
Essex Swingers in New_york

Essex Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Essex, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Essex looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Essex, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Essex, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Essex, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Essex Swingers right away!

Where are all the MEN - looking for men that arent afraid of furthering the aspect of sex - \"Bi_Mi_cpl\"..I have to agree somwehat...lol While the statement \"all swingers are bi\" doens\'t count me, I do however enjoy my wife with a strap-on. It was something we tried once and we enjoyed it. And the way i figured it, 1 million gay guys can\'t be wrong..lol.

Single dudes - - [quote=JEFFSMITH1972]It's the way it works. Generally you swingers want the hottest of the hot, to enrich the fantasy. Taller than 6' with a huge cock is usually what you shoot for. "In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over...3.9 percent of adult men are 6'2" or taller" So you are shooting for less than 15% of males. Throw in the other desirable traits you want, and they are going to be massively in demand wherever they go. If they have any sort of social skills they can easily get a night of sex outside of the swinger life, so they are less likely to jump on the wife, and much more likely to cancel at the last second when something they view as more desirable pops up.[/quote] I don’t think you get it, just looking for honesty and integrity, find an excuse and that makes you feel better not the rest of us, but what ever

swinging: It's not for everyone - - [quote=EVILDOERS]Ain't THAT the truth? Swinging is NOT for everyone. Many people it seems are only one or two drinks away from major drama or worse! That's why it's so funny to see the threads from the "vanilla hunters". They think it's way more fun to go out and try to seduce vanillas (cause, hey, everybody really wants to be a swinger deep down, right?) than fuck other swingers, often using copious amounts of alcohol to accomplish their task and effectively taking at least some of their prey's free will away. Hey we're all consenting (with enough alcohol on board) adults. All's fair in love and swinging. Right? LOL[/quote] Yeah, that's what makes me laugh about most 'pickup artists' seems like a lot of them do most of their work on a half-soused target.

Mormon Swingers - - We are exmo's! I've only come across 1 person here that is an active mormon church goer.

Can bieng Mormon (LDS) and a Swinger co-exist? - - Every time I see this topic somewhere I wait until there are a number of replys and then put my $ 1.28.7 ( dollar three eighty seven ) into the pot. Religion is a means to control populations. Moral and ethics are dictated by religion and or organized religion first and then government... But lest we forget that organized religion was the government in the early days of the church.. Monogamy is the product of religion and government to make sure of heritage and property rights. BTW this is not simply a Christian practice but many religions do exactly the same thing.. Now, as for the Bible. The Bible is a collection of books and stories that were handed down by word of mouth and then laid down in writing in Sanskrit, and ancient Hebrew and then to a more modern form of Hebrew as well a Ancient Greek.. then a more modern version of Greek. These text were translated by the "Holy" Roman Church and transcribed for humanity and the masses control by monks under papal control. many of the Cannons of the Roman Catholic Church have been more or less adopted by the secular or temporal law, the law of the government. Some things need to be understood about the Bible. IT was written by men translated from dead languages or languages that had changed and it is entirely possible that it was manipulated for the purposes of the Church... So where does that put us.... We believe what we want to, what we have been programmed to or we modify that programming to allow for us to do what we feel we have a right to do. What we believe will allow us to still live a good life even if it is against the mores and ethics of the church and or the temporal laws. It kind of like going 70 in a 65 MPH zone... We feel we have a right, besides we'll probably not get caught and maybe we just want to see if we will get caught.. Doing things against ones religion is like that to some extent... Maybe God is watching Mary down the street. Maybe I don't believe that my church is right. Maybe heaven and hell are a fabrication of religion to keep us in line... Maybe God was invented by man to explain why things are what they are and why things happen the way they do... Do we have to reconcile our lives to religious "BELIEFS" or do we live our lives the best way we know. Harm no one if possible. Live life to the fullest, it's too short to play it too safe. Oh and before I forget, someone stated that they love their creator....Isn't that kind of like swinging.... He/She is not our mate. Oh and how about the old testament... All the wives of Solomon and David. How about Isaac... His wife gave him her hand maden and besides if you look at the text... he already had several concubines as did many other biblical figures.... I think maybe we could call them all swingers.....So beat this subject to the ground and in the end it's all up to what you WANT to BELIEVE.

Site Weirdness - A thousand less members online than usual? - [quote=BMSHELL][quote=CHEFFETTE]There's typically 1600-2000 members online when I login at any given time; but there's less than 600 online today. The layout appears to have changed slightly as well, (Log Out button moved for example) though no functionality updates I can find. Has there been a swinger apocalypse? A Rapture in which more swingers were caught up than one would cynically imagine?[/quote] The number of people online before was total B.S... Basically, if you signed in, it "counted you" as being online for the next several days (even if you clicked the sign-out button). It looks like the admin has tweaked that number down a little to make it more accurate. =) [/quote]I forgot about that; it would tell me this friend or that was online,actually have the little 'online' peg person (like in the Life game) next to their name when I knew that person definitely wasn't online.

Swingers Party - Doesnt mean who ever is there is open to everyone elsa - WOW!! some people just have no manners... I wouldn't write off the whole club just because of a few bad apples though.. Just our 2 cents

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - I will DRIVE down there and fuck the TESTIMONY out of her. Just sayin'...[em]Emo_62[/em] Ok, maybe I'll fly. Too hot to drive.

Swingers unnerve families at hotel - - This is always a concerne the lifestyle gets a bad wrap when the vanila public is ofended. On the other hand it was in a public place not a compleatly private resort or island getaway. Some comon sence is needed folks Now the group that put on that event wwhich We hear puts on a great party will most likly not get back in that Hotel it is a shame. We all enjoy the fun the freadom but folks when we are in a shared space respect is always best for all. Its not like the kids broke in to the party to see they aparently saw things in a public lobby area. Its always a rock and a hard place.

Gym Fantasy - anyone else get turned on while working out? - We go to Gold's in Bountiful and there are some major hotties there. And some of them are swingers! :-) So fun to get all hot and sweaty and pumped and look over at someone else doing the same and not just imagining them naked but actually knowing what they LOOK like naked. ;-)

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