
Akron Swingers in New_york

Akron Swingers

If you are looking for Swingers in Akron, NY, then Swingular is the place for you. We have hundreds of thousands of swingers all over Akron looking to meet new people. Here is a list of 16 random Swingers within 100 miles of Akron, NY. To see more or to contact these members, click here to create a free account.

Akron, New_york Swingers can be found on Swingular. It's easy to find others using our advanced search technology. We base our search by zipcode so you will see how far each member is away from you by miles. You can search locally or you can search by state or zipcode as well. We have thousands of members from Akron, New_york so you have a very good chance that you will meet someone to your liking. We also have a booty call feature so you can post a booty call for quick response. Create your free account today and begin hooking up with Akron Swingers right away!

Vanilla Party pickups - Vanilla Party pickups - Hi, Just curious about the reality of picking up a single female or a couple at a vanilla party gathering? Not meeting actual swingers at the party and then going from there, but going to the party and meeting someone new and playing with them? Does it really happen, or is it just in the movies? :)

Site Weirdness - A thousand less members online than usual? - [quote=UTAHCOUPLE4PLAY][quote=CHEFFETTE][quote=UTAHCOUPLE4PLAY]I've only been on here about a month and I get logged out by the site frequently, even as I'm writing something.[/quote](M)Was just reading your profile and half way through I was loged out so guess they still have things to do, but still the best site for swingers. Anyway I like your profile LOL.[/quote]Thanks, that's kind of you. I won't leave you hanging; it ends w/ me being a hardass smartass; shocking, I know. For all its flaws, I've had a more enjoyable month on this site than I've had on any other - from Match to SciConnect to the dreaded but always entertaining Craigslist.

If your family or non swinging friends found out you swing - - In UT it has some different connotations because of the predominant religion here. Although a few of the people we have met are still practicing, it is definately frowned upon and the majority have parents or family that are still card carrying (*UT JOKE) members. So, that the big risk of being found out, but they way we look at it, if my family came to me and said "so and so said that you were swingers...." my response would be "my sex life is private, just like yours, and if you want to tell me how your wife likes it and give me all the sordid details of your sex life, then I can answer your question, if not, we both can go on our merry way and not delve into each others sex lives, where it is none of our business anyhow!"

Donte and bre - Hot swingers - Before Joshua Ebbert started in gay male porn we had an amazing encounter at our house we hosted Kayla Lageson and Joshua Ebbert now married livjng in ca we fucked them same bed swap now known as Donte thick fucked my wide so good she had multiple orgasms more intense than she has ever had his thick cock definitely made her cum my god it was hot to see her petite frame and tiny pussy take his thick cock, she said he would stay complete Brick hard and keep fucking the hell out of her and he would shoot 5-6 loads of his hot cum into her pussy it would make her cum and she loved feeling him shoot in her .... they met again several times solo and fucked their brains out we also had 6 mmf 2-1 where we fucked my wife so good ... she loved his cock and she would cum so hard he was amazing to watch and I loved him pounding her with his thick cock hot as fuck and the merrier he ducked her and more she came the better it was ... I loved him blasting 6-6 loads in her and completely filling her tight pussy full of his married cum we had him join us a lot and Kayla or new thick his wife has no clue .. she is not hot we liked him but she was good not coming and her pussy was not only the worst smelling gross thing ever but she was loose as fuck and looks like a crack whore from a Dumpster ... we assume he stays with her because she lets him pound any pussy he wants all the time ... we think he could do much better lots of gorgeous women would love to experience how amazing he is we hope he leaves her trailer trash ass

Favorite bars in utah - - Are any of these places frequented by swingers more than others?

Discretion a Must?!? - Let us know - it worked in our favor, i used to work at a job and an advertising woman who i was very attracted to came in on occasion, she turned everyones head, found her and her man were swingers online much later... it was a good night :)

Clubbing? - New to this lifestyle - I'm new to this lifestyle and was wondering, are there any good clubs where swingers go to meet. I RSVPd to a party on the home page, but it says there's an 89-person limit and there are twice the number already signed up. Chances are, I won't get in. So where is a good place to go to just have fun with like-minded people?

real members? - - You've struck on an interesting topic. I call them cyber swingers. They are swinger wanna be's . They find the thought of swinging erotic and interesting but they don't have the balls to actually get involved in the lifestyle. They like to hide behind the safety of their computer screen. They'll exchange email with you as long as you're willing or dumb enough to keep writing them. They'll never actually meet you or anyone else. That would be way too personal and would force them to crawl out from behind the security of their computer. Or you ocasionally run into the single guy that has created this fictional "couple". It's all a big game for him. He's just there to collect photos or maybe trick someone into playing with him because his wifes is "unavailable " at the moment. Whatever their game they're all the same because they both violate the principles of honesty and trust that the lifestyle revolves on. We get email all the time from couples that "have read your profile--think you guys are great and want to get to know you better". That generally sends off alarm bells for us. We'll respond and exchange an email or two. If the other couple doesn't have pics posted or pics of just one of them we ask for additional photos in the first email. Since we have good pics of both of us in our profile we never send any other pics other than those posted. If we get the "don't have any pics of him or he's camera shy or don't have a camera yet" or any one of the other lame excuses we've gotten over the past year or so--that's it--you're done as far as we're concerned. We'll give out our cell phone number right away and tell them to call us or give us theirs and we'll call them. We want to speak to both of them. If we can't because one's not there we'll call back at a more convenient time when we can talk to both of them. If everything seems ok during the conversation we'll make a date to meet at a convenient restaurant or club and take things from there. This seems to work well for us. It tends to weed out the "cyber swinger" right away. John & Colleen

Age - New to the swingers community - is age a factor in how a couple is viewed? - We havent had much luck with playing. But when we do play we tend to like to stay younger. It doesnt really have to deal with age so much as looks. But what do we know we are only 21 (m) and 20 (f)

KUTV News Story on Swingers - News - There is also the part about the needs of some to explore life to its fullest and in some cases it is held back by the desire to stay faithful to your partner. Swinging opens that avenue up and takes away the need to cheat on your spouse. In some cases it is amazing to watch your spouse be pleased by someone whether you are taking part or not. Watching my wife be pleased by another guy was an amazing experience and wouldn't give that up for nothing. Not sure that is news worthy!

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