
Altmar Swingers in New_york

Altmar Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Altmar, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Altmar looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Altmar, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Altmar, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Altmar, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Altmar Swingers right away!

New Swingers Club in Utah - Gauging interest in new club - Unfortunately, the church idea was tried just over 12 years ago. The state shut it down quickly.

St. Pete FL... Anyone out there!?!?!? - - Everyone here KNOWS that all the best swingers are here in Utah. Yeah the rest of the world THINKS it's all like very staunch and staid and conservative here...you can't get a drink and people wear Amish style clothing. It's all a ruse. Actually there are TONS people are running around naked here fucking each other right and left. It's AWESOOOOME!!! But don't tell anyone cause we want to keep all the naked debauchery to ourselves. Shhhhhhhh

Mon chalet - Swingers motel - Mon chalet was a great place for the weekend its a must try hot us up if you want info

Singles who are married and cheating - - better get a cup of coffee cuz this is gonna be a long read: there are a few things you have to take into consideration when you decide to be in the swinging lifestyle. i think the biggest thing is finding out if your spouse is into it. most people, i think, go into a relationship knowing what their spouses boundries are. and then there are couples who evolve in their relationship and the more trust they have in their relationship, i would think it would be like a "coming out" of sorts. like..."hey, um...honey...the johnsons next door are having a party this weekend...and we were invited" "Really?" "Yeah, and i hear its one of THOSE kinda parties" "well, honey..we better wear our crotchless underwear" i dunno..something like that..like, at some point you decide that swinging is for you, right? or you go into a relationship knowing that swinging is an option. buuuuuuuuuuuutttttt... if you go into a relationship knowing that swinging is definetly not what your spouse is into or in the evolution of your relationship you decide swinging is right for you, and your spouse isnt into it, and under no circumstance is it ok....then, in my humble opinion, you arent in the lifestyle. now, if you come to some sort of open relationship agreement if your spouse isnt into it but agrees to let you get some strange, fine. if you take it upon yourself to sign up for a swinging website behind your spouses back, hook up with couples behind your spouses back, then YOU ARE CHEATING! if you are cheating, then you are just asking for trouble: 1. you are being dishonest 2. you are bringing your drama into someone elses life whether they know it or not. what happens if the wife finds out and shows up at your house party with a shotgun? 3. what happens if you get an s.t.d.? you bring that home with you to your spouse, and if you have them, your children. even if you use condoms you can still get s.t.d.'s, its happened. 4. when your spouse does find out, and they will...you are humiliating them in front of their friends, family, job...cuz somehow they all find out. that leads me to believe you have no regard for someone elses feelings so why would i want to swing with you? 5. you are giving other single people, male or female, a bad name and reputation. 6. you are giving swingers in general a bad name and reputation. jenn and i are honest with each other. we are not in a place where we are gonna swing separate, we communicate and talk things out so we have a full understand of where eachother is at, at any given moment. if jenn or i didnt want to swing anymore, or if we wanted a break from it, we talk about it. we arent perfect by any means, but we do our best to consider eachothers feelings in this lifestyle. we dont invite drama into our lives so i would have to say...no, we dont swing with someone who is cheating on their spouse. we would both suggest that if you feel the need to cheat that you should either talk it out with your spouse and seek external help or if you dont think that will help, you should consider ending the relationship. this is all just our opinion. we know its easier written or said than done. but if you arent happy with your spouse, why would you drag them down with this? communicate..compromise...talk it out..but dont be a cheater, cuz its not cool. brandon

Swingers Dares - Text for cards in the game - We just need 10 more to complete the list... Any thoughts?

The thin line in the sand. - Where does "cheating" begin? - I wrote this somewhere else...but hopefully it fits here. "Fidelity. What is it? Most of you (some of you) might think I'm gonna come off as a hypocrite on this one. But please, bear with me. Fidelity is a key issue with me in relationships. It's one of the only lines that exist that is an instant kill switch. I've been in relationships where I've had to pull that switch and watch the bodies fall. Then again, I look at the insane stance I take in my "Sexual Play" life. Swingers. Kink that plays with submissives. Dangerous, flirtatious chat. Both Domme and I have regular communication with past lovers. Yet...faithful. How does that make sense you ask? Even when "Swinging" or involved in Kink "play" we always play together. Our communications are open. And in the end it all comes down to one very simple thing. Trust. So where does that leave Fidelity? As a personal choice between two consenting adults." That's my line...hope it helps! -Mr. K_T

This one time at Swingers Camp - Discussion about N by N camp out - Always a great time!

The definition of cheating - - Interesting discussion. Certainly from a relationship standpoint the classic definition of cheating is being with someone other than your partner physically and/or emotionally. As swingers, however, we often hold ourselves above others and fall back on the lying and/or sneaking around aspect. Personally I feel that being dishonest with the person you hold most dear in this life to be the essence of cheating for me. When information is withheld you take away that person's prerogative to choose whether or not to stay in the relationship with you based on your actions outside of the relationship. There are a million ways people rationalize cheating. I find that a person's attitude towards cheating is a very good litmus test for the depth of their character. Now should we talk about cheating on a test or cheating other people out of their hard earned money? How about cheating on your taxes or at a poker game with friends? At what point DOES cheating become morally reprehensible or should it be "all's fair in love and war" and "every man (or woman) for himself"? Or as SIRNEWBY asserts, is self deception/lying/cheating really the only valid metric? Or did I misunderstand your point, SN? It would be interesting to get feedback from people (I'm sure there are plenty) who've been cheated on.

BD/SM- Why are there no groups? - - Hello! I have never started a discussion form topic before (btw-this is Dana not Terry) so please be forgiving of me. Anyways, I have a question. I was looking for groups on this site that are into the BD/SM L.S. I know there are other websites that cover this interest, however I know of many swingers who are also into the "darker delights" such as myself. But I have found none on this site (as far as I know) that cover this subject/interest. So is there any groups that cover this topic that I can join, or if not, would anybody be interested in starting such a group on this site?I know this subject can be a little more touchy than other LS related issues. I also understand that people who partcipate in these activties would want their activties kept private. So if you don't feel comfortable posting here, please feel free to send me a private e-mail. Thank You and have a wonderful day![em]Emo_49[/em] Dana

Comfort level of casual vs relationships? - - [quote=heathencouple]We are still fairly new to this whole lifestyle shindig; just under a year. Trying to figure what aspects we like, don’t like and are just meh. I’m curious though, when it comes to forming emotional connections with other people how open are you to the idea? If it’s a scale of 1 - 10. One being completely casual, “what was your name again” sex and two being “I deeply love you and want you to come live with me and my other two wives” sort of deal... where do you fall? ::: For us we are discovering that we prefer the more connective experiences and don’t shy away from words like “love” or “relationship”. But we also love just super casual fun experiences. All of it entirely contingent on the people involved. So not quite true swingers but also not quite true poly. Trying to see how common or uncommon that is.[/quote] Oh man if two is come live with me and my two other wives I can't imagine what 10 is ;). For us we definitely don't need "feelings" involved but I do want to have some sort of connection with the other people. I dont think I could do a wham bam thank you ma'am type of situation. That being said we have played on the first meeting so idk that probably makes me a hypocrite 🤷‍♀️

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