
Clayton Swingers in New_york

Clayton Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Clayton, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Clayton looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Clayton, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Clayton, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Clayton, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Clayton Swingers right away!

Wife with other men - who's got pictures of the wife with another man or 2 or 3 or....? - [quote=MRMOTHER1]My husband and I have been married to each other for 43 years and we are both nudists and swingers here in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. We both enjoy taking pictures of each other in action with our many swinger friends at the various parties and clubs we attend throughout the area. We are totally unbiased and unihibited when it comes to a persons size, race, etc. I am a squirter and really enjoy sex with both the guys and gals alike, plus I also enjoy the occassional gangbang now and then. We both love to take on more than one guy/gal at a time. We have photos to show you all on here, however we can't figure how to upload them so if anyone can tell us how we would be glad to do it. Thanks. D & L [/quote]Had the same thing, you just need to get a different browser we use Chrome now and it works great..

BDSM and Swingers? - Where does BDSM fit in the swingers' world... your thoughts and experiences? - After 10 years of celibacy following a brain aneurysm which left my wife paralyzed and severely brain damaged in a nursing home, I decided that self-denial is unhealthy. Although I had been browsing swinger sites, plus was given a "hall pass" by my wife 6 years ago, it wasn't until 2 years ago I churned up my froze-up engine. My first new life encounter was with a "girl" much younger than my daughter who quickly introduced me to the D/s (Dom/sub) culture in its many dynamics. BDSM, DDlg (Daddy Dom / little girl) role play, hot wax, floggers, blindfolds, rope and chains.... the whole 9 yards! Since then, I have explored and encountered that Daddy Doms can be blessed with very enthusiastic young baby girls. My current little has many facets and gifted me by registering herself as owned property.... a registered slave. Since then I immersed myself in the culture, found out I was a natural-born dominant, and have never looked back. I stay in touch with swinger friends I met over the years (many are also on my Facebook...lol) and have noticed that kink is playing an ever-increasing role in swinging. The rules between the two are VERY different. I am curious to hear if and how it has become part of your play.

couples gf? - has any couples thought of this or had/have a gf - [quote=FUCKADOODLEDOO][quote=BADBOY8P]They will always want what u and your hubby have mabey at first they will be happy but in time they will feel like the third wheel im speeking from experience it is lots of fun just expect to be disapointed !!!!! [/quote] For Sure I agree BAD. We had one that over just a couple weeks wanted the hubby to take her as a second wife. When she figured out that wasn't gonna happen she called the police on me stating I beat her up and wanted me arrested. She figured with me out of the way she had a shot with the hubby.Thank goodness for witnesses. We weren't the first couple she tried this with. She is no longer on the site as far as I know. All I gotta say is be way way way careful. Did I mention BE CAREFUL? What helped with all this was the trust the hubby and I have for each other for sure. Sorry if this was long LOL. Gina[/quote] That is scary and sounds like fatal attraction. That must have shown you what "NOT" to want in a girlfriend. She could have taken it all from you with her snitch bitch ways. So not a women to trust. I had a single female fall head over heels in love with my man. She knew we were swingers and thought it to be fun to try. So her swinging was more of trying to get my hubby from me. She got cut off right away I would not put up with that and glad you did the same as me. Booted her to the curb where she came from(= I had one girl try that at one time. Try to get my man when I was not around. She would call him and try to see him when I was not home. Which is rare that we are not together.

BOOTY CALL - - Yeah, I put that request in on the "improvements" section of the forum YEARS ago! Amen to that! All these horny UT swingers sitting at home with nobody to do...what a shame.

seniors - why is it so difficult to find senior swingers or single ladies? - for what it is worth i asked sin to send me the original letter which he said he would but it never arrived-no surprise i suppose.

they fix mobile and killed photo albums - - [quote=DELICIOUSLYWET]It is just part of the new mobile rollout. You can only see each individual profile picture at a specific GPS coordinate. The idea is that swingers will bump into each other while they are all out looking for the locations that let them catch each others naked profile pictures. [/quote] Might not be naked. Might just be suffering from mange. [em]Emo_8[/em]

Unicorn hunt - ISO the ever elusive Unicorn - Don’t limit your search for your unicorn to swingers groups. Just be open and pay attention almost every where. We have had a few incredible memories with our new partner. Some don’t care for the label unicorn. The most bold third, friend, and lover we had the pleasure of spending many years with, worked for us and we thought we kept our business selfs separate from our pleasure selfs. Basically I had to let her go, after a few months. Shortly after firing her she turned to me with what seemed like a sigh of relief and asked. Can I date your wife? She was an amazing partner to add to our relationship! Work she lasted 3 months. Our partner, 6 years! Only moving on to start her own family. Good luck

seniors - why is it so difficult to find senior swingers or single ladies? - TR, By "sour" I meant "off subject" (these dam threads have a tendency to do that don't they?). Your are correct, I am guilty of being intolerant as well, I have ZERO tolerance for bullies or bullying, and have a tendency to speak my mind to these type of offenders I believe in treating people they way they treat me, even if its rude and ignorant. (My Mother said if you can't find something nice to say, not to say anything at all.....I have often struggled with this) "It is the enemy who can truly teach us to practice the virtues of compassion and tolerance."- Dalai Lama But to go back to the original subject: SWINGING SENIORS!!! "Like childhood, old age is irresponsible, reckless, and foolhardy. Children and old people have everything to gain and nothing much to lose. It's middle-age which is cursed by the desperate need to cling to some finger-hold halfway up the mountain, to conform, not to cause trouble, to behave well...."-Sir John Mortimer ~K~

ogden meet and great - - [quote=UTAH-CPLE-2006]It seems having it in a "closed off" area just invites scrutiny. Look at habits, its not private but they had meet and greets there for years. You can have one at any bar, just a group of friends out for the evening and then if you do run into someone and they say "there are swingers here..." you just go really? where? lol[/quote] I agree...people get flirty & naughty in clubs all the time. What's to hide? If you're concerned about someone you know outside the LS seeing you flirting with another, just remember sometimes NOT touching can be great foreplay too. ;) It's just a meet and greet. It's a bunch of people getting together & loving life! No need to be separated if it's not easily available. Looks like Ogden needs something like this. Good idea to organize. :)

Certified Single Male Program - What do you think? - I personally see this life style as a community. The Good, the Bad; and the Ugly are all here in microcosm. I think we can all use a little education and improvement. That does not mean that anyone person that takes that instruction will change his or her ways. But it does not hurt to try it. I have read the information that is available here and think that everyone should do so. I believe that such a program will limit the population of single men by keeping some of those that are here only for trophy sex out. Those that really believe in the lifestyle as a community will be willing to put forth the effort to be part of it. I think this will actually increase the number of couples and swinging singles that are willing to join and pay money for the privilege. Swingular actually feels like a site for swingers where AFF has become nothing but a sex site for those that like to look and send emails. If you think that the number of single males is large here you should look there and I assume that most of you have. The majority of the women and couples there are non-paying. It does not appear that this is the case on Swingular. The admin here seem to care about this community and AFF could not care less. The fact that they are willing to put this out in open forum tells me that they do care about their customers. I have not seen the same from other sites. I would like admin to put something more solidly together and then let us pick at it. Most systems can and should be tweaked from time to time. Maybe we can make some good observations and maybe we won

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