movies, and schools because swinging can be an infectious thing that could spread like wild fires. But i apologize if i offended anyone i just had to add my thoughts to the topic and i wish the best to all of you. signed THE BLACK MAN.

searching - search forum topics - [quote=GINGERS]If you are really committed here are the steps to use Google to search (yes people the forum is indexed on Google) and then view it the regular viewer on the site. BTWs, it's totally crap that we have to do this and that the site doesn't work. 1) use google.com to search by adding "swingular.com:" in front of your keywords (e.g. "swingular.com:kik". This tells Google to limit results to just this site. 2) Click on the result you like and you'll then be taken to a hideous, somewhat sanitized (vanilla, hehe) view of the post that is totally unreadable. Don't panic yet. 3) Grab the number from the URL (e.g. https://www.swingular.com/swingers/i/16397/KIK-Chat would be 16397) 4) Make sure you are logged into the site and add your number to the post view url of https://www.swingular.com/post.php?_a=view&_PID=[[number here]] and press enter (e.g. https://www.swingular.com/post.php?_a=view&_PID=16397) 5) Come back here and post again about how stupid it is that you have to do that Like I said, you have to be committed. Mr. Ginger[/quote] Thank you for the clear, accurate steps of this fresh hell.

Just in case it mysteriously disappears - - A cut and paste from another forum "Posted By: GOODSKICOUPLE Posted on: Oct 24, 2007 - 5:16 pm Update for the Swingular Membership: Excuse the long post. Good Evening Swingers, NTAKTAGF legal counsel has informed us today that no communication has been heard from Swingular management by 1400 EST, Wednesday, Oct 24, 2007. Sadly, the speech of a few Swingular members (and some suspected computer shenanigans), as well as the support of that speech by Swingular management has changed Swingular forever. The innocuous place on the internet that Swingular has enjoyed since its inception is now altered. The authorities are being notified. If the legal action by the State of Florida materializes, it will have to be documented in every annual report that the parent company files. These reports are public documents available to anyone that desires to examine them. This will likely hinder the ability of Swingular to obtain capital, since such jeopardy must be disclosed. It remains to be seen if the possibility of investigation by the Florida Secretary of State, the Florida U.S. Attorney, or the Internet Task Group will affect the numbers of current members that wish to remain or the inflow of new subscribers. Today VanCott, Bagley, Cornwall and McCarthy began the process to officially request assistance from the Florida Secretary of State. This will take a little time. The gears of large institutions turn slowly . To give the members an idea how serious this matter is, VBCM will encourage the Florida General Counsel to pierce the corporate veil. If successful, the executive officers of the company will be held PERSONALY liable for the conduct of the members that decided it would be good business to take the company on its present course. It will be dark times if this occurs. In a sense, without the knowledge of the membership or maybe even management, the ship has been pointed toward the rocks by a mere handful of people. If you are curious about these things, VBCM confidently predicted that no communication would be heard from Swingular management. They simply waited, sharpening their tools until they could be used. While we believe this matter can still be resolved, we are positive that some of it is now irrevocable. How much further it goes, is now up to the general membership and the management. We encourage management to give VBCM a call. 2 hours ago preliminary official correspondence departed Utah via overnight courier to Lynn Hearn, Florida Secretary of State, Chief General Counsel. "


KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - I'm just glad it's not KSL. I'm fairly certain Deanie Wimmer would NOT leave me alone and would likely pester me to get together for early afternoon gang bangs and stuff. And bee tee dub, "Fair & Balanced" is Fox. But I'd love to see what a totally depraved cum slut Kerri Cronk could be in the sack. Merroooowwww! [em]Emo_84[/em]

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