
Bay Shore Swingers in New_york

Bay Shore Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Bay Shore, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Bay Shore looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Bay Shore, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Bay Shore, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Bay Shore, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Bay Shore Swingers right away!

Identifying Swingers! - Lots of talk and now some action! :) - we are only about 30 mins from you do you have a store, ect or can i call you to order them then you can send then to me ect .......please let me know Thumper

Swingin' for Jesus! - - Discuss! [em]Emo_4[/em] [url=https://www.popdust.com/meet-the-christian-swingers-who-claim-god-uses-them-to-spread-his-word-1890927178.html]Meet the Christian swingers who...[/url]

The statistics of swinging - Relationship longevity in the lifestyle. - One thing we've noticed (and even had a few close calls with ourselves) is that, once the initial thrill of swinging/swapping wears off a little bit, many people look for the NEXT big thrill...usually separate play. And THAT, if you're not really prepared for it and don't go into it with your eyes wide open, is when things can get really sticky. I have an acquaintance in the lifestyle who is a professor of physiology who likes to talk at length about the "love hormone", oxytocin, and how powerful it can be in some lifestyle circumstances. I guess a subset of this issue might be how many swingers who break up do so because they fall in love with someone else in the lifestyle. One particularly insidious behavior that we've, unfortunately, encountered are men, both single AND married, in the lifestyle who attempt to ply Ms. Evil by saying things like, "If you were mine I would never want to share you.". There are probably a fair number of women (and probably men) who might be susceptable to that type of talk if they're insecure in their primary relationship.

Tooele swingers party - - I’m in too

Invatation to swingers. - open letter against Dr. Phil - Below is a copy of my post to Dr. Phils boards concerning the evils of swinging.His mods would not let it be posted as written. Gee I wonder why. I considered addressing this post to Dr. Phil, but as I do not think he really cares what anyone other than himself thinks, feels, or believes anyway, I will simply post it. The last time I checked, Dr. Phil was a man not unlike any other. He does not possess superhuman strength or any other ability. He is simply a man. It is not responsible, In My opinion, to ever assume that ones beliefs are the only, or correct beliefs. There is a huge difference between believing something and knowing it to be fact and Dr. Phil, again, just my opinion, lets himself forget that. I would not be upset if Dr. Phil said,

Know any Mormon swingers in SoCal? - Single girl in SoCal wants to know! - I know lots of LDS aka Mormons in the life style and there privet life is for them not the bishop or the ward. An there religion isn't need to be known by there friends and lovers.

Carnival Magic January 19-26/Galveston January 17 & 18 - Cruise fun - Switch your location to Galveston, Houston, League City, Friendswood, Webster, Alvin, Webster or Kemah, Texas. We live in Webster but work in Galveston. There are plenty of swingers in the area.

tired of the B>S> - - The only chance we have of meeting fakes is if the couple at the club or party turns out to be transsexual dwarfs and were fooled by their elevator shoes making them look taller. We have been around this stuff a good while. Actually we have never tried to meet a couple on this website, we gave that approach to meeting long before this website came to be. (I know my ass doesn't look that old but it is trust me) Fakes have always plagued these boards, it was FAR WORSE when you didn't have the verification systems in place and while these are good they are still not a guantaree you are dealing with the real deal. The now infamous "Christylynn" was certified as a "real couple" and technically they were a "real couple" just not what you had planned on. You can e-mail someone back & forth till your fingers bleed but your will not truly know what's behind door number two until they walk through the door. The best way to try and eliminate fakes and flakes is obviously to meet them in person. The only way to hope to be successful is NOT to plan an evening out with ONE COUPLE. We are fortunate enough to have a variety of swingers clubs and organized lifestyle parties in our area to use as a place to meet where we can not only see the couple we can SEE the couples interaction. (This is the part that helps you avoid the flakes) This works great for people like the original poster who lives in West Palm Beach Florida and this is what I recommend. For those who live in Alta, Utah (Pop.304) this approach is not so good. You fine folks in Alta will probably have to do a little more on-line work to round up some party people. (Just start with real seal at MINIMUM and work it from there...good luck.

Looking to establish a group of safe swingers - - We would love to join the right couples. Mosstly for like minded friendship, but in regards to sex... Everyone has their thing, no offense to those who want condoms, but he finds them to be a turn off. He is too analytical, lol: if you kiss, do oral with your tongue, then fluids are exchanging! With birth control, vasectomy, etc... why use condoms? She also likes the idea of a guy loosing all control and not able to avoid cumming in her pussy. Ergo: tested and would love to find other couples who are safe, clean, D&D free, tested and can be regulars wihout too much worry.

What is it to being a swinger couple - Is it always this way - We have been in the lifestyle now for about 3 and a half years and it's been really fun meeting so many new people but I have a question. What is swinging all about? Here's my dilemma I've noticed that people we have played with act in a certain manner that is starting to disgust me. First and foremost yes we swing because we like to have sex with strangers that I fully understand. What I don't understand is the fact that all these couples say that they want the friendship at first and everything is great until after we all have sex then it's like we don't exist anymore. I enjoy the play but at times I do crave a little more of a friendship with benefits. So in the swingers life is it all about how many people you screw and that's it. We met this really awesome couple and we all hit it off like great friends but after the play was done they show no interest. I should be happy I got laid but is it wrong to be a swinger and want to have a friendship?

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