
Bergen Swingers in New_york

Bergen Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Bergen, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Bergen looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Bergen, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Bergen, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Bergen, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Bergen Swingers right away!

Swingers Next Door! - ABC news story on Swinging! - Worth the watch, good show. The article is from abc-news the show is on A&E

Other activities? - Do you only meet swingers for sex? - We meet on a pretty steady basis with a few cpls to go to a karaoke bar sometimes there is a after party and sometimes we simply just do karaoke and go home. We have been on nude boating outings, just soaking in hot tub, air shows, dinner all differnt kinds of activities with our swinging friends we mix a bit of socillizing with our swinging activities but evetually at some point most end up playing with us in the end

Party Pics... - Pictures of Swingers Parties etc... - Well we know some of you out there have \'em, we\'d love to see \'em! Party Pics.. always alot of fun. We don\'t have many but will get some I\'m sure during the New Years Party! Peter & Amanda

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - oh boy. Ok, we have a friend, his adult daughter knows because she's a swinger and stumbled across their profile on a site like this! They are fine with it. Obviously our kids don't know. They are way to young. And if they ever did somehow find out, I wouldn't discuss it with them. ITA with the vanilla sex comment, I wouldn't discuss *my* sexual activities with my kids. They do not need to know. I will dicuss sex with my kids, when the time is right, but not what daddy and I do. My brother does know that we are swingers and that I am bi. I think he's okay with it. The Mr told him and I haven't heard him say shit about it. The Mr's mom may have a clue. She was digging through our trunk looking for tools to help Mr fix the car and found his stash of "out for a night" condoms. He's had the V done, so obviously its not because we're trying not have more children.

Threaded messenger - We want threaded messenger - [quote=DANDTCURIOUS][quote=FIT_N_FUN]We used SDC.com when we lived in Draper and had a lot of luck. SLS.com was ok, but it has a really dated format like this site does. FetLife has the best format, but there are some really damaged people on that site.[/quote] “There are some really damaged people” on Fetlife? Really? Lmao ... FYI Fetlife is NOT a swinger site, it’s a BDSM site. Just because you don’t share their fetish doesn’t make them damaged. 🙄[/quote] It's actually a lifestyle site and swinger is one of the designations to choose from when setting up a profile. We've met and played with a lot of swingers from that site, so I'd say it's a viable option for swingers. And to clarify, I'm not referring to their individual kinks. I'm referring to the writings on that site. We've read some deeply disturbing things on that site and if you're an active member, you know of at least a couple recent issues that gained a lot of attention.

Another way to identify swingers - Totally hot T-Shirts - I dont really like them , if i did get one it would only wear it to a swing party, and i hope everyone already knows thats why were there LOL..... I do have the neckless and wear it all the time, at a swing party or not... Im just not much for the shirt idea Thumper

Friday Night-- Saturday night? - - What about in the Ogden area? We would love to meet some people at a club or house party but we are unfamiliar with the local hangouts for swingers up north. Anyone have any suggestions or know anything?

Not getting much action on here - - Swingsites, I think, are dying a slow, painful death and one day in the not too distant future will probably cease to exist. We've been on a number of sites since the early days of the interwebs and most have gone under...and the two we're still on are in danger of becoming extinct. There are just too many other platforms and apps that make it easy for people, especially younger swingers who are already predisposed to use those methods, to find and hook up with other people. It's really too bad because swingsites offer an arguably better, more discreet, way for people to browse other's profiles and pics in relative safety before they decide to venture off to meet.

Lifestyle parties - - Lish you want to throw aparty for gays, t-genders,bi's and all you can use the store after hrs, and you can dress up how you like try on lingerie,run naked, and play with the love machine, why well friends are friends good people are good people, and to discriminate is bull shit!!!!! and there should be no dicrimination at swingers party's or on swingular !!!!! love all walt smiles to all my friends straight gay bi and t-genders male or female luv walt

Swingers dying out? - Is the utah swinger community dying or becoming to needy? - I don't think it is dying out, by any means. My opinion is a few things are happening. The Swingular community is actually growing...bigtime. Hence the increasing number of events being posted. And yes..most are paid events...for a couple of reasons..to actually pay for the cost of an event..and plain old capitolism. Welcome to America. No real problem. House parties...are alive and well. But...because of the increased number of folks here, things have changed from before. Now, if you post one here..you have a bunch of people respond..most likely too many...some must be told no....hard for most of us to do. Consequently..hosts have become a bit more selective.. and send personal invites..rather than general announcements. Basically...house parties have moved underground. And hosts have become more selective about just inviting particulair age groups, or body types. That leaves many of us out. I know our email box is empty most of the time, unless it is us hosting the party. Just my opinion of course..yours maybe different!

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