
Albany Swingers in New_york

Albany Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Albany, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Albany looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Albany, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Albany, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Albany, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Albany Swingers right away!

Disabled Swingers - - I WOLF am disabled, Dont feel that way, am told that, Feel sorry for me? Ya better not! Would I not be just as quick in a fight? my disability hold me back?? I and anybody that knows me, knows not! Twobears,Deannas so friggin hot!..lol, I was disabled when I owned a biker bar in San Diego, (some brawls did I think about my spine getting twisted??..YES!) Cast iron barstools across my back, Poolsticks...yada yada, They all lost! But tell ya what!, im still alive and well in Utah after some rebuilding! Do I have the same heart? no. BUT spirit never dies! What I believe in, be it in San Diego,NYC,or Utah, Everyone that isnt't disabled, better keep up with me! WOLF Union Ironworker(ret)local 229 San Diego, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Boston, Vermont(Burlington, Middlebury), New York City

Tooele swingers party 2 - Doing our second party - Are you in PA

Swingular not so private anymore - Someone has made swingular known on the radio 🤬 - More swingers, yaaaayyyyyy!

LDS Survey Results - - [quote=HOTTYZX2]Oh yeah just cuz lds is one of the main religions does not mean it is the most common if you put all Christian religions together and I mean all of them including Mormons catholic etc all combined there is only six hundred million more Christians ( as a whole. ) than the Islam religion making them the most common. So no one is bashing on the most common religion because so far I am the only one to bring up Islamic religion. We are bashing on poser two faced punks..[/quote] The problem with your argument is you didn't comprehend what you read. [quote=LUCKYWONS]We are in Utah, so the most common religion is Mormonism, which makes this poll most applicable to the demographic, [/quote] In other words, Here in Utah the most common religion is Mormonism, which makes this poll most applicable to the demographic (i.e. Utah) A majority of the state's residents are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). As of 2007, 60.7% of Utahans are counted as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, although only 41.6% of them are active members.[ According to a report produced by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life the self-identified religious affiliations of Utahans over the age of 18 as of 2008 are:[7] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 58% (labeled as Mormon on survey) Unaffiliated 16% Catholic 10% Evangelicals 7% Mainline Protestants 6% Black Protestant Churches 1% No Answer 1% Other Faiths 1% Buddhism <.5% Eastern Orthodox <.5% Hinduism <.5% Islam <.5% Jehovah's Witnesses <.5% Judaism <.5% Non denominational <.5% Other World Religions <.5% Margin of error +/- 6% So, If my math is correct, all groups designated as Christian, other than LDS, make up 25% of the states religions. That is already less than half the percentage of the Mormon church, yet just that 25% completely dwarfs Islam's .5% HOTTYZX2, calm down and clear your head before you go making radical declarations about numbers you obviously haven't researched. Granted this information was valid as of 2008, but I did not find anything more recent, and I think it is at least a good benchmark to go on. [quote=HOTTYZX2] And FYI Utah is the swinger Capitol of the nation. Utah has more swingers then organ and Washington has hippies..[/quote] I would love to know where this statistic comes from. I have been searching for it for weeks now and can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know?

swingin - thought this site was a swingers site - Uand, I already tried that reasoning on the very first page :) I think he just wants to vent.

Mon chalet - Swingers motel - Aurora Colorado We liked the mon chalet cause it had room there wasn't sure if Scarlett did but for sure will be checking it out

LAVA - - The 20 & 21 is the big swingers party!

Swingers at work... - - We ran into one of my co-workers in the hot tub of a local swing club. We never mentioned it outside of the club and didnt mention we did anything at work. We each managed it quite well, no one ever knew. I no longer work in that office and they no longer come to the club, so its not an issue any longer. But we quickly realized that its actually not too bad (depending on the people) because they dont want to have to answer questions from the nonlifestyle people

What really defines a TRUE swinger? - - ""Most single males don't know the meaning of "NO" and are just like stray dogs in heat that just keep coming back no matter how many times you hit them with a newspaper. Bad dog. Go away!!!"" Wow......most of the men I have had to 'swat' away with the newspaper are the married swingers whose wives get all the cock they want...but they are left with nothing. I consider myself a happy swinger...I enjoy sex but also known my limitations and respect others no matter what. Guess a happy swinging Adult..???

