
Clarksville Swingers in New_york

Clarksville Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Clarksville, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Clarksville looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Clarksville, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Clarksville, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Clarksville, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Clarksville Swingers right away!

Girls that are into DP - How common is this activity among the swingers? - [quote=CANDJ23]I can't wait to try DP! and I want to try having 3 guys at once, so I can have one in my mouth too...[/quote] Oh yes, now you've got her cumming! Totally forgot about one in her mouth and I should know better. ;) We'd love to try this too. how about DVP, DP, and one in her mouth, at the same time? I think we've tried the double vaginal with toys while I was slipping in the backdoor.......I'm thinking it was a bit much for her. Still hot as hell though!!

Public display/playing - Playing in public places - [quote=EVILDOERS][quote=JIMBOUT]I really enjoy playing in public places. A lot of people talk about it, but do they actually do it?[/quote] By "playing" I assume you mean fucking? Have ya tried Temple Square? DEF a bucket list item for swingers who like to live dangerously! [em]Emo_49[/em] [/quote] I live right by temple square, and have unlocked this achievement!

Mardi Gras 2007!!!!! - Its never too early to plan - A group of people from Las Vegas have worked with a hotel in New Orleans and set up the entire hotel for a huge swingers gathering at Mardi Gras for 2007. The event is open to anyone and we hope will help with getting New Orleans back on its feet. We know this past Mardi Gras was a success for the city but next year should be a huge blow out. Already half the rooms of the hotel are booked. So they are going quickly. The package is for just the room and transportation to the airport upon the completion of Mardi Gras. It also includes access to theme rooms throughout the hotel and access to specific rooms for balcony access to Bourbon street and a walk down the parade route. For more information please check out http://www.mardigrasswingers.com/ when you sign up remember to let them know that Alini refered you. An entire hotel dedicated to swinging couples at Mardi Gras. Its as close to heaven as it gets......well you know what we mean.

Gloryhole - Any glory holes in northern utah? - Well, I'm one who's never been there, either. And, as far as I know, I'm not a Mormon, Muslim, stripper, or fire hydrant. And the only boobs around here are the wife's. And I rather doubt I ever will, even though it does seem to have a rep as a hangout for swingers. In the first place, it seems (could be wrong here) that most public groupings of swingers are 90% younger people. Nothing against young people, just that I don't expect them to be interested in me. That 29 year old in Pocatello a few weeks back was just the exception that proves the rule. Second, living in Ogden, and with our weird schedules, it'd be pretty hard for the two of us to get down there at the same time, and I've found that being a single guy in a crowd of swingers is, at best, uncomfortable.

Why so much hate in the swingers world... - - Posted By: XXXTASYX2 Reply posted on: Jan 8, 2008 - 2:00 pm I guess that means if we were hanging out with you, you would be ok with us talking shit about Rednecks. Are you going to be a "one trick pony" then? To us, if all you have are "Dumb Nigger" jokes or "Dumb Pollock" or "Dumb Chink" etc, etc, it gets boring. Now, if you are like Gunnery Sergeant Hartman who said: There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless.", I don't think we have a problem.

seniors - why is it so difficult to find senior swingers or single ladies? - Wow...I don't think Tequila Rose needs to jump on this one, as your "opinion" is very clear, and gosh...just right out there, ain't it? However, we simply want to state that in our "opinion", your "opinion" is found to be completely lacking in tact, good intent, social grace, and was completely unkind. If you felt such a necessity to answer with such...how can I put this..."honesty", then could you not have done it with at least more flair and less bluntness? I am not going to get on my "we're all going to be there someday" soapbox, because that is stating the overtly obvious. However, I certainly hope that by the time we get there, we don't run into many people either in or out of swinging, that would have such an utter lack of integrity and social etiquette to tell us that we are no longer considered viable and attractive members of society to at least someone. We wish the best of luck to the senior gentleman, and may he find exactly what he's looking for!

Traveling - Finding other lifestyle couples while traveling - Anybody know how to locate swingers in other st ates?

Anyone else in or near Daybreak? - We know you are out there! - [quote=BMSHELL][quote=ITSNOTUS]Great idea! I have created a group. I called it Daybreak Swingers, but anyone near here can join. Just looking for people around here. :) Can't wait to meet our fun/sexy neighbors![/quote] If it's a "Swingular" group, you'll find it's not much use. People rarely visit that section of Swingular and all the groups are dead. [/quote]Not all...the Motorcycle group is still active. Not as active as it should be...but still worth checking in on. Just saying...BTW...we live next to Daybreak, as well!

Swingers at work... - - Thanks STRAIGHTUPNOW, but honestly I thought I handled it VERY DISCRETLY, it was a simple small card nothing more, between himself and I. As for the rest I was half way across the country as I stated in the post. So I didn't feel I was in the wrong by approaching him. I feel that alot of people freak out when someone does find out about their little secret, and most don't know how to handle it when they are the ones approached instead of them doing the approaching. And I'm sure also it was 90 % being I was there alone without my sexy lady. But anyway I appreciate your comments, all I can say is you live, you learn. That last trip was about 5 years ago, and recently I have discovered we are returning to do business with them again. I'm really curious what kind of reaction I'll get this time when I walk through those doors and (if) that gentleman is still there. I DO NOT plan on saying or doing anything. I just wonder if he'll take some more vacation again. LOL

Swinging Events....what do you think? - - To Fellow Swingers & Friends We are planning on throwing a swingers party in Los Angeles within the next few months and we are looking for positive and negative feedback with regards to your past party experiences. Please take the time to respond to this email so we can better provide an overall and fun experience for the LA party. Please consider what made the party successful and what would you like to see different? Who knows...maybe we will have one here in SLC soon. Looking forward to receiving your feedback, Thanks again, Adam & Leigh

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