
Bellona Swingers in New_york

Bellona Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Bellona, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Bellona looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Bellona, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Bellona, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Bellona, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Bellona Swingers right away!

Monogamy in marriage - An interesting article on the subject - I think the number one reason that a marriage goes off track is the lack of communication. It could show up in fights over money, one or the other cheating because their needs are not taken care of in the marriage, or just about any of the rocks that so many couples run into along the path of married life. One reason I think that swingers tend to be happier and more secure is because without good, open communication swinging can be a minefield. Most that stay in the lifestyle for any amount of time learn to communicate better with each other than many others that do not have the experience of sharing. This summer we'll have been married 35 years so I guess it works :-) Diane & Max

TEMPTATIONS ( CANCUN ) - CRAZY PARTY AND FUN - We have been to Temptations and the OP is correct it’s a non stop party with all inclusive drinks and food. However no playroom and not too many swingers and topless optional only. There is a quiet pool for those who want to relax. We have reservations for their sister resort Desire Maya Pearl in June. That resort is clothing optional, a playroom and I am sure a party atmosphere also based on previous experience with this group of resorts and cruises. It is also a couples only and while we are going with other swingers we hope to meet more swingers while we are there. It’s all a matter of what your looking for.

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - Yes that would be amazing! Pool hot-tub bar dungeon room dance floor stripper pole private and vouyeer rooms are all great for making it fun! Would attend one a month.

LDS Swingers Survey - Will any former/active LDS swingers take my survey? - done

Hedonism, Tempations, Sandals, or others? - - What are you looking for? Each has their own strengths. We chose Hedonism after a lot of comparison because we don't like to be moderated for nakedness, like to party with fun people, wanted fun nightlife without leaving the resort and wanted a place where we could be as free as we wanted without inhibitions. If you want a more mellow place but want to be naked, Desire is fun but an older, mellower crowd for the most part. Cruises are huge and have an age range from 21 to 101. You can find what you want but limited on play areas and such. Temptations has a lot of single guys, is topless, but you can show much PDA and can get in trouble for sexual play or nudity. Sandals is a basic, adult resort. Didn't see any naked people there and definitely not a "lifestyle" place. Any place you go I would highly recommend trying to go during a takeover. We have been several times during Young Swingers Week and after talking to many who have visited all the places you have mentioned, they like Hedonism the best. Of course that is all subjective. It's our top choice. We don't go to play constantly and it isn't a fuck-fest for us. It could be but it just isn't our style. You can have sex on the beach at night if you want. Not so at Temptations or Sandals. Desire seemed to mellow for us.

Speling and Swining - - [quote=IHORUS69]Turns out this lame program allows one to edit the content of your post and not the title. So you can hack on the mis-spell all you want, but you are missing the forest from the trees. Its a fine example of missing the point; anal banality-- and proves a disappointing social and emotional maturity.[/quote] I think you may have missed the point. Evildoers is one funny person. it was all in jest. Maybe I'll start a thread asking why swingers don't try harder to have a sense of humor. On a side note, I hear steroids make one irritable and judgmental.

Too Young? - Are we just too young... - I personally don't think you're too young. However, you have to ask yourselves this. Are there couples here that you would consider too old? I have a son your age. I am 39 this year. Sexually speaking, I don't think any age above 18 is off-limits. However, not everyone is in the lifestyle just for sex alone. Many want friends etc. Age [u]usually[/u] dictates one's maturity level. Not always. Most older swingers will shy away or be leery of young swingers because, 1) Swinger parties have alcohol. 2) Maturity or lack thereof. 3) Insecurity about their aging faces/bodies compared to yours. Let's face it, everyone has something that they're turned on or off by. You just have to roll with it. I personally think you two deserve a fair shake. ;) Don't let others' choices get your down. Remember, everyone turning you down is in turn getting turned down by someone else. I don't care how hot they seem. Don

BUSTED! Your Kids Found Out Your Swingers. Now What? - - We don`t have children together and my step children are grown and living very far away. They are very open minded and I would think if they found out it would be no big deal to them. My sister and her daughter are looking into moving to Florida and we have skirted the issue and feel that they both are in the lifestyle or at least very open to the ideas of it. My sister is very open minded and raised her daughter to be the same way. On their last visit to Florida they met some of our friends, all lifestylers and loved them. What is going to be interesting is if they move here and come to the parties we host. Not quite sure how we are going to handle that but we still have time to work it out.

Why do they run? - Why do most couples run when you suggest a real full swap? - I am certain that insecurity has no bearing on the decisions that we make in regard to the lifestyle. What you are suggesting simply isnt for us. We take so much from being in close proximity to each other during our encounters that it would render the experience...perhaps ackward or fruitless, for lack of a better term. There is a reason that so many couples run from the possibility of what you call \"full swap\". Many years ago when we were first introduced to the lifestyle, \"full swap\" entailed having sexual intercourse with another couple. \"Soft swap\" meant oral play or touching only, no intercourse. Perhaps the deffinition has changed over the years... I am certain that what you are describing is closer to what traditional polyamory is all about. In fact, there is a reason why the couples that you approach about this subject \"run like the wind\" as you call it. More times than not, it has proven to be destructive to the relationships in question. Best intentions or not, we are all human. Shit happens. Most seasoned swingers know this, and avoid this situation at all costs. Most of the relationships that we have seen over the years that were as you describe ended in ruin. Most of the people that we have known to consider this method were (coincidentally) new swingers, who had not yet developed a sense of direction or an identity in the lifestyle. There are some mistakes that you can make in the lifestlye without jeopadizing your standing with your mate. There are some that you simply can not. What you are suggesting to other couples, while it may seem like something that would be fun and cool, has proven to be atleast problematic to many other people. Just our .02 cents. Best of luck to you both. Luvbugs! (mR.) :D

Mexico! Come with us!!! :) - Trying to put together a group of Swingers to go to Mexico with us! - I'm sure anyone on our friends list got the previous email about our trip to Mexico and wanting to put a trip together in the spring. If you didn't, well that's the gist of it! Our availability would be between May 9th-17th. Probably thinking 4-5 nights (we have a little one at home so that makes it hard for us to leave for too long) but I'm sure any of you that wanted to could stay longer/shorter could do that. We would probably plan one big group excursion (we did sailboating, snorkling, parasailing and shopping all in one excursion for one day for only $135 total for both of us combined and that wasn't even a group rate) to do one of the days and maybe the bar hopping one night? Other than that there are tons of other excursions to do, or lets face it laying around in the pool with the swim up bar sounds pretty amazing too! So if you are interested in joining us for an awesome vacation (we promise it will be one you NEVER forget!) please email me back. If you have Facebook let me know that too so I can give you the link to the resort and you can check out their fan site and also all our pictures from our trip. Otherwise here is the main website http://www.secretsresorts.com/ Start dreaming of sand, all inclusive amazing food and drinks, ocean-view swim up rooms, and 90 degree weather! -Erica and Ross

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