Swingle males. What's in it for you? - - [quote=TATTOOED_HOTTIE][quote=EVILDOERS][quote=TATTOOED_HOTTIE]It's a totally different dynamic than hooking up with a single girl so to speak. That would be like asking why does a couple prefer to swing versus just have sex with each other. [/quote] Really? Well, cuz Ms. Evil and I have had sex like a bazillion times and it's fun to mix things up a little bit every once in a while. We probably fuck at LEAST 5 or 6 times a week. Let's see, carry the one, divide by the constant, account for wind velocity...hmmmm...yeah that's a LOT. Fwiw, I don't know very many couples who PREFER to swing versus...I've known a few. They're no longer couples. [em]Emo_67[/em] [/quote] [quote]Let me rephrase that since you're clearly not the brightest bulb on the tree. You swing correct? Why? You must be some sort of weirdo. Sex with the misses isn't good enough? Why isn't that sufficient?? You obviously don't prefer to have sex with just your other half or you wouldn't even be on here genius. Oh let's see carry the one blah blah blah lol. God. Ok. Got it now? Made simple enough for you boy wonder?? Personally I'm tired of seeing you act like an ass then apologize for it and pretend you're not one. Have the misses sit on that big mouth of yours please and save us all from your whining! [/quote] Y'know what, Tattoed Hottie? (Boy, that name says a lot about your opinion of yourself - damn near everyone is tattooed nowadays, but you're the one that's a hottie.) You're either dead stupid or just plain nasty. You apparently can't even recognize sarcasm and/or satire. And having been on the site over a year and a half, you don't even have the excuse of not knowing that Evil's something of the court jester around here. Personally, I suspect you're just using it as an excuse to be nasty. What's the matter? Got self esteem issues? Need to feel superior to someone? And as to your comments to Ten and Joe, yeah, Ten has a habit of being blunt and saying just what she thinks, but so what? She isn't entitled to her opinions? One of the main reasons I'm in this lifestyle, and was decades ago as a single, when it was damned near impossible for a single to even be involved at all, is that I love the open mindedness and attitude of doing what they feel is right, instead of what someone else says is right, that true swingers have. One of which you're apparently not. You, I'd guess are a single guy who hunts here because he wants to be sure that any woman he hits on has at least said, by being here, that she acknowledges and enjoys her sexuality for itself. After all, any girl in the vanilla world you try to pick up might be hung up on that old "sex only with my serious partner" thing, whether that involves actual marriage or not, and that probably scares the Hell out of you. Of course, that's just a guess, but, whatever your problem, it's apparent that you just plain enjoy denigrating other people. If you don't like what someone wrote, unless it's directed at you personally (and this most certainly IS), you have no business, and no right, criticizing the writer. You can criticize what he or she says, but not the person who said it. Unless you see someone else jumping into someone else's personal shit, than criticize that person all you want, like I'm doing you right now. And feel free to criticize me all you want. In the first place, from now on as soon as I see your name on a post, any post, I'm skipping it because jerks like you aggravate the Hell out of me, so I'll never see it. And secondly, feel free to call me stupid whenever you like. Not only will i never see it but, something I don't usually see any reason to ever mention to anyone, but in your case it seems necessary, I'm a member of MENSA. Or was, until I fonally decided it was kind of silly and not worth the dues. Which, since you're probably too ignorant to know, means that I have an IQ that's been certified as high enough to be higher than 98% of the entire human race. So know I that there's, at best, a 2% chance that I'm not smarter than a nasty idiot like you. And by the way, you sent us an email, to my wife. Now, I never presume to tell her who to or not to play with, but she's read your crap here, and has the same opinion of you that I do. So don't hold your breath waiting for a response. Or maybe you should. Asphyxiation is probably as good a way as any to get rid of an asshole like you. My apologies for any typos. I don't have time to proofread it, I'll do it later, right now I need to go wash the taste of your bullshit out of my mouth ~ Terry

